Ryan Piers Williams
出生 : 1981-05-13, Texas, USA
El Esposo de Gloria
すべてが完璧で今日も明日も明後日も《夢》のような毎日が続くバービーランド! バービーとボーイフレンド? のケンが連日繰り広げるのはパーティー、ドライブ、サーフィン。
しかし、ある日突然バービーの身体に異変が! 原因を探るために人間の世界へ行く2人。しかし、そこはバービーランドとはすべて勝手が違う現実の世界、行く先々で大騒動を巻き起こすことにー!?
彼女たちにとって完璧とは程遠い人間の世界で知った驚きの〈世界の秘密〉とは? そして彼女が選んだ道とはー?
Having been gone for three years, closeted advertising executive Adrian returns to his Texas hometown and struggles to reveal his dire circumstances to his conservative family.
As Mark, Jen, Sylvia, and Jake navigate through their emotionally-arrested states, X/Y reveals the honest and wanton desire we all have to connect with someone and what is at stake when that connection fades.
As Mark, Jen, Sylvia, and Jake navigate through their emotionally-arrested states, X/Y reveals the honest and wanton desire we all have to connect with someone and what is at stake when that connection fades.
As Mark, Jen, Sylvia, and Jake navigate through their emotionally-arrested states, X/Y reveals the honest and wanton desire we all have to connect with someone and what is at stake when that connection fades.
As Mark, Jen, Sylvia, and Jake navigate through their emotionally-arrested states, X/Y reveals the honest and wanton desire we all have to connect with someone and what is at stake when that connection fades.
A Chinese food delivery boy is looking for his mother in New York City. And the picture he carries as his mother is actually a picture of Marlene Dietrich. It’s a black comedy about living in between cultures and how an individual finding a masculine identity in such environment.
A U.S. soldier returning home from war struggles to reconcile his experiences abroad with the life and family he left in Texas.
A U.S. soldier returning home from war struggles to reconcile his experiences abroad with the life and family he left in Texas.
Post Production Coordinator
ルーベンが悪名高いウィリー・バンクに裏切られ、そのショックで心筋梗塞で倒れたと聞き、ダニー・オーシャンは急遽ラスベガスへやってくる。 裏稼業からは足を洗っていたオーシャンだったが、バンクの経営するカジノホテル“バンク”への報復計画を練り上げ、また、ルーベンが倒れたと聞いて同じくやってきた仲間たちと共に、カジノ強盗計画を遂行する。 オーシャンたちは数ヵ月後にあるホテル“バンク”のプレオープンを狙う計画だが、高性能セキュリティコンピュータ“グレコ”などの最新鋭セキュリティが計画を阻む。さらに、予期していない問題が起こり始め、ついには仇敵、テリー・ベネディクトに協力を求める。
A young American journalist attempts to piece together the fractured memories of a love lost amidst the ongoing Juarez, Mexico murders.
A young American journalist attempts to piece together the fractured memories of a love lost amidst the ongoing Juarez, Mexico murders.
A young American journalist attempts to piece together the fractured memories of a love lost amidst the ongoing Juarez, Mexico murders.
A young American journalist attempts to piece together the fractured memories of a love lost amidst the ongoing Juarez, Mexico murders.