DANGER DOLLS follows a quartet of cute idol singers who moonlight as butt-kicking action heroines. When extraterrestrial invaders threaten the safety of the Earth after an earthquake unleashes them from an alternate dimension, the Danger Dolls become humanity's only hope for survival. The team infiltrates the evil cult behind the invasion and must use their swords and their fists to smash the invading army.
While inspecting a wharf, young Amano, president of an urban planning company, meets beautiful laborer Takako and falls in love at first sight. However, she does not return his affections, so he steals her ID card and goes on the run from the infuriated Takako.
Usagi just wants to spend time with Mamoru, but Professor Tomoe and Death Lamia have other plans. They send their Death Nightmares to give Usagi an evil dream about the terror to come. With help from Count Dracul, they try to steal the Sailor Senshi's Star Seeds to create the perfect artificial life - the Homunculus. One after another, things get worse as more tragedies occur. Can the Sailor Senshi battle Tomoe, the Samael Sword, and the mysterious Death Vulcan?
Legend of Kaguya Island (Kaguya Shima Densetsu) was the second musical starring Fumina Hara as Sailor Moon and the first musical with an original plot.