Dong Fu Lin

Dong Fu Lin


Dong Fu Lin


Mme Mills, une voisine si parfaite
Ming Pei
Hélène leads a sad life as editor of cheesy romance novels. But one day, when the old and delightfully eccentric American Mrs. Mills moves into the apartment next door, there is a sudden return to her everyday life. The two unequal women make friends in a hurry and Mrs. Mills is finally even the new face for Hélènes publishing - and that brings great success. But actually the old lady pursues a completely different plan. And is she even a lady?
The Blood Bond
Captain Trayng
In a war-torn Asian land, peace lies in the hands of the Bagwun, a revered religious leader. When he is wounded in an assassination attempt, his sworn protector, Deva, sets out on a dangerous journey to find the one man who can provide the rare blood type needed to save her master's life. The potential donor is John Tremayne (Biehn), an embittered form US Special Forces operative. Together, this unlikely pair must run the gauntlet laid down by rebel leader Lompoc (Yam) and his aide Guang Di (Pei).
John Rabe
Chiang Kai-Shek
A true-story account of a German businessman who saved more than 200,000 Chinese during the Nanjing massacre in 1937-38.
The Chinese Botanist's Daughters
Prof. Chen
At the house of a famous Chinese botanist teacher his daughter and a female intern fall in love with each other - a forbidden love that must be kept secret.