Costume Assistant
スマトラ海峡から3150キロ沖。“すべて失った……すまない”という男のつぶやきが響く……。 ことの起こりは8日前。インド洋をヨットで単独航海中の男は水音で眠りから覚める。気が付けば、船室に浸水が。海上を漂流していたコンテナが激突し、ヨットに横穴が開いてしまったようだ。航法装置は故障し、無線もラップトップも水浸しで使い物にならない。しかし、この災難は始まりに過ぎなかった。
Wardrobe Supervisor
Three college students, Phil, Ed, and Henry take a road trip into Mexico for a week of drinking and carefree fun only to have Phil find himself a captive of a group of satanic Mexican drug smugglers who kill tourists and whom are looking for a group of new ones to prepare for a sacrifice.
Costume Supervisor
Three college students, Phil, Ed, and Henry take a road trip into Mexico for a week of drinking and carefree fun only to have Phil find himself a captive of a group of satanic Mexican drug smugglers who kill tourists and whom are looking for a group of new ones to prepare for a sacrifice.