Jitka Smutná

Jitka Smutná

出生 : 1952-04-16, Prague, Czechoslovakia


Jitka Smutná


Srdce na dlani
panička Tarzana
Zakleté pírko
Ten, kdo tě miloval
ミラダ 自由への闘い
Anezka Hodinová-Spurná
ユダヤ人を救った動物園 〜アントニーナが愛した命〜
The account of keepers of the Warsaw Zoo, Jan and Antonina Zabinski, who helped save hundreds of people and animals during the Nazi invasion.
Ostravak Ostravski
Každý milion dobrý
hospodyně Boženka
Případ pro malíře
Three Brothers
Babička Karkulky
Three brothers leave their home to see the world. During their journey, young men as by miracle enter into famous fairy tales (Little Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, Twelve Months) and face traps, unexpected moments and even love in a story full of humor and songs.
Doktor od jezera hrochů
Matka Dobešková
Unknown Hour
Miss. Peterková
Hynek Michánek wants to study medicine but fails his entrance exams five times. He starts a job as an orderly in a district hospital where one of the doctors on the examining board works as well. He feels no-one takes him seriously and he loathes the doctors, who treat him with disdain. When an old man begs him to end his pain and suffering by helping him to die, Hynek gives him a "liberating" injection. But now he has done it once, he finds he can't stop. He continues killing other patients, even though he knows he can't get away with it for long.
Kouzla králů
matka Tadeáše
Láska In Memoriam
matka Zuzany
V hlavní roli
Černá karta
Počkej, až zhasnu
When a childless couple learn that they cannot have children, it causes great distress. To ease his wife's pain, the man finds a piece of root in the backyard and chops it and varnishes it into the shape of a child. However the woman takes the root as her baby and starts to pretend that it is real.
Můj muž je Einstein
The Idiot Returns
Mother of Anna and Olga
Frantisek, the main character is returning to his family. Until now he's been, "successfully" avoiding all relationships. He is an ingenuous and a pure person and thus, is regarded as an idiot. He becomes involved in various love and family conflicts. It is because he hasn't experienced much of the "real" life that he is able to perceive human relationships in their genuineness.
Romeo, Julie a tma
Krysova žena
Marek is a 15-year-old from a provincial village who runs away to Prague when he begins to fail at school. He is mugged shortly after arriving in the city and is rescued by Honza with the promise of work. Marek is taken to an apartment, drugged, and becomes a male prostitute. He is a bit smarter than his colleagues and teams up with a friend, David, in order to go after bigger scores – to cash in and get out. They manage to stash away a bit of money, but when it comes time to return home, Marek loses his nerve and is soon back in the city.
Rok na vsi
Hotýlek v srdci Evropy
Pražákům, těm je hej
The story begins in 1984 in Prague, Czechoslovakia, few years before the end of Communist era. The band Pražský výběr (Prague's selection) has just received the news thier 5-year ban has expired and they are alowed to perform once again. This half fantasy half document about the band would draw the atmosphere of middle european late Communist era and the eufory of it's end.
Sbohem, Sokrate
Začátek dlouhého podzimu
Za svědka půjde počítač
Kluci z bronzu
Čas plyne i v dešti
Večírek pro liché
Chuť na rozinky
Křeslo pro gladioly
Konec semestru
Lovers in the Year One
It is the summer of 1945. A party of young people are enjoying the beginning of a new life to the full. For them this is the year one. One of them, law student Pavel, is more attracted to film than to law. With his eight-millimeter camera, he films everything that catches his attention. One day he captures an interesting face on film, a girl with an air of mystery. Pavel visits the girl, whose name is Helena, and meets hers and her elder energetic sister Olga. From Olga, he learns that the girls have spent the years of German occupation in a concentration camp and cannot forget the horrors they have lived through.