Kayoko Kishimoto

Kayoko Kishimoto

出生 : 1960-12-29, Shizuoka, Japan


Japanese actress. Best known for her collaboration with director Takeshi Kitano. She won the award for best supporting actress at the 23rd Japan Academy Prize for Takeshi Kitano film Kikujiro.


Kayoko Kishimoto


Citizen Kitano
Self - Interviewee
Citizen Kitano
Takeshi Kitano is an international icon. We know the actor, the multi-award-winning filmmaker, but many ignore his double personality: the crazy TV star, the street kid from Tokyo close to the Yakuza, and the political satirist who blasted taboos! Can we dream of a better guide to introduce us to the cultural history of Japan?
Kimiko Suzuki
Suzuki Koichi, a 30-something hikikomori shut-in, allows his mother to dotingly tend to his needs. When she discovers that Koichi has killed himself, the shock is so great she loses consciousness and her memory of that day.
いつまた、君と ~何日君再来~
81歳になった芦村朋子は、不慣れな手つきでパソコンに向かい、亡くなった夫・吾郎との思い出を手記として記録していた。しかし、朋子は突然病に倒れてしまう。そんな朋子の代わりに、孫の理が『何日君再来』と題された祖母の日記をまとめていくことに。綴られていたのは今まで知ることのなかった、戦中・戦後の困難な時代を生きてきた祖母・朋子と祖父・吾郎の波乱の歴史と、深い絆で結ばれた夫婦と家族の愛の物語だった ― 。
Noriko Muramoto
Twenty-four-year-old country bumpkin Aiko is a new teacher who has arrived at a new town and a new primary school. When nervous she blurts out her local dialect. This seals her nickname and reputation. Nonetheless, she is determined and strives to do her best for her students. She is an inspiration soon.
ドクターX ~外科医・大門未知子~ スペシャル
Kojiro Himuro is a champion figure skater taking part in an upcoming world competition. Yet, he is suffering from a complicated CTEPH (chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension). Kantaro Kurosu is the director of the Cross Medical Center. He asks Michiko Daimon to perform surgery on Kojiro, but, right before his surgery, she is deprived of “the most important weapon as a surgeon.”
居酒屋もへじ 5 ~母という字~
Yoko Inoue
Masayo Hamaguchi
『時は立ちどまらない』(ときはたちどまらない)は、2014年(平成26年)2月22日(土曜)の21:00 - 23:06[1](JST)にテレビ朝日系列で放送されたスペシャルドラマ。テレビ朝日開局55周年記念ドラマ。 東北のとある海沿いの街に住む2つの家族。高台の家に住む西郷家と、漁師の家である浜口家。浜口家の長男・修一と西郷家の長女・千晶の結婚で一緒になるはずの2組の家族を東日本大震災の津波が襲った。西郷家は被害を免れ、浜口家は津波で家と家族を失う。2組の家族の運命の歯車が大きく狂い始める。
NHK連続テレビ小説として放映され、大ブームを巻き起こし、海外でも人気の高い国民的ドラマ「おしん」を映画化。おしんの少女時代に焦点を合わせ、苦しい家計のためにやむなく奉公に出された彼女がさまざまな苦難に見舞われながらも、たくましく生きていく姿を描く。おしん役は、オーディションで選出された新星・濱田ここね、母親役に上戸彩、父親役に稲垣吾郎と多彩な顔ぶれが集結。『星に願いを。 Nights of the Shooting Star』などで知られ山形県出身の冨樫森が監督を務め、極寒の山形県で全てのロケを行った。
Yasuko Fujioka
片田舎の温かい家庭で生まれ育ち、何事にも中途半端に生きてきた普通の青年・富士岡耕太。そんな彼を、ある日突然悪性リンパ腫が襲った。辛い治療の日々に翻弄される中、様々な人との出会いにより、耕太の中で何かが変わっていった。 寛解、そして、再発。余命宣告を受けた耕太は自らの命の期限と向き合い、「ちゃんと生きて、ちゃんと死ぬ」ことを決意する。
Keiko Yamauchi
テレビ朝日開局55周年記念、松本清張没後20年企画として、松本清張「十万分の一の偶然」「熱い空気」が 2週連続でドラマ化されます。 夜間の東名高速道路下り線・沼津インターチェンジ近くのカーブで、自動車が次々に大破・炎上する、玉突き衝突事故が発生した。アルミバン・トラックが急ブレーキをかけ、横転したことに始まったと推測されるも、事故直後の警察の現場検証では、ブレーキをかける原因となるような障害の痕跡は、まったく発見されなかった。 一方、大事故の瞬間を捉えた山鹿恭介の写真「激突」は、カメラの迫真力を発揮した作品として、A新聞社主催の「ニュース写真年間最高賞」を受賞、決定的瞬間の場面に撮影者が立ち会っていたことは奇蹟的、十万に一つの偶然と評された。 しかし、事故で婚約者・山内明子を喪った沼井正平は、状況に不審を抱き、調査を開始する。「十万分の一の偶然」は作られたものなのか。いったい、どのような方法で? 探索の末、「事故」の正体を突き止めたと思い、正平は行動に出るが…。
Chiyo, a 59 year old mother of 4, had lost her husband seven years ago. She will soon lose her home so she is offered by her eldest son, Ryoichi to live with him and his family. But her children are disappointed to hear that Chiyo has decided to become a live-in housekeeper. Then her eldest daughter Setsuko announced that Chiyo has had an offer of marriage. It is from the widower Kurosaki who had been a friend to Chiyo's deceased husband. Kurosaki runs a small company and has no children but has enough life savings. However, second daughter Tomoe, and youngest child, Yoko, are opposed to it. The siblings begin to argue. Meanwhile, Kurosaki tells his sister Namiko that he has decided to remarry. She is furious because he refuses to tell her anything about Chiyo. Thus, she takes it upon herself to find out about Chiyo and soon has a confrontation with her. Around that time, Kurosaki’s company is about to go bankrupt...
スペシャルドラマ めぞん一刻
Ichinose Hanae
In this direct continuation of the earlier special, Godai tries to figure out what to do with his life after college while competing with Kyoko's impossibly perfect tennis coach for her affection.
ばんざい! / 監督・ばんざい!
Takeshi Kitano plays a version of himself in which he's a struggling director cycling through a number of different genres in an effort to complete his latest project.
スペシャルドラマ めぞん一刻
Ichinose Hanae
Based on a hit manga by Takahashi Rumiko, this is a romantic comedy about the relationship of Otonashi Kyoko, the beautiful widow and manager of a boarding house and Godai Yusaku, a poor student tenant.
Tatsuko Shimada
The young daughter of Keizo Tsujiguchi, a respected physician who runs his own hospital, is found murdered. Keizo secretly blames his wife Natsue because he suspects her of having an affair with his colleague Murai, and having been too distracted to keep proper watch over the child. Being a proud man, he does not accuse her directly, but concocts, instead, a twisted revenge against her. Pretending it is to comfort his devastated wife, Keizo arranges for them to adopt a baby girl. What he hasn't told Natsue, is that the baby is the orphaned daughter of the murderer, a tragic day-laborer who has hanged himself while in police custody. He plans to reveal the child's origins after Natsue has given her heart to the child-- when it will cause the greatest possible hurt.
Tamako's mother
The second feature from female director Shindo Kaze (Love/Juice), Princess in an Iron Helmet (a.k.a. Korogare! Tamako) is a bright and colorful youth film about a quirky young woman's reluctant coming-of-age journey. Tamako (Yamada Maiko) is 20 years old, lives at home with her mother (Kishimoto Kayoko) and teenaged brother, and simply refuses to grow up. Ever since her father (Naoto Takenaka) left the family, she's stopped trusting people, and now lounges around in her own small, claustrophobic world. Wearing an iron helmet whenever she steps outside, she ventures only to her mom's beauty salon, the mechanic shop, and the bakery - the source of her greatest joy in life, sweet buns. Her world is static, insular, and safe, and there's no need to change - that is until her cat runs away, the bakery closes, and her mom falls in love with another man.
Mahjong Parlor Woman / Audition Producer / Costumer
Midori Hemme
Haruna's Aunt
Naoko Sugita
東野圭吾の同名小説を広末涼子主演で描いた、ミステリータッチの甘く切ないラブ・ストーリー。愛する妻と娘に囲まれ満ち足りた生活を送る杉田平介。だがある日、 妻・直子と娘・藻奈美が乗ったスキーバスが崖から転落する。 二人は病院に運ばれるが、まもなく妻は息を引き取る。娘のほうは、なんとか一命を取りとめたものの、意識が戻った彼女は自分は妻の直子だと告白する。やがて平介もそれを信じ、直子は人前では17歳の藻奈美として振舞い、二度目の青春を謳歌するが……。
Kikujiro's Wife
Based on the long running manga by Sadao Shouji.
Nishi's Wife
お日柄もよく ご愁傷様
While Kazuo Tanaka eagerly practices his greetings for the big wedding the next day, his first as a matchmaker, his second daughter Hitomi prepares for her travels with her secret lover. The eldest daughter Reiko, nine months pregnant, has left her cheating husband to enter a frenzied Tanaka household. On the wedding day, Kazuo learns his father has passed away. Afraid of ruining the wedding, he asks Reiko and Hitomi to deal with the crisis. Rushing home after the ceremony, Kazuo and Kanako are faced with various problems.
Kantarou Kobayashi is an ordinary businessman who has multiple troubles on hand. He's been having an affair with a woman working in the same company, but she does lots of eccentric things. His wife has no interrest in anything but her plan to build a new apartment where their old house is. His son suffers skin eruptions. His mother appears to have senile dementia.
男はつらいよ 寅次郎紙風船
夢一族 ザ・らいばる