A retiring detective tries to discover the identity of a half charred woman found in front of a District Attorney's boat who is pursuing a child serial killer.
A retiring detective tries to discover the identity of a half charred woman found in front of a District Attorney's boat who is pursuing a child serial killer.
A retiring detective tries to discover the identity of a half charred woman found in front of a District Attorney's boat who is pursuing a child serial killer.
A retiring detective tries to discover the identity of a half charred woman found in front of a District Attorney's boat who is pursuing a child serial killer.
Dialogue Editor
殺害事件の手口から捜査線上に浮上したのは、すでに死んだと思われていたソビエト伝説のスパイ“カシウス”だった。犯人はカシウスなのか? 真相を解明するため、CIAは引退した元諜報員ポールと、仕事への情熱に溢れる若きFBI捜査官ギアリーに捜査にあたらせるが……
Dialogue Editor
Detectives Jimmy and Paul, despite nine years as partners, can still sometimes seem like polar opposites—especially when Paul's unpredictable antics get them suspended without pay. Already strapped for cash and trying to pay for his daughter's wedding, Jimmy decides to sell a rare baseball card that's worth tens of thousands. Unfortunately, when the collector's shop is robbed and the card vanishes with the crook, Paul and Jimmy end up going rogue, tracking down the card and the drug ring behind its theft, all on their own time and without any backup—except for each other.
Dialogue Editor
サンタクロースことニコラス(ポール・ジアマッティ)の兄フレッド(ヴィンス・ヴォーン)は、弟とは大違いのダメ人間。努力はしたもの弟のような善人にはなれず、悪事を働き刑務所に入ってしまう。兄思いのニコラスは「北極でクリスマス用のおもちゃ作りを手伝うこと」を条件に、フレッドの保釈金を立て替えるが……。 聖人サンタクロースのデキの悪い兄が引き起こす大騒動を描いた爆笑コメディー。製作をヒットメーカー、ジョエル・シルヴァーが手掛け、『シャンハイ・ナイト』のデヴィッド・ドブキンが監督を務める。サンタの兄フレッドに『ドッジボール』のヴィンス・ヴォーン、模範的な弟のサンタクロースを実力派ポール・ジアマッティが好演。さらにレイチェル・ワイズ、キャシー・ベイツ、ケヴィン・スペイシーらオスカー俳優が共演する豪華キャストも見逃せない。
The old Cain and Abel archetype is revisited in this tale of a family torn apart by one son's obsession for his mother's love.
The old Cain and Abel archetype is revisited in this tale of a family torn apart by one son's obsession for his mother's love.
Dialogue Editor
Dialogue Editor
Dialogue Editor
When underappreciated video specialist Joe Scheffer is brutally humiliated by the office bully Mark McKinney in front of his daughter, Joe begins a quest for personal redemption. He proceeds by enduring a personal make-over and takes martial arts lessons from a B-action star. As news spreads of his rematch with Mark, Joe suddenly finds himself the center of attention, ascending the corporate ladder and growing in popularity. He's determined to show everyone in his life that he is not a nobody, but a force to be reckoned with.
Foley Editor
William Thatcher, a knight's peasant apprentice, gets a chance at glory when the knight dies suddenly mid-tournament. Posing as a knight himself, William won't stop until he's crowned tournament champion—assuming matters of the heart don't get in the way.
Dialogue Editor
Batman Beyond: Disappearing Inque - The Gotham nights give birth to a brand-new super villain. She is deadly, shape-shifting industrial saboteur named Inque. Black Out - When Terry faces Inque for the first time, he finds that he still has a lot to learn about becoming Batman. Disappearing Inque - With the help of an infatuated lab worker, Inque escapes her frozen imprisonment and devises a plan to destroy Batman and Bruce Wayne. Shriek - When Bruce Wayne challenges Derek Powers's control of Wayne/Powers Industries, Powers orders an employee who has discovered sound can be a weapon, to become Shriek and eliminate Wayne. Year: 1999
Sound Effects Editor
The only thing James wants is to remain away from Scotland. One day, however, he receives a fax, a printout of an unknown person's obituary. The next day, he is charged and arrested for the murder of this person.
Foley Editor
Foley Editor
Slacker duo Beavis and Butt-Head wake to discover their TV has been stolen. Their search for a new one takes them on a clueless adventure across America, during which they manage to accidentally become America's most wanted.
Foley Editor
In LAST NIGHT, a same-sex couple faces its end when one of the women would rather sacrifice her long-term relationship than watch the love of her life die from recurring cancer.