Sabine Peters
出生 : 1912-12-29, Berlin, Germany
死亡 : 1982-10-10
Frau Hilse
Lotte Karge, Schneiderin
The Trombonist is a 1949 comedy film directed by Carl Boese and starring Paul Dahlke, Sabine Peters and Ludwig Körner.
Gräfin Rosine
Shortly after WWII, the DEFA Studios produced a series of operas and operettas which belonged to the classical German musical heritage. This enchanting film, the very first opera production of DEFA, stands out because of its lavish decor and costumes, its outstanding actors and their masterful voices of that time.
Erika Schröder
An attempt to mimic the artistic success of Urlaub auf Ehrenwort and zwei in einer großen Stadt though it's neither romantically nor in a patriotic way as involving. Three soldiers on very short home leave visit Berlin. One isn't from there and runs around with his guide book being perplexed by all the things that are different now. Another visits his wife and his baby. And the third enters a romance due to a mistaken identity which at the end provides a tiny bit of drama in a film which otherwise bends over to show how happy the home front is and supportive of its soldiers. Some nice location shooting, but neither story nor stars amount to much.
Helly Hartwig
Hanna Lohhof
Ebba Hartwig, Laborantin
Käthe Winter
Four graduates of an industrial design school team up and form a small business. The protagonist is so excited by the venture that she turns down the proposal of her dashing instructor. Time passes and her three partners lose interest in the business for different reasons. This leaves the heroine who has a change of heart and decides to forgo the business and marry the instructor after all.
Ursula v. Pöttkamp
Prinzessin Alexandrine
The film depicts the love affair between William I and Elisa Radziwill.
Leontine Wolff
In a district of a small, German principality, things are going haywire. And this, even though Baron von Wehrhahn, who is loyal to the prince, does everything possible to make “his Highness” popular. The only problem is, he’s always using his zeal on the wrong crowd. He always seems to see free-thinkers or revolutionaries in the harmless of citizens; but the really bad ones get to go on their way unmolested! For example, the old woman Wolff: she steals everything that isn’t nailed down, while her husband pursues unhampered poaching.
Daisy Keßner
Nina Rakowska
June Topelius
Since her father died, rich and carefree Jacqueline Topelius makes magazine covers and causes social gossip with her flirtatious adventures around Europe, leaving a string of admirers behind without much concern. Her sister June, living in Paris, is all the contrary but they love each other just the same. Everything changes when Jacqueline meets Dr. Michael Thomas, who rejects her at first. Now she must choose, and also face the consequences her past life may have on their future together.
Nelly, Artistin
Ina Sparrenberg
Anne, Zofe bei Gloria
Irene Lawrence
A woman (Lil Dagover) who has lost her husband falls in love again, but is bitterly opposed by her daughters especially the title figure who can't stand the thought of seeing her mother going into a relationship with another man. Those who want to see if Schünzel can pull of drama as easily as he does comedy should give it a try.
Baronin Leutkirch
Gretl, seine Tochter
Annelore Winkel, Abiturientin
A psychological study of three girls who enter a boys' school to prepare for their final examination.
Eight Girls concerns an all-female rowing team with its own club-house. One of the team announces she pregnant and finds herself torn between men (father and fiancé) who want the child aborted and the women who want her to keep it and bring it up at the club. The men win but it's the women you remember, especially the magnificent Hanna, team leader and determined adversary of the world of fathers.