Franz Arzdorf

出生 : 1904-05-05,

死亡 : 1974-04-23


In a casino in a We'5t German health resort, one often sees Sybille - an attractive young student actress. With her winnings from the roulette table, she attempts to finance her studies. Despite a rather lucky streak, her winnings are a little on the lean side. She doesn't, however, gamble with her own money but with that of Dr. Busch, a lawyer, who likes to stay in the background with the argument that gambling houses are not the proper turf for a serious lawyer. From him, Sybille receives only a small share of her winnings later, and only through the intervention of Gerhard Fischer, a journalist, does Sybille come to realize her role in Dr. Busch's fraudulent scheme.
Two Mothers
The story of two women, one French and the other German, who fight for a child who has been mistakenly taken by the Germans after a bomb raid.
Thomas Müntzer
In 1523, young Thomas Müntzer arrives with his wife Ottilie in the Thuringian village Allstedt to assume the rectorate. As a follower of Luther′s teachings, he finds in the Bible not only reasons for clerical, but also for secular reforms. But when Luther turns away from the rural population after a discord with Müntzer, it is Müntzer who becomes the peoples′ spokesman. He is forced to go to Southern Germany, where he convenes with revolting farmers. But his way leads him back to Thuringia. In 1525, he and Heinrich Pfeiffer form the centre of the Thuringian peasant uprising in Mühlhausen, but their success is diminished by the fact that peasants and craftsmen don′t seem to be able to work together. In Frankenhausen, Müntzer becomes the leader of a peasants′ army that is set to fighting the ruler′s army – and sustains a devastating loss. Müntzer is arrested and sentenced to death by decapitation for his insurgency.
Der Ochse von Kulm
Chef des Landwirtschaftsamtes
Die goldene Spinne
Beamter der Zugkontrolle
Führer im Maschinenpavillon
Women Are Better Diplomats
A seductive dancer (Marika Rökk) helps her uncle to fight against the closing of his casino. Through her feminine charm she achieves diplomatic success.
Friedemann Bach
Kammerherr am königlichen Hof in Dresden
During a house concert, the Bach family gets a visit by their son Wilhelm Friedemann, who has just given up his position in Dresden because he no longer could endure the reprisals of his superiors.
Jew Süss
Offizier der Leibwache
Nazi historical drama about Duke Karl Alexander of Württemberg and his treasurer Süß Oppenheimer.
A young woman works for two different men, both of whom fall in love with her. In the mornings she is secretary for a popular author and in the afternoons for a singer. Which of them will she settle for?
Kitty and the World Conference
Hoteldirektor Füßli
The setting is Lugano (Switzerland), where an apparently very important world conference takes place. The film tells the story of the young Kitty (Hannelore Schroth), who works as a manicurist at the Eden Hotel, and who in the course of events gets to know both a young journalist (Christian Gollong) and the English minister of economics (Fritz Odemar). A lot of wild mix-ups, comic situations, a love story and occasional singing ensue, and in the end most of the VIPs have gained their share of laughter… There’s also a great performance by Paul Hörbiger as the hotel porter. For a 1939 film made in Germany, “Kitty” is remarkably irreverent and satirical about politics.
Barbara, wo bist Du?
Flucht ins Dunkel
Die Frau ohne Vergangenheit
In geheimer Mission
Liebelei und Liebe
Oberingenieur bei Termälen
A Night in May
A reckless young woman has her driving license withdrawn, drives home anyway and gets involved in a traffic accident. Realizing this was a little over the top she decides that she has to flee the country. As fate has it, she misses her train and instead meets a handsom young man who imidiately falls in love with her. This marks the beginning of a long night of misunderstandings, chases and courting.
La Habanera
Doctor #1 in Puerto Rico
While vacationing in Puerto Rico, a young Swedish woman falls in love with and marries a powerful local landowner. Ten years later, their marriage has turned sour; meanwhile, two Swedish doctors have arrived on the island to investigate a mysterious fever.