Noboru Tanaka

Noboru Tanaka

出生 : 1937-08-15, Nagano Prefecture, Japan

死亡 : 2006-10-04


Film director. Highly regarded for his work directing films in Nikkatsu's Roman Porno series, beginning in the early 1970's.


Noboru Tanaka


Satomi is young woman that works in computer communication. One day she receives a strange message. And the person that sent it to her has committed suicide. As days go by, Satomi keeps receiving the messages from the spirit world....
Yoko Kon, a former rock singer, plays a stripper with unique nipples called Buds.
戦前の昭和、岡山の寒村に祖母と二人で暮らす青年・犬丸継男(いぬまるつぎお)は、村一番の秀才として名高い。ある日、村の風習である夜這いを知り、彼もこれに溺れるようになる。 徴兵検査を受けた継男は、当時の医学では不治の伝染病として忌み嫌われていた結核と診断され、「名誉の出兵」が叶わなくなる。このことが村人達に知れ渡り、女たちも彼を役立たずと馬鹿にするようになる。 村八分のような状況となった彼から恋人のやすよも離れ、次第に追い詰められた彼は村人達に対して、復讐を決行する。
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
ハードスキャンダル 性の漂流者
Junior High School Student Yudo spends his nights hanging out at the disco; his parents are more interested in dealing with swapping partners than taking care of their son. One evening, while he's shoplifting, a young woman gives him a hand and helps him pull off the snatch. Yudo, mesmerized by the woman, follows her to find out where she lives. Then he attacks her...
Kenzo, Azusa's husband, has a heart condition but his passion for sex has not diminished one iota from the time he was still a virile, young man. Azusa does not refuse her husband for he is a money bag and if he should die of excess sex, she will come into a vast fortune. If only Azusa could kill him without staining her own hands... Unable to do it alone, she asks the aid of Naoya who is only too glad to help.
天使のはらわた 名美
ピンクサロン 好色五人女
Three young boys drunkenly rape a woman named Emiko, the wife of a man they've developed a friendship with. She dies of heart failure during the attack. Her chicken farmer husband, incapable of dealing with her death tends to her corpse as though it were still alive completely unable to accept her demise.
A young teacher (Eiko Nagashima) is raped by students. She tries to resign but then decides to return and face the class.
発禁本「美人乱舞」より 責める
A somewhat liberal adaptation of the life of painter Shuu Ito, the film focuses on his sexual torture of two wives and a prostitute. Ito chronicles the sessions in journals, shares his pseudo-Sadean philosophy, and drives women mad with equal hell-bent intensity.
Ando on the run, stopping in to service all the women in his life, with a bit of the old ultra-violence.
江戸川乱歩猟奇館 屋根裏の散歩者
The landlord of a boarding house in 1923 Tokyo, is keen on spying on the bizarre close encounters taking place beneath his roof. One day he sees a prostitute killing a customer, and decides he's found his soulmate.
The young and beautiful Sada Abe, the daughter of a rich merchant, is banished for losing her virginity after being raped by a college student. Sada wanders the city, becoming a geisha and eventually meeting Kichizo, a posh restaurateur who falls under her spell. Together, they embark on a week-long sexual escapade filled with dangerous obsessions. Their complete descent into each others desires culminates in a shocking crime of passion which captures the city's headlines. Based on a real event from 1936.
十九歳のトメは、ドヤ街の近くで客をひく売春婦である。トメの弟の実夫は生まれながらの知的障害者で、年中、家でゴロゴロしている。母よねは、四十歳を過ぎた現在でも売春婦をやっているが、あふれることか多い。小料理屋「おそめ」では裏二階で、客に女を抱かせているが、トメに辞められて以来、収入が減ってしまったために、地廻りで“大人のオモチャ屋”をまかされている浅見に頼んで、トメに喝しをかけるが失敗してしまう。ある日、トメは手配写真の中にあった強盗殺人の顔にそっくりの男、寺坂に会って以来、彼に興味をもった。寺坂と同じボロ・アパートの住人、斉藤と文江は共稼ぎだが、正式の夫婦ではない。斉藤は会社の金を使い込んでしまった。思い余った文江は浅見に頼んで「おそめ」で働くことにした。銀二はよねの情夫で時折りトメの家にやって来る。ある日銀二は、よねの留守にやって来て、トメに金を払い二人は寝た。数日後、これがバレて母娘喧嘩になるが、後の祭り。ところが数日後、連れこみ旅館からの連絡で「年増はアカン、もっと若い娘」ということでトメが行ったが、そこにいた年増というのがよねだった。収まらないのはよねで、眼を吊り上げて旅館を飛び出し、焼酎をガブ飲みして大暴れ。数日後、久しぶりに家に帰ったトメは、よねがいるので、一瞬ギクリとするが、よねは弱々しい声で言うのだった。「お前に頼むしかないんや、どないにもならへん。堕ろそうと思ってるうちに、もう五ヵ月になってしまっとんのや」「うちらみたいに生んだらエーヤンか、そんなアホなこと知らんでェ」「お前らも生むんじゃなかった。金がないばっかりに」「生んで貰って迷惑しとんのは、こっちゃでェ!実夫、よう聞いときィ」「なンやてェ! このド阿呆!」「人でなしは生まれたときからや」……。トメはプイと外へ出ると、いつものように客ひきに精を出すのだった。
女教師 私生活
Roman Porno from 1973.
Kazuo is an angry young man, especially resentful of the power and snootiness of the rich. But at the same time he's obsessed with Saeko, the daughter of a rich businessman.
Members of the Japanese royal family seeking to appease a "Death Goddess" through ritualistic temple sex.
昼下りの情事 変身
官能教室 愛のテクニック
Tormented by his first sexual stirrings, the teenager Isao dreams every night of his gym teacher Ikuko. He finally opens her heart but she rejects his advances. Frustrated, Isao invents all sorts of stratagies to disgust Ikuko´s fiance, a professor of chemistry in the same school. As his plan fails, he plans a radical solution...and the results turns out to be...
好色家族 狐と狸
Roman Porno film depicting the great uproar that the children cause in the division of their property, even before their parents are dead, as they claw at their greed.
Saeko is abnormally attached to her older sister, Yumi. When Yumi becomes engaged to Arikawa, Saeko schemes to separate the two. She seduces Arikawa who then becomes confused over his attraction to both sisters.
Set in a Shinjuku bathhouse brothel, the film uncovers the sexual eccentricities of everyday people. Focusing on three female sex workers, the colorful, unpredictable look into the hidden underbelly of Japanese nightlife is playful but also unafraid to explore the darker sides of the business. The fleeting nature of relationships in such an environment and the consequences of toying with feelings are presented with a melancholy tinge.
ラブハンター 熱い肌
Assistant Director
Roman Porno from 1972.
Yukie is a young woman who works at her father's flower shop. She uses her job to hide from her problems including a marriage troubled by her sexual frigidity. Her husband and her best friend engage in an affair, and Yukie goes to her father for advice on how to save her marriage.
OL日記 牝猫の匂い
Assistant Director
Roman Porno from 1972.
女子学園 おとなの遊び
Assistant Director
The girl students of rival junior high schools stage duels and show a curious interest in sexual pastimes.
野良猫ロック マシン・アニマル
Assistant Director
Two Japanese men help a Vietnam war deserter escape from Japan for Sweden. They plan to fund the escape by selling LSD pills. After word of the drug deal gets spread around they find themselves fending off rival gangs.
「エロ事師たち」より 人類学入門
Assistant Director
Subu makes pornographic films. He sees nothing wrong with it. They are an aid to a repressed society, and he uses the money to support his landlady, Haru, and her family. From time to time, Haru shares her bed with Subu, though she believes her dead husband, reincarnated as a carp, disapproves. Director Shohei Imamura has always delighted in the kinky exploits of lowlifes, and in this 1966 classic, he finds subversive humor in the bizarre dynamics of Haru, her Oedipal son, and her daughter, the true object of her pornographer-boyfriend’s obsession. Imamura’s comic treatment of such taboos as voyeurism and incest sparked controversy when the film was released, but The Pornographers has outlasted its critics, and now seems frankly ahead of its time.