A new chapter in Oda Seiji's saga
10th entry in the series
9th entry in the series
8th entry in the series
Seventh entry
Sixth entry
Fifth entry
Loan shark Tsukasa does good business serving women-in-need, but he struggles to recoup his loans when a shrewd yakuza uses his idea against him.
Third entry in the Oda Seiji series
Fourth entry
Second entry in the Oda Seiji series
Taira no Munemori
The third movie in Léona Hirota's 'Candy Boys' series.
ゆうばり国際ファンタスティック映画祭、SKIPシティ国際Dシネマ映画祭、山形国際ムービーフェスティバル、しがショートムービーフェスなど数々の映画祭に招待され、グランプリなどを受賞してきた3本の短編作品が『RUN!-3films-』として一本の映画になった。篠田諒(『人狼ゲーム プリズン・ブレイク』)、木ノ本嶺浩(『仮面ライダーW』)、松林慎司(『残穢【ざんえ】-住んでは行けない部屋-』)、黒岩司(『忍びの国』)、 須賀貴匡(『RIDER TIME 仮面ライダー龍騎』)、津田寛治(『シン・ゴジラ』『名前』)など個性的な俳優たちが揃い、 『闇金ドックス』シリーズの土屋哲彦と、映画やドラマなどの映像作品に助監督など参加してきた畑井雄介の2人の俊英監督が贈る、 新時代を切り裂く新たなオムニバス映画の傑作が誕生した。
Jack Bancoran
Patalliro du Malyner VIII is the crown prince of Malynera, a kingdom that produces diamonds. Despite being ugly and mischievous, he is loyal and fair. Many enemies of the throne, including Malynera's Prime Minister, plan to get rid of him and take control of the rich nation. Patalliro, however, has the protection of Jack Barbarosa Bancoran, his haughty and extremely handsome bodyguard, who will protect him even from the latter's own lover, the beautiful bishonen hitman Maraich Juschenfe and other assassins.
First movie in a spin-off duology of the Conflict series
Aguri Kusugami
Ryuga Dogai returns to investigate a new mystery - the theft of Makai Knights armour. Among the victims are Ryuga's old comrades from the Volcity crisis, Takeru and Aguri. The three will face off against an enemy previously though defeated - Zinga.
Tsukasa Sudo
When a greedy family pockets their son's disability payments with no intention of repaying their loan, Ando hatches a plan to get his money back.
Suzuki is working at a convenience store late at night. A robber enters the store and recognizes him. It turns out the robber is Suzuki's old classmate Sato. But Suzuki can't remember him.
Tukasa Sudo
In the past, Tukasa entered numerous fake marriages and divorces to steal money from loan sharks. He has many records of marriage and divorce on his family register. One day, Tukasa ,who is working for loan shark company “Last Finance,” receives a phone call from a loan company. The loan company tells Tukasa that his wife on his family register borrowed money from them and ran away. As her husband, he is now liable for his wife's debt. Tukasa finds himself in a difficult situation. At that time, Tukasa’s boss Tadaomy assigns a new client to Tukasa. Tukasa’s new client is Mitsuo. Mitsuo takes care of jos mother with Alzheimer’s. He works as a contract employee for an air conditioner installer and is experiencing financial difficulties.
Several years later after movie “Mr. Max Man”. Hideo is the younger brother of Masayoshi and he works at the same broadcasting station as a rookie AD. Hideo likes Rina who works as a announcer there. Meanwhile, Hideo becomes a righteous hero and fights for justice.
Tsukasa Sudo
When a friend from his yakuza past gets released from prison, a loan shark and his former-male-host sidekick help the ex-con get back on his feet.
Naoki Tachibana
Haruka Kawakura (Yuko Araki) is in the 3rd grade at a university. She is about to be hit by a car, but she is saved by company CEO Masayuki Makino (Toru Kazama). Masayuki Makino wakes up in the intensive care unit at a hospital. There, a young man appears in front of Masayuki and introduces himself as the God of Death (Gaku Sano). The God of Death tells Masayuki that Haruka was supposed to die in an accident that day, but, since he saved her life, Masayuki’s fate has now changed. He will die soon. The God of Death tells him that the only way they can both survive is to change Haruka's future. If Haruka becomes a high achiever as an intern and joins the company, Masayuki and Haruka can both survive. Masayuki comes up with the idea of possessing the body of Haruka's friend Maki (Anri Okamoto) and helping Haruka become a successful intern.
Yuuya Kizami
Tsukasa Sudo
Tukasa works for Tadaomy’s loan shark company. He picks up more female debtors because of his appealing looks. One day, Erina appears in front of Tukasa. Erina used to be an idol and she now sings on the street.
Tsukasa Sudo
Tadaomy works as a loan shark. He hires Tukasa to work for him. One day, Tadaomy’s debtor, Okabayashi, asks to borrow two million yen more. Tadaomy trusts Okabayashi who has payed back sincerely, but Okabayashi suddenly disappears.
Ryoma Sengoku / Kamen Rider Duke
仮面ライダーデューク:ゲネシスドライバーが完成する少し前、戦極凌馬は、自身の野心を持たず人類救済のみに執心する呉島貴虎に失望し始めていた。そんな中、ユグドラシル内部で凌馬が開発したものでないロックシードによる自爆テロが発生。その背後に『黒の菩提樹』を名乗るカルト集団、そして凌馬の前任者であり既に故人となっているはずの狗道供界の名前が浮かび上がるーー。 仮面ライダーナックル:駆紋戒斗が葛葉紘汰との決戦で敗れて亡くなってから1年後。ニューヨークに渡っていたザックは、仲間のペコの姉であるアザミからペコの行方不明と、かつての仲間であるシュラが率いる集団『ネオ・バロン』の台頭の知らせを聞いて急遽帰国。自分の意志で『ネオ・バロン』の側に回ったペコと再会する。
Makoto Fukuhara
Masayoshi is a young announcer who has worked at a broadcasting station for 3 years. He is the secondary presenter for a morning information program, but he always makes mistakes. Masayoshi also has a crush on co-worker Yuko, whom he has known since he was a child, but he can't seem to get any closer to her. Masayoshi then puts on a pair of glasses that he finds at work. He realizes the glasses gives him superhuman powers. Masayoshi decides to become a righteous hero.
Tsukasa Sudo
Tadaomy Ando became a yakuza boss at a young age. Because of his subordinate, he quit the yakuza. Now, he learns from Takashi Konaka the trade of illegal money lending and how to collect debts. Tadaomy Ando decides to become a loan shark. He has customers, but has a hard time collecting debts.
Ryoma Sengoku / Kamen Rider Duke
仮面ライダー斬月:呉島貴虎がヘルヘイムの森の真実を葛葉紘汰に伝えた頃、謎のアーマードライダーがユグドラシルを襲撃する事件が発生する。 貴虎はシドと協力し捜査を始めるが、その最中、呉島家の元使用人・朱月藤果から父・呉島天樹の死を伝えられる。 仮面ライダーバロン:戦極凌馬の指示でオーバーロードを探す駆紋戒斗は、海外からやって来た自らと瓜二つの御曹司・シャプールと出会う。 戒斗を眠らせ彼に化けたシャプールが自由奔放な振る舞いで周囲を困惑させる一方で、シャプールに間違えられた戒斗は、執事・アルフレッド達に確保されてしまう。
Ryoma Sengoku / Kamen Rider Duke
Those who have died - Hase, Sid, Yoko, Kaito, the Professor and Over Lords - are gathered together by a mysterious being known as Maja, who seeks to take over the world. He brainwashes them to do his bidding. Kamen Rider Maja once was a presence that witnessed the erosion of the Earth brought on by Helheim and Sagara, and now he takes action to claim the Earth for himself. Gaim attempts to rush in to stop Maja, but has his memory and combat ability taken away. He came to Zawame and met with Jonouchi and the others, having forgotten everything. With the invasion of Maja in progress, Gaim has to regain his memory and confront Maja…
Ryoma Sengoku / Kamen Rider Duke
仮面ライダー鎧武 進撃のラストステージ 人類滅亡の危機を救った紘汰は、舞とともにある惑星で新たな世界を創造しようとしていた。しかし、その星に異変が。謎の機械生命体メガヘクスが出現し、自らと星を融合してしまったのだ。メガヘクスの次なる標的は地球。紘汰はメガヘクスを追うが、その圧倒的な強さに敗れる。今や戦極ドライバーを持つのは光実ただひとり。光実と兄・貴虎は、人類を救うことができるのか?そして、その時紘汰は!? 仮面ライダードライブ ルパンからの挑戦状 伝説の怪盗アルティメット・ルパンが出現した。サイバロイドZZZのボディを手に入れ、重加速を自在に操ることが可能となったルパン。目的は仮面ライダーの称号を奪い取り英雄になることだった。進ノ介はルパンを追ううちに、ある古城へと辿り着く。そこには誰も知らない仮面ライダーの重大な秘密が! 果たしてその秘密とは?そして今、ルパンが驚くべき変身を遂げる! MOVIE大戦フルスロットル メガヘクスはサイバロイドZZZのボディと融合することで、究極の機械生命体・ZZZメガヘクスとなった。地球最大の危機にドライブ、鎧武ら仮面ライダーたちが大集結を果たす。だが、ZZZメガヘクスは彼らの前に、意外な存在を出現させた。人類の未来をかけた戦いは、ついに最終ステージの宇宙へ! 奇跡の共闘が、仮面ライダーの歴史に新たな伝説をもたらす!!
Ryoma Sengoku / Kamen Rider Duke
ある日、謎の少年・ラピスとの出会いをきっかけに葛葉紘汰 / 仮面ライダー鎧武はパラレルワールドへ飛ばされるが、その世界の沢芽市はダンスではなくサッカーで賑わっていた。沢芽スタジアムでは全ビートライダーズたちが集結し、各チームがサッカーで争う「オールライダーカップ」が開催されており、彼らが求めるのは優勝した者へ与えられ、あらゆる願いが叶えられる「黄金の果実」であった。
Ryoma Sengoku / Kamen Rider Duke