Patricia J. Henderson


Costume Design
フラッグ・デイ 父を想う日
Costume Designer
A father lives a double life as a counterfeiter, bank robber and con man in order to provide for his daughter.
Costume Designer
The Long Island Serial Killer: A Mother's Hunt for Justice
Costume Design
The Long Island Serial Killer: A Mother’s Hunt for Justice tells the story of Mari Gilbert’s search for the truth behind what happened to her daughter Shannan, a sometime escort who disappeared after a ‘date’ on Long Island. After Shannan (Katharine Isabelle, Hannibal) fails to come home, her mother Mari (Kim Delaney) knows something is terribly wrong. Pleading to police to take her concerns seriously, she keeps pushing the police for answers. Mari’s insistence that her daughter not be overlooked eventually leads to a horror hidden on Long Island for more than a decade – 19 bodies of young women discovered buried in shallow graves along Ocean Parkway in the area of Jones Beach State Park.
ザ・グラッジ 死霊の棲む屋敷
Costume Design
Costume Design
Costume Designer
希少な最高純度のブルーダイヤモンドの取引のためにロシア・サンクトペテルブルクを訪れた、宝石商のルーカス・ヒル(キアヌ・リーヴス)。ところが、ダイヤを所持していたビジネスパートナーのピョートルとの連絡が途絶え、ルーカスは伝言を便りに彼を追ってシベリアへと飛ぶ。親密になった現地のカフェの女主人カティアを巻き込み、苦労の末にダイヤを見つけ出すが、それは巧妙に作られた偽物だった。期日が近づき、取引相手のロシアンマフィアの手が迫るなか、果たしてルーカスは一世一代の取引を成功させることはできるのか…!?©2018 MARS TOWN FILM LIMITED
チャイルド・プレイ ~チャッキーの狂気病棟~
Costume Design
Assistant Costume Designer
ゴールデン・レトリバーの子犬ベイリーの“最愛の人”は、自分の命を救ってくれた少年イーサ ン。それ以来、1 匹と 1 人は固い絆で結ばれていく。しかし、犬の寿命は人間よりうんと短い。 ついに、ベイリーが旅立つ日がきてしまう―はずが、彼の愛は不死身だった!ベイリーはイー サンに会いたい一心で生まれ変わりを繰り返すが、そう簡単にはイーサンと遭遇できない。よう やく 3 度目で再会を果たしたベイリーは、自ら与えられた“重要な使命”に気付く。
The Midnight Man
Costume Design
A girl and her friends find a game in the attic that summons a creature known as The Midnight Man, who uses their worst fears against them.
Costume Design
チャイルド・プレイ 誕生の秘密
Costume Design
Mad Ship
Costume Design
A poor young Scandinavian immigrant couple winds up in Canada in search of prosperity, but the hardship of the Great Depression takes a toll in a way they never feared when they went in search of the dream.
Costume Designer
Costume Design
After leaving their company Christmas Party together, David Hargrove and Emily Brandt’s impromptu first date takes an unexpected turn when their coworker, Corey, asks them to make a late-night stop at an ATM. What should be a routine transaction turns into a desperate struggle for survival when an unknown man appears outside the vestibule. With the wintry temperatures dipping below freezing, and the morning sunrise still hours away, they have no choice but to play the man’s deadly game of cat-and-mouse.
Blue State
Costume Design
A disgruntled Democrat follows through on a drunken campaign promise to move to Canada if George "Dubya" Bush gets re-elected.
Walk All Over Me
Costume Design
Alberta, a mousy young woman with the survival skills of a snail, loses cash that isn't hers, so she runs from her small town to Seattle where her old babysitter, Celene, lives - a dominatrix with a classy apartment and a life plan. She lets Alberta stay. Alberta gets a job as a checker at a supermarket and becomes fascinated with Celene's work.
The Brotherhood III: Young Demons
Costume Design
A group of devil-may-care teenagers discover they've mistakenly called upon the Prince of Darkness in this flashy horror story.