Film director Mario Baba meets a mysterious gentleman, and realizes he is a important man from his boyhood. The two chase each other around, causing a lot of commotion.
A.C.196年、クリスマスイブ。リリーナ・ドーリアンは外交訪問中のL-3 X18999コロニーで拉致され、一人の少女に出会う。少女の名はマリーメイア。 先年死去した世界国家の元首でOZ総帥を務めたトレーズ・クシュリナーダを父に持 つという。少女が父の覇権を継ぎ新たなる戦いを宣言したその頃、ヒイロ、デュオは 独自のルートでX18999コロニーへの潜入を果たす。が、2人の前に敵となった 五飛とトロワが立ち塞がった!
Blackjack's surgery was to save Dr. Summit, a surgeon infected with a mysterious infectious disease. However, there appears Dr. Kiriko, who demands extraordinary money like Black Jack, but undertakes euthanasia instead of treatment.
A difficult request brought to the unlicensed genius surgeon Black Jack. It was supposed to be born as twins, but it was an operation to separate what had been taken into another body. The second in a series depicting the episode of the birth of Pinoko.
Tatsumi, a young doctor who works at Teito University Hospital, will be witnessing the operation of Black Jack, who does not have a doctor's license. Osamu Tezuka's comic of the same name was made into a series with an original video.