Hiroaki Kawatsure

Hiroaki Kawatsure

出生 : 1977-06-20, Tochigi - Japan


川連 廣明(かわつれ ひろあき、1977年6月20日 - )は、栃木県出身の俳優。身長は179cm、体重64kg、靴のサイズ27cm、血液型はO型である。趣味は料理、野球。特技は居合、オニオンスライス、クロールで後ろに進むことである。MSエンタテインメント所属。2009年6月より、映像作家中川究矢と、短編映画連作プロジェクト「ドグマ96」を企画。2015年、とちぎ未来大使を委任される。 過去の所属はジョリー・ロジャー。


Hiroaki Kawatsure


Tenjou no Hana
Tatsuji Miyoshi regards Sakutaro Hagiwara as his teacher. Feelings run deeper since he loves Sakutaro’s youngest sister, Keiko, but she rejects him. A decade later and as the Pacific War rages, Tatsuji finds out that Keiko is recently widowed and he divorces his wife and leaves his children and marries Keiko. They honeymoon quietly Echizen Mikuni but their personalities don’t match as Tatsuji is unable to keep up with the more uninhibited Keiko.
Risa and Takumi were born and raised in Kanazawa. Dating for a year and a half. At the age of 30, the two people around them started to talk about marriage, and they decided to live together. The two, who have become conscious of marriage, gradually notice the gap as they share time with each other. At that time, Risa's feelings changed as a result of an incident with her female friend, Mako, who was consulting with her about marriage.
聖獣警察2 警視庁性犯罪特捜10課
Mone, Kechon, Chiffon, Younapi and Chibo are ordinal women. They work at a cleaning company. The CEO of the company is a woman and she is like a devil. The 5 working girls have boring days. One day, they go to a place in the middle of the forest to clean up. There, they find a dead body of a beautiful girl. The girls raise the beautiful girl from the dead by imitating a ritual of a Norwegian black metal band.
脱衣麻雀警察24時 ネイキッド・バトルロワイアル
Dr. Nakamatsu
Dr. Nakamatsu
A camping trip will turn into a nightmare for sisters Akane and Kozue when they become trapped by five men who abuse and torture them. Kozue is brutally murdered but her sister manages to escape. Now, with the help of Misaki, a mysterious female vigilante, Akane is ready for her vengeance. And nothing will stop her until her sister's murderers pay for their crime!
After young pop idol Arina is raped by a police officer, her pain drives her to insanity. Her sister Keiko, full of anger, won’t stop until she finds the man responsible for Arina’s downfall and make sure he feels her revenge. Keiko will make sure justice is served!
Horror Channel, a live stream channel on the Web, suddenly becomes unavailable in the middle of the investigation of Hikiko, a woman who drags you to death. Right before the show becomes unavailable, a creepy woman is seen standing behind a reporter.
The brutal Yoshio and his quiet young wife Saeko are on a road trip. Their drive will take a wrong turn when Yoshio decides to pick up a hitch hiker along the way. When the man reveals himself as a deranged bank robber and serial killer, the couple will be forced to cooperate in his getaway. Now it's Saeko's turn to take revenge on the man who drove her through hell!
Hiroaki Hayashi
Miki is spending the weekend visiting Sanso with her new lover. But he won’t be the man she thought he was.... After Miki is kidnapped, chained and treated like an animal by three savage men, her anger will grow as she fights for her survival. After her heroic escape only one thought will save her from falling: all of them must pay!
ワケアリ あなたの隣の心霊物件 首都圏編
In observing a solitary classmate, a student begins to suspect that the loner has the ability to write words that will kill those who read them.
立入禁止 ●REC
A documentary horror film that collects frightening images recorded by fixed-point cameras in ruins known as haunted spots. It became the scene of a tragic family suicide, and 10 cameras were set up for a year in a house that is now in ruins. What is the shocking image projected there?
Kazuo Kojima
和男 は、会社の同僚であるアキに想いを寄せている。そんなデートの最中、二人は突然何者かに襲われ見知らぬ地下室で目を覚ました。手足は拘束され、口には猿ぐつわ。完璧なる監禁、事態を飲み込むことができるハズもなく、ただただ恐怖におびえる二人の前に、医師の免許を持つ謎の男が現れた。「きみたち二人の愛に感動できれば解放するよ」と男は話す…。男は、二人に恥辱の限りを尽くし、そして命の限りの虐待を施す。それも彼らの愛情で感動を得る為だという。その地下室から、完璧なる監禁から彼らは脱出することができるのだろうか…。衝撃の結末が2人の行く末を阻む。
Hide and Go Kill
A blog on a mysterious website quickly spreads like wildfire, starting a dangerous online game. At 3:00 in the afternoon, a teddy bear stuffed with rice and nails is sunk into a bathtub. The lights go out and the player is required to stab the bear with the knife, then write their experiences in the blog. But lately the comments have taken a dark, demented turn, as if the players are being possessed.