Anita Overland


イギリスのホームレスたちのサッカーチームの物語。コーチのマル がチームを引き連れて、年に一度の世界的なサッカー大会" ホームレス・ワールドカップ"に出場するため、ロンドンからローマ へ向かう。土壇場で、チームは天才ストライカーのヴィニーを 連れていくことを決めるが、彼には解決しなければならない問 題があった。優勝と彼自身のために、まずヴィニーは、将来を 有望視されていた過去の自分と向き合う―。
A young Englishman plots revenge against his mysterious, beautiful cousin, believing that she murdered his guardian. But his feelings become complicated as he finds himself falling under the beguiling spell of her charms.
1970年代、毎年2人が事故で死亡するF1の世界で伝説となった2人のレーサーが存在した。 ジェームズ・ハントは野性的思考であり、毎日を人生最期の日の様に謳歌する豪放なプレイボーイで、勘を活かした走りを得意としていたイギリス人。ニキ・ラウダは「コンピュータ」と評される論理的思考であり、レーサーのイメージとはかけ離れた勤勉な男で、工学の知識を活かして自らマシンを整備する走りを得意としていたオーストリア人。全く正反対の性格の2人はやがてライバル関係となり、度々レースで競い合う仲になる。 そして1976年― シーズン成績1位を独走するラウダとそれを追うハント。ドイツグランプリのその日は朝から豪雨でニュルブルクリンクの状態が悪かったため、レースを決行するべきかどうか審議が行われた。ラウダは中止を主張したが、ハントは決行を支持し、最終的に予定通り開催されることとなった。しかし、そのレースでラウダはクラッシュし、生死をさまよう重症を負ってしまう。ハントは彼のクラッシュの原因が自分にあると考えショックを受けるが、その後のラウダが参加できないレースでラウダとの差を埋めていく。一命は取り留めたラウダは、病院でその様子を見て奮起し、事故後わずか42日後にレースに復帰する。
Red Riding: The Year of Our Lord 1983
Detective Chief Superintendent Maurice Jobson is forced to remember the very similar disappearance of Clare Kemplay, who was found dead in 1974, and the subsequent imprisonment of local boy Michael Myshkin. Washed-up local solicitor John Piggott becomes convinced of Myshkin's innocence and begins to fight on his behalf, unwittingly providing a catalyst for Jobson to start to right some wrongs.
Red Riding: The Year of Our Lord 1980
After 6 years of brutal murders, the West Yorkshire Police fear that they may have already interviewed The Ripper and let him back into the world to continue his reign of terror upon the citizens of Yorkshire. Assistant Chief Constable of the Manchester Police, Peter Hunter, is called in to oversee the West Yorkshire Police's Ripper investigation and see what they could have missed.
Red Riding: The Year of Our Lord 1974
Yorkshire, 1974. Fear, mistrust and institutionalised police corruption are running riot. Rookie journalist Eddie Dunford is determined to search for the truth in an increasingly complex maze of lies and deceit surrounding the police investigation into a series of child abductions. When young Clare Kemplay goes missing, Eddie and his colleague, Barry, persuade their editor to let them investigate links with two similar abductions that draw them into a deadly world of secrecy, intimidation, shocking revelations and police brutality.
Breaking and Entering
Line Producer
Set in a blighted, inner-city neighbourhood of London, Breaking and Entering examines an affair which unfolds between a successful British landscape architect and Amira, a Bosnian woman – the mother of a troubled teen son – who was widowed by the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Sex Lives of the Potato Men
Two lowlifes with active fantasy sex lives deliver potatoes to various restaurants and grocers.
Line Producer
There's little wonder in the working-class lives of Bill, Eileen, and their three grown daughters. They're lonely Londoners. Nadia, a cafe waitress, places personal ads, looking for love; Debbie, a single mom, entertains men at the hair salon after hours; her son spends part of the weekend with her ex, a man with a hair-trigger temper. Molly is expecting her first baby and its father acts as if the responsibility is too much for him.
Simon Magus
Line Producer
Simon is an outcast from his Jewish community because he claims that the devil talks to him and he has the ability to put curses on crops. When Dovid asks the 'Squire' to sell him some land so he can build a railway station, a ruthless businessman from the neighbouring gentile community uses Simon to find out who wants to buy the land so he can 'persuade' him otherwise
The Tribe
Property developer Jamie has to evict some weird, post-modern hippies from a building. But they slowly drag him into their dark underworld of bizarre rituals and dangerous liaisons.
Blue Juice
Production Manager
JC is the hero of the Cornish surfing community. Staring thirty hard in the face, he fears that the wave that has carried him through a prolonged adolescence is heading for the rocks as his girlfriend pressures him for commitment and his friends contemplate growing up.
A man's life changes when he gets a hairpiece. Oscar nominated short film
Assistant Art Director
Follow the stories of a group of Londoners during the aerial bombing of the British capital during the war.