Costume Supervisor
It's the end of yet another night at Hastings Supermarket, a grocery store in Buck Lake, Arizona. But just before closing, a group of masked and armed to the teeth militants invades the store and take everyone hostage
Set Costumer
Freshly graduated from high school, Ana receives a full scholarship to Columbia University. Her very traditional, old-world parents feel that now is the time for Ana to help provide for the family, not the time for college.
Costume Design
Young women struggle to make it as models in Los Angeles.
Costume Supervisor
If you were a brilliant young scientist diagnosed with only months to live, what choices would you make? To have faith that you were taken early for a reason and go quietly, or to use cryogenics to hope you could be cured someday in the future, or to download your consciousness into computer memory where you could still continue to interact with the ones you love?