Enos Desjardins


ミッション:インポッシブル/デッドレコニング PART ONE
Sound Effects Editor
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A spark on a Friday can lead to a sizzling weekend fling, but what happens when you get to the inevitable Monday?
Sound Post Production Coordinator
Nizar is a Tunisian boy whose application for political asylum is rejected. However, he meets Agostino, owner of a local gym and MMA coach, and Nizar discovers his talent for the sport and also finds a family.
A veteran washerman hangs thousands of wet clothes under the scorching sun: one oddity, he doesn't want them dry.
Sound Designer
A veteran washerman hangs thousands of wet clothes under the scorching sun: one oddity, he doesn't want them dry.
Truth and Justice
Sound Editor
Estonia, 1872. The uncompromising new owner of Robber's Rise must battle with hard work, his spiteful neighbor and with his own family and beliefs to transform the poor land into a flourishing farm of his dreams.
Eaten by Lions
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Omar and Pete are half brothers. When their parents are eaten by lions they embark on a journey to find Omar's real father. What follows is a funny, heart-warming journey of self-discovery for both boys...in Blackpool. The Choudray family represents a truly contemporary example of modern multicultural Britain - but what will the brothers make of their eccentric newfound family? Will they be going to Mecca or Mecca bingo? In contrast to the old fashioned stereotypes about Blackpool, the comedy is sharp, current and non-stop.
Eaten by Lions
Supervising Sound Editor
Omar and Pete are half brothers. When their parents are eaten by lions they embark on a journey to find Omar's real father. What follows is a funny, heart-warming journey of self-discovery for both boys...in Blackpool. The Choudray family represents a truly contemporary example of modern multicultural Britain - but what will the brothers make of their eccentric newfound family? Will they be going to Mecca or Mecca bingo? In contrast to the old fashioned stereotypes about Blackpool, the comedy is sharp, current and non-stop.
Sound Designer
A faithful Jehovah's Witness is forced to shun her own sister because of a religious transgression. As the separation draws out, she starts to question the meaning of God's love.
Thick Lashes of Lauri Mäntyvaara
Sound Designer
There's this hot ice-hockey guy called Lauri Mäntyvaara. Satu promises she'll do her best, so that her best friend Heidi will get him. You'd think that the picturesque Finnish Archipelago would be the perfect place to discover your first love (and get rid of your virginity), but it will not be easy, if a cynical protein-shake-slurping ice hockey team thinks the target of your desire should focus only on the European Championship, and the only places you can escape to are the pretentious summer wedding parties - or bitter divorce parties.
Sound Effects Editor
主人公の16才の少年は、想いを寄せる同級生が襲われているところを助けようとし、銃で撃たれてしまいます。 昏睡状態から目覚めた彼は、脳に残ったスマートフォンの破片によって超人的な能力の持ち主に。 新たに手に入れた知能とテクノロジーを駆使し、少年は事件の犯人であるギャングへの復讐を始めます。
Kill Command
Sound Designer
テクノロジーへの依存が進んだ近未来を舞台に、海兵隊と戦闘用ロボット軍団が繰り広げる死闘を描いたイギリス製SFアクション。軍事訓練のため、とある孤島に降り立ったビュークス大尉率いる海兵隊員たち。しかしその島は、暴走した戦闘用ロボットたちによって支配されていた。ビュークス大尉らは生きて島から脱出するべく、充分な装備もないまま凶暴なロボットたちに立ち向かうが……。出演は「天使と悪魔」のデンマーク人俳優トゥーレ・リントハート、「エベレスト 3D」のバネッサ・カービー。新宿シネマカリテの特集企画「カリコレ2016/カリテ・ファンタスティック!シネマコレクション2016」(16年7月16日~8月19日)上映作品。
Age Of Kill
Supervising Sound Editor
A black ops sniper is blackmailed by a psychotic international terrorist into killing 6 unrelated people in 6 hours... but there is more to the victims than meets the eye.
Hackney's Finest
Sound Designer
A small-time drug-dealer gets into big trouble when a corrupt East London cop tries to steal a consignment meant for Welsh-Jamaican Yardies.
ガガーリン 世界を変えた108分
Music Editor
Sound Effects Editor