Atif Y. Siddiqi

Atif Y. Siddiqi


Atif Y. Siddiqi is a Canadian actor and director based in Montreal, Quebec.


Atif Y. Siddiqi


During a lazy Montreal summer day, preteen Clara decides to master the art of walking in high-heel shoes. It would probably be an easier undertaking if she didn't have to take the dog, Eddie, along for the ride.
300 〈スリーハンドレッド〉
Transsexual (Arabian) #3
紀元前480年、スパルタ王レオニダスの元にペルシア帝国からの使者が訪れ、スパルタに服従を要求した。レオニダスはこれを拒否し、使者を殺害した。 レオニダスはスパルタ全軍での迎撃を考えていたが、デルポイの神託によって非戦と決定されてしまった。王と言えども神託には従う義務があり、スパルタ評議会も非戦の方針を支持した。 このままではスパルタは戦わずしてペルシア帝国の支配下に入ってしまう。レオニダスは「散歩」と称して300名の親衛隊を率い、ペルシア王クセルクセス率いる100万のペルシア軍の迎撃に向かった。兵力差は圧倒的であったが、スパルタ軍は峻険な山と海に挟まれた狭い街道に布陣して、ペルシア軍が大軍の利を生かし切れないようにした。 ここに、壮絶な死闘となるテルモピュライの戦いが始まる。
Melding documentary footage with personal history and performance art, Solo honours the fragility of self-discovery. It sheds new light on the necessity for art and its saving grace. It shows how personal demons must be faced as we learn to trust ourselves and love our partners. Solo celebrates one gay man's creative journey to self-realization--with or without Mr. Perfect.
Melding documentary footage with personal history and performance art, Solo honours the fragility of self-discovery. It sheds new light on the necessity for art and its saving grace. It shows how personal demons must be faced as we learn to trust ourselves and love our partners. Solo celebrates one gay man's creative journey to self-realization--with or without Mr. Perfect.
M! Mom, Madonna & Me
Part autobiography, part performance piece and part homage to Madonna. Exploring cultural identity, sexuality and the maternal relationship. Siddiqi chronicles his life thus far: from a teenager in Pakistan channeling Madonna and enraging fundamentalists by posing as a woman in a fashion magazine to a fashion designer in L.A. and finally his contemporary manifestation as a self-styled provocateur in Montréal.
Violent is a dream like "gun in cheek" look at perverse sexual fantasies.