Tsugumi Nagasawa

Tsugumi Nagasawa

出生 : 1985-03-29, Hiroshima, Japan


Tsugumi Nagasawa


Following a film shoot gone wrong, director Koji Shiraishi finds himself forced to employ two violent criminals in his future productions.
Japanese film directed by Keisuke Horibe. Three seemingly unacquainted men and a woman find themselves trapped in an elevator. As the hours pass and the level of anxiety rise, we realize the elevator trap is in fact a trap, but hatched by which of the parties and for what motive?
Shin kankin tôbô 2: genya
Mitsuki Yoshihara / Saki Komoto
An assassin-turned-housewife discovers that you can never really outrun your past when she crosses paths with a serial rapist with a taste for murder. Mizuki used to use her skills for seduction to lure men to their deaths. Now, she's about to face-off with her most deadly adversary to date. The only question when she does is which will be more intense - the pain or the pleasure?
Aki Miyasita
和男 は、会社の同僚であるアキに想いを寄せている。そんなデートの最中、二人は突然何者かに襲われ見知らぬ地下室で目を覚ました。手足は拘束され、口には猿ぐつわ。完璧なる監禁、事態を飲み込むことができるハズもなく、ただただ恐怖におびえる二人の前に、医師の免許を持つ謎の男が現れた。「きみたち二人の愛に感動できれば解放するよ」と男は話す…。男は、二人に恥辱の限りを尽くし、そして命の限りの虐待を施す。それも彼らの愛情で感動を得る為だという。その地下室から、完璧なる監禁から彼らは脱出することができるのだろうか…。衝撃の結末が2人の行く末を阻む。
Akemi Ogata
She's tantalizing. Spellbinding. Irresistible. And yet freelance photographer Uemura fights his attraction for the beautiful Mari with all his might. For not only is she the wife of the prominent head of a prestigious hospital, but all of those who've previously had affairs with this sensual succubus seem to have expired prematurely. It's a losing battle, however, and Uemura soon finds himself pulled into the arms of the voluptuous Mari and the jaws of a trap designed to suck men dry and spit out the husks. For it seems that Mari's husband, Ginjiro, is all too aware of who's been sleeping in his wife's bed, and the sexual predation that follows will pull Uemura into a world of bondage and depravity.
A woman with the constitution of orgasmic death: She dies in orgasm but always comes back to life! A group of people carries a casket in the mountains covered with deep snow. Inside is a beautiful woman who was found dead that same morning. The people believe that she’s the snow woman because it was their second time to find her dead. They carried her body to the mountain once before, but she reappeared in their village. Placing the casket on top of the mountain, they quickly run away so certain that she is a ghost...
Alligator Girl
In future Tokyo, a young woman in the privatized police force tracks down her father's killer while battling against mutant rebels known as engineers.
最強兵器女子高生 RIKA
Sayaka Shiratori
When typical Japanese high school student Rika skips school to visit her grandfather, she fails to take into account the fact that his remote village is infested with the living dead.
Shizuko Akiyama
Inspired by the work of Japanese eroticist Oniroku Dan, this scintillating thriller follows the career trajectory of an executive secretary as she ascends the latter of success and has a chance encounter with an ex-colleague. Before long, she's fallen into a dangerous world of taboo sex and sadomasochism
くりいむレモン 魔人形
フリーライターの流太は、3年前に起きた悲劇から立ち直れずにいた。 元恋人の翔子が交通事故により脳死状態になった。翔子の兄の佐久間和人と流太は、医学部の同期であり親友であった。ある日、流太の元に行方知れずの著名人の追跡取材依頼がくる。その相手とは、若干25歳、天才医師で人口知能研究者。画期的な論文を次々と発表し、世界の人口知能を根本から変える新人として騒がれ、周囲の期待を裏切り1年前失踪した、佐久間和人だった―。 大学時代の恩師、前島教授を訪れ和人の話を聞きだすと、意外な事実が発覚。病院を辞め失踪した理由とは、臨床の際、命に関わる事故を起こした為だった。調べを進めるうちにアングラサイトで『天才医学者・佐久間和人はA・Iの人体実験をしていた!』の文字を見つける。 流太は手掛りを求め、聞き込みや、サイト検索をして奔走。ひたすら探し歩く流太は疲弊し、いつしか海に辿りつく。打ち寄せる波を見ながら、亡き翔子を思い出す。すると、死んだはずの翔子が流太の前に現われた―。