原田龍二が義理人情に厚いヤクザを演じる、任侠人情ドラマ「虎の流儀」のシリーズ第2弾。 岐阜での10人斬りの一件で、名古屋の待田組にいられなくなった車田清は、北九州へと向かい、代々地元の船や漁師たちを守ってきた名門・富岡一家の親分の世話になることになった。平和に見えた港町だったが、その裏では南豊不動産開発社長による漁港を埋め立てて空港を建設する計画が密かに進行していた。 主人公・車田清役を原田が引き続き演じ、前作から出演する川野太郎、つまみ枝豆、薬師寺保栄のほか、森脇英理子、磯山さやか、木下隆行、はいだしょうこ、東根作寿英、宮川一朗太、石倉三郎らが顔をそろえる。監督は「修羅の群れ」「日本統一」シリーズの辻裕之。
Tomiyama Musaka
Sugai works as a driver at a chauffeur service company at night. On the night of a full moon weekend, he is told to pair up with a newcomer Kariya. Kariya is a mysterious young guy who gives a silly quiz to Sugai while they work. Sometime later, a drag queen comes to the office and asks for Sugai, saying that someone is trying to kill him. Sugai actually has a past that he could never forget. His colleague tells him that on the night of a full moon weekend something bad would happen...
Haruo Igarashi
元特殊工作員だった過去を持つ専業主婦・伊佐山菜美(綾瀬はるか)と、実は現役の公安警察であり菜美を監視する優しい夫・伊佐山勇輝(西島秀俊)の二人は、桜井久実と裕司に名前を変えて、小さな地方都市・珠海市で新しい生活を始めていた。実は半年前、ある出来事がきっかけで菜美は記憶喪失になっていたのだった―。「過去なんて捨てて、あなたとの今を大事にして生きていく」二人が新生活を送る珠海市は、新エネルギー源「メタンハイドレート」の発掘に活気づいていたが、美しい海を守ろうとする開発反対派と、市長をはじめとする推進派の争いが日に日に激化。実は新エネルギー源開発の裏で、ロシアと結託した国家レベルの陰謀が潜んでいることを突き止めた公安。「公安の協力者にならなければあの女を殺せ」信じるか、疑うか。逃がすか、拘束するか―― 。葛藤する裕司(勇輝)。菜美の記憶の回復は、愛し合う二人の別れ(死)を意味する。そんな中、過去の因縁と国家に追われ、久実(菜美)は大きな事件へと巻き込まれてゆく―
Rogaku Kusumoto
Onigawara Momoka is a highschooler and she has the blood of an oni. She tries to hide her true identity while going to school and experiencing life with friends.
Youichi Murakami
Risa Onodera, played by Miyazaki, had a groom runaway on the wedding day four years ago. Her father, Shusaku (Matsushige) and her mother, Machiko (Matsuzaka), built a large two-family house to live with their daughter and her new family. One day, Risa says that she has been proposed to, Shusaku is surprised to see that face. This is because Kotaro (Nagayama) was a former subordinate of his workplace and was now his boss. Although he wants to congratulate his daughter's marriage, Shusaku wonders if he can live with his boss. Where is the love between Risa and Kotaro? Can the two get married? Can Risa and Kotaro, Shusaku and Machiko become a family?
The yakuza have their best days behind them and are only a shadow of themselves. The old rituals seem out of date and their tattoos make them outcasts of society. The inexperienced student Ryō stumbles into their ranks by chance, and before he knows it, he becomes entangled in dark machinations. He quickly succumbs to the fascination of omnipotence fantasies and hedonistic decadence and sinks deeper and deeper into a parallel world of prostitution, blackmail and violence. However, there is one thing that Ryō has not considered in his naivety: once yakuza, always yakuza!
Kawashima Gen
Takanori, from a yakuza family goes to prison for a crime he didn't commit. As soon as he gets out his brother brings him in for a robbery.
Shinjiro Watari, a former tap dancer, plays the lead as a dancer who is forced into retirement following an accident while on stage. He tries his hand at Directing, but struggles to make the transition. Shinjiro turns to alcohol to cope with his plight. But when the manager of a theater being closed down turns to Shinjiro to direct its final performance, he works with a group young dancers and in the process learns a few things about himself. The movie is very well done and worth the price of admission. A view into the Japanese dancing world, as well as Japanese society.
Based on the comic book series by Yûsuke Aoyagi.
Prosecutor Sakata of the Yonesaki District Public Prosecutors Office and his colleague Shoji are pulled into assisting the Tokyo Office’s Special Investigation Department to investigate influential Diet lawmaker Okouchi and Masumoto of a technical skills foundation. The two men are believed to be involved in a bribery case. But a key witness in this scandal commits suicide, and the next person believed to hold the key to the case, the foundation’s accountant, has disappeared.
Hideo Motoki
Kawashima Gen
When Tendokai's headquarters are attacked, underboss Washio Kazuma orders his trusted lieutenant to investigate a possible mole inside the family.
Kawashima Gen
Tendokai's Washio Kazuma, the underboss of Japan's largest crime syndicate, goes on the warpath when his blood brother and family turn up dead.
Sachiko lost her parents at an early age and lived together with her only sister Nobuko who worked for a newspaper. Out of the blue, she is told that Nobuko is killed in an accident, but she simply cannot believe it because her sister had told her she was going to an entirely different place. She begins her investigations on her sister’s mysterious death with the help of Nobuko’s colleague and journalist Ryoichi. And when another colleague, Tomoe commits suicide, Sachiko has a gut feeling that a well-known figure is involved in the death of her sister...
In the summer of 1963, flats of modern construction begin to be built in the slums where vagrants and women of the night gather. The city hall's plan is to house the slum dwellers in cultural housing, complete with gas and running water. Kenji, a construction worker, and Yumiko, a waitress at a late-night rest house, meet in the slum, but only at dusk. One day, a Korean worker falls from scaffolding at an apartment building site and dies. The site supervisor and city hall workers bury the corpse in the concrete foundations of the apartment building...
An elderly woman sets out to see in person a painting by a famous artist.She believes she was the inspiration for the painting.
『松本清張 黒い画集-草-』。2015年3月25日(21:00 - 23:08)、テレビ東京系列にて、テレビ東京開局50周年特別企画として放送された。撮影は、新築建物に移転した後の、仙台市立病院旧建物で行われた。
Taizo Katsurahama
ある朝、警視庁特命係の狭い部屋に出勤前の2人を待つ1人の男の姿があった。元警視庁特命係、現警察庁長官官房付の神戸尊。杉下右京にとっては懐かしい、そして甲斐享にとっては見慣れない顔。きっかけとなったのは、「馬に蹴られて男性死亡」と見出しに記された小さな三面記事だった。東京から300キロ離れた太平洋に浮かぶ鳳凰島という聞き慣れない島で起こった、一見ありふれた事故としか思えない記事。尊が特命係を久々に訪れたのは、その事故を手がかりに特命係をその島に潜入させて、妙な噂が絶えない島の実態を調査させるという、警察庁次長甲斐峯秋からの密命を受けたからだった。「確かめてみたくありませんか?」。尊は2人をそそのかし、鳳凰島への経由地となる八丈島行きの航空券2枚をデスクに置いて特命係の部屋を出ていく。 気乗りしないまま、八丈島から小型艇に乗って鳳凰島へと向かう特命係の2人。そこはある実業家が個人所有している島で、島内では元自衛隊員たちが訓練のために共同生活を送っていた。2人を事故現場へと案内するグループのリーダー神室司と高野志摩子。右京と享は、表面上は穏やかに、しかし、あからさまに「招かれざる客」として島の人々に迎えられていた。 事故で亡くなったのは、島での訓練に一時的に参加していた予備自衛官の会社員だった。当初、事故調査は島へと潜入するための口実に過ぎなかったが、右京は現場の調査で持ち前の嗅覚と洞察力を発揮。それは「事故」ではなく「殺人事件」に違いないとの確信を深め、極秘に鑑識課米沢守に連絡をとって証拠をつかもうとする。一方、警視庁内でも新たな動きを見せ始めていた。享の父親、峯秋の働きかけによって、右京と享を東京に連れ戻すという名目のもと、捜査一課の伊丹憲一、三浦信輔、芹沢慶二が特命係の後を追って島へと送り込まれることになったのだ。 特命係、捜査一課、そして鑑識課米沢。いつもの面々が島で再会し、事件の鍵を握る決定的な証拠を得て島の宿舎に戻ろうとした時、迷彩服に身を包んだ特殊部隊が彼らに襲いかかった。その計算され尽くした襲撃は、島で右京や亨が見た訓練中の元自衛隊員たちとは明らかに異なる手法のものだった。 彼らを襲ったのは一体何者なのか? そして、事件の真相の先にあるこの島に隠された秘密とは一体何なのか?
Denkichi Takasugi
Nobuko Sawaguchi is a surly, unattractive housekeeper in her mid-thirties. However, in actuality, she is a beautiful woman, but she hides this fact using her makeup because of a traumatic past experience. One day Nobuko is sent to housekeep for the Uehara family, known for its tremendous wealth. In the Uehara family, there is a massive quarrel over each member’s future succession and inheritance. In the middle of this hectic situation, Nobuko is asked by the daughter called Akemi to protect her.
仮面ティーチャーとは、20XX年、体罰が全面禁止され、無法地帯と化した教育界を是正するため、政府により力で生徒を制圧することを許された特別教師。華空学院高校で問題児ばかりが集まる2年C組を担任する荒木剛太(藤ヶ谷太輔)も、仮面ティーチャープログラムにより派遣された期待の教師だ。しかし剛太は、過去のある事件をきっかけに、「人と人は心でわかりあえる」という信念を持ち、生徒たちと力ではなく心で向き合うようになっていた。華空学院最強の男・武原金造(菊池風磨)が率いる4人の強者「M4」(エムフォー)。教師はもちろんのこと、大人を一切信用していなかった彼らは最初剛太に反発をし続けたが、剛太の情熱と1人1人に誠実に向き合う姿勢に徐々に心を動かされ、学級崩壊していた2年C組にも、いつしか温かく平和な日々が訪れていた。また、生徒でありながら「黒の仮面ティーチャー」として暗躍する草薙圭吾(ジェシー)と金造との間には、お互いを認め合った者同士だからこそ結ばれる、ある種の友情が芽生え始めていた。剛太を華空学院に派遣した教育省の飯倉塁(斎藤工)は、剛太の信念に心を動かされ、「仮面ティーチャー法」の改正を訴え、力だけに頼らず生徒を更生させる道を模索する。しかし、飯倉の上司・御堂伸彦(萩原聖人)はその訴えに全く耳を傾けず、それを一蹴する。学院の秩序をより強化すべく、御堂は新たな刺客を送り込む。それは、剛太の高校時代の担任教師で、自暴自棄になっていた剛太を更生させた恩師、羅門公平(遠藤憲一)であった。しかし、羅門には、生徒に熱い想いで接し、剛太に「信じることの大切さ」を教えてくれたかつての面影は完全になくなっていた。羅門と一緒に赴任してきた阿南塔子(原幹恵)、そして羅門の意志により結成された新生徒会(小瀧望 他)と共に、「指導」という名のもと力で生徒を制圧し、恐怖による秩序を生み出していく。その異様な光景に、金造、草薙、M4らは警戒心をつのらせていた。なぜ、羅門は変わってしまったのか——?
Chaejin works as a tour guide in Shin-Okubo while nurturing showbiz dreams. Meanwhile, talent agent Utako tries to think of ways to promote idols Gun Woo and JunQ, new arrivals from South Korea.
The mysterious life of Princess Nouhime.
Sukekawa Senemon
南町奉行所見廻り同心・渡辺小五郎(東山紀之)は、新たに設けられた本町奉行所に転属となった。新しい上司・増村倫太郎(生瀬勝久)から命じられたのは、遊郭の裏座敷に設けられた違法の賭場への潜入捜査だった。女郎じょろう買いの客になりすまし、にぎわう賭場に潜り込んだ小五郎の前に、弥勒坊燕斎(高橋英樹)なる男が現れる。燕斎は、「世の為、人の為」を合言葉に、幕府の普請改役から次々と大きな土木仕事を受注していると噂の「塵尽会」の棟梁だ。燕斎の姿を見た小五郎は驚きを隠せない。というのも、燕斎は、常磐津の師匠をしている花御殿のお菊(和久井映見)の知り合いの男だったからだ。お菊が「仙吉さん」と呼んで慕う燕斎だが、小五郎は、只者ではない雰囲気を感じ取ったのだった。一方、小五郎とともに賭場を訪れた 経師屋の涼次(松岡昌宏)は、ひょんなことから家出娘のお春(剛力彩芽)を助けて一緒に逃げるはめに。やんちゃなお春の扱いに困った涼次は、仕立て屋の匳(田中聖)にお春を押しつけてしまう。好きな人に会いたい一心で家出したというお春にほだされた匳は、しばらく家に置いてやろうと決めるのだが、これが思わぬ結果を招くことになり……。そんな矢先、小五郎は、増村からまたも潜入捜査を命じられる。その先は、なんとあの「塵尽会」だった!
A small, out-of-the-way izakaya in Tokyo has become the favorite hangout of people searching for nourishment…for their bodies and their souls. The proprietor of Izakaya Moheji is Heiji, played by Yutaka Mizutani, star of the popular AIBOU series. Izakaya Moheji is a place where regulars and strangers alike can find comfort and comfort food.
The short life of singer-songwriter Ozaki Yutaka, who died suddenly in 1992 at the age of 26, will be dramatized for the first time on the TV Tokyo production, "Kaze no shounen ~ Ozaki Yutaka eien no densetsu".
Sadazo Morikawa
Yuriko, a daughter of Yakudza boss is lost in Russia. Here she finds Alexey - a young man who is trying to help her.
The prominent lawyer Kinya Ohtsuka looks over the case of the falsely indicted man who was sentenced to life imprisonment and then committed suicide while incarcerated. One year ago, the prominent lawyer rebuffed the efforts of Kiriko Yanagida to represent her brother. Kiriko Yanagida now works as a hostess in Tokyo while planning revenge on those responsible for her brother's imprisonment.
Takamasa Kubota
A radio DJ, Mai starts a new program called, "Love Letters from the Drawer" to assist people who need an extra push to send out their simple yet very important message for their loved ones. The show was inspired by her own experience after reading a letter from her father after he died. Through her radio show, various characters come to light as everyone awaits for a miracle to happen. A miracle which can occur only by them expressing their true feelings... The movie is full of emotions and music plays an important part of it. It has a great cast that represent the many faces of love. Parents, sons, lovers, and friends. The movie takes you to several locations within Japan, you can get a look at the beautiful coast and shrine, as well as the city sights
High school seniors Mikayo, Chuko and Kei are forced to join a historical research club to fulfill a graduation requirement. Their teacher, Mr. Kachi, plans a mandatory club trip to a small village called Oshakabe in Yamagata prefecture to study remnants of an ancient clan of warriors called the ochimusha who displayed legendary cowardice in battle. When they arrive, the local villagers hold a special ceremony and construct a "super shrine". As a result, an 800-year seal is broken, unleashing a curse that causes the ochimusha to rise from the grave.
Teruo Mitani
Osami Nagano
The drama stars Beat Takeshi as General Hideki Tojo, who served as Prime Minister of Japan during World War II and was later executed as a war criminal. The story's theme is said to be a look at how the Pacific War began, focusing mostly on the three month period between the Imperial Conference (Gozen Kaigi) on September 6, 1941, and the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
Hanako is a mother, who was not enthusiastic when her husband took in two foster children some years ago. He died not long afterward, leaving her alone to care for the youngsters, Koya and Torataro, a task that she rose to with a passion. As the two boys graduate from high school, Hanako has become not only a devoted parent but the neighborhood's most reliable mother in the Osaka style: strong, responsible, irreverent. After the two boys leave school they also leave home, though Torataro continues to work in the family factory. Koya secures employment at a restaurant, where he is forced to put up with the bullying of an older colleague. Unable to take it any more, he runs away, and Hanako and Torataro look for him. They eventually find him pursuing his dream of becoming a professional musician.
Sankichi Moriyama
The 95-year-old director shot the film in his hometown of Ishiuchi, Hiroshima. The story is based on a teacher he had when he was a child.
Private Tateishi
Newspaper Shop's Father
A set of twins -- one a hard-working student and the other a drifter -- team up with a dropout to unlock the secrets of the universe and to build one of their own.
Japan, 250 years ago. Soetsu is a moneylender who is killed by the cruel samurai Shinzaemon. His body is dumped in the Kasenega-Fuchi river. According to legend, all who drown in the river will never surface again. 20 Years later, Shinkichi, the handsome son of Shinzaemon, coincidentally meets Toyoshiga, the daughter of Soetsu. They fall in love. It is a doomed love, as the spirit of Soetsu is far from dead
Karate Instructor
Takeshi Kitano plays a version of himself in which he's a struggling director cycling through a number of different genres in an effort to complete his latest project.
Pawn Shop Owner
夢枕獏の同名伝奇時代小説を「トリック」シリーズの堤幸彦監督が映画化した破天荒なSF時代劇アクション。主演は阿部寛と長谷川京子、共演に宮藤官九郎。持ち主に絶大な力を授けるといわれる“三種の神器”をめぐって繰り広げられる争奪戦がコミカルなタッチで描かれる。 徳川三代将軍家光の時代、並はずれた大男・万源九郎が手にしている大剣は、謎の地球外金属オリハルコンで作られた“三種の神器”の1つ“大帝の剣”。3つの神器全てを手にした者は世界をも征する強大な力を持つと言われている。万源九郎は亡き祖父の命により、三種の神器を本来持つべき者に届けるため、残りの2つ“闘神の独杵鈷”と“ゆだの十字架”を求めて旅を続けていた。やがて彼は、豊臣の血を引く麗しき姫・舞と出会い、旅を共にすることに。ところが、舞にはオリハルコンを狙う宇宙人が寄生していた。さらに、豊臣根絶を目論む徳川の刺客・破顔坊も三種の神器を狙って怪しく蠢くのだった。
A man and a woman are together on the 'Chrysalis Day', the fatal day everything in your life will be decided depends on how you spend the day. A violent man holding pure love, Sai and a stunningly beautiful playgirl, Sheila. While Sheila flees with a large sum of money, she is chased by a cool but violent gang, crazy killers and an out of control cop. No one can stop Sai and Sheila's love runaway.
George Yumeno
Fukue Yumiko is a struggling actress who isn't afraid to lie, cheat, or exploit her own sexuality if it means her own success. But as she becomes a big star, one TV reporter decides that it's time someone uncovered her dark past and reveal just how far she was prepared to go for her own fame.
Film Studios Tattooist
Anami, Minister of the War
Jennifer is a European girl who speaks Japanese a little. She arrives to the funeral in temple in Japanese countryside and meets a boy there. The boy is a juvenile delinquent and works his punishment in temple. Jennifer likes this silent boy and she wants to help him overcome estrangement from the people. Also she helps daughter of the temple's father superior reconcile her parents.
Yakuza Boss on the Country Road
Yakuza film directed by Hiroki Matsukata.
Masashi Kano
When poverty-stricken Korean-Japanese (Zainichi) discover there is valuable iron ore in the rubble of a destroyed shantytown they plan to haul it out for profit. Amidst this plan there is discrimination, war and an infatuation between a man and a woman, but like everything around them there and owing to the forces around them, there is as much chance that these may burn to ashes and be destroyed or be the beginning of something new.
Shingo Shinozaki
『金田一耕助ファイル 迷路荘の惨劇』は、テレビ東京系列・BSジャパン共同制作の2時間ドラマ「女と愛とミステリー」(毎週水曜日20:54 - 22:48)で2002年10月2日に放送された。 名琅荘(めいろうそう)は、明治時代の権臣古舘種人(ふるたてたねんど)伯爵が建てた別荘であったが、屋敷内のあちこちに“どんでん返し”や“抜け穴”などが仕掛けられていることから、地元の人々からは、別名「迷路荘」と呼ばれていた。 昭和25年10月。金田一耕助は、現在はホテルとなっている名琅荘に主人・篠崎慎吾から依頼を受けて訪れるが、その直後に殺人事件が発生する。
When a young man is sent to a prison workhouse for a crime he did not commit his friend on the outside must find evidence to clear his name.
500年に及ぶ鎖国政策が続けられているその国 建御雷家の末裔である若く美しい娘・雪は、あらゆる感情を抑圧し、冷徹に人を殺す刺客として育てられてきた。ある日、空暇と名乗る老人から雪の母・亞空を殺した人物が建御雷家の首領・白雷だと知らされ、反旗を翻す。ところが、返り討ちに合い重傷を負った彼女は、反政府組織の活動家である隆に助けられ、彼との生活の中で、次第に人間らしい感情を取り戻していく。しかし、執拗な追手はすぐそこまで迫っていた。白雷と壮絶な戦いの中、翻弄される雪の運命は――。
A fierce outlaw shakes the gangster world!
Truck Driver
Koji, a jazz musician, takes a cigarette break in between sets at a Tokyo nightclub. He witnesses a murder and runs into a girl, Linda, who is being pursued by the killers. For the next two hours, Koji and Linda are running from both the hitmen and the police. Mistakenly identified as prime suspects, they have to solve the crime but time is running out: Koji has to be back to perform in his club by midnight, as a very special guest will be attending.
It is based on the story of The Ballad of Narayama updated to the present day, with the substitution of putting a parent into an old people's home for the abandonment of the original. The film won the Golden St. George and the FIPRESCI Prize at the 21st Moscow International Film Festival.
Set in the late 1950s, when geisha culture was threatened by moral crusades, it tells the story of Omacha (Miyamoto Maki), a young girl who sees the geisha life as a way to lift her poverty-stricken family from their hand-to-mouth existence. Through her eyes, we see the protocols and complex financial relationships which dictate the running of the geisha house. Fukasaku's film is a work of great delicacy with moments of hypnotic beauty, and his tender direction, often touched with a sense of wonder, fills the screen with lovingly constructed scenes. At its heart is the poignant situation of the women who must sacrifice their normal relationships to live an ambiguous life in which they are a key part of society while being kept, for the most part, on its periphery, like perpetual mistresses.
A comedy about the uproar in a yakuza office, before the dissolution ceremony the next day. The day before the dissolution of the Yamamuro group, it is reported that the leader of the hostile organization was assassinated by someone.
Camping on the streets of Tokyo, Michio meets Chihiro, a dancer, whom he makes fun of at first, but later befriends. Together they join a team of aspiring dancers and aim to make their professional debut. Michio and Chihiro gradually develop feelings for each other but, triggered by jealousy, Michio's old friends try to come in between them.
Angry citizen
A dark and strange comedy about a bank robber with bad luck. Bungling a bank robbery turns out to be a profitable mistake for Yamazaki, an amateur crook who ends up with 80 million yen after a string of improbable accidents. But having so much cash doesn't make his life is any easier. In fact, it gets much more complicated when Yamazaki stabs a hairdresser by mistake and instantly becomes a hunted fugitive. He's just one unlucky monkey but can he turn his luck around?
It's a quarrelling masterpiece against Tachibana commerce led by Kikunaga!
A fifteen year old boy travels through the Amagi Pass, he encounters some strange people, one of them is the geisha Ozuka Hana. After a murder takes place, the police searchs for the culprit.
Detective Inamura
Witnesses of a murder. Remake of Akira Kurosawa film Rashomon.
Kou Sawamura
Cheryl, a bodyguard, crosses paths with a hit man from her past; she is forced to use all her skills, including the art of seduction, to escape.
Saga Terumitsu
Mayuko is a feng shui expert who, in a nearly absurd rush of exposition in the first scene of Dragon Blue, discovers that she is the blood heir of the Dragon Clan and a born demon hunter. It's a completely unmotivated but thoroughly spooky encounter between Mayuko and a demonic ghost, and she's saved by an ancient priest spirit who explains her legacy. "Why does this always happen to me?" she ponders before flying off to a remote island to investigate an ancient curse and battle a legendary Sea Demon. Mayuko befriends a burly, chivalrous detective and a little orphan boy nicknamed "the Devil's Child" who hides his own dark secret.
Butcher Department Chief
おかっぱ頭のスーパーマーケット大好き主婦・井上花子は、スーパー「安売り大魔王」の中で小学校時代の幼馴染・小林五郎と再会する。花子は「もう一つスーパーを見て欲しい」と五郎に言われついて行った先のスーパー「正直屋」のダメぶりを五郎に愚痴るのが、実は五郎がその「正直屋」のオーナーだった。 五郎は花子にスーパーの悪いところを直してくれと頼み、花子はレジチーフとして「正直屋」に勤務。近所で繁盛しているライバル店「安売り大魔王」と戦う事になる。 最初はスーパーのレジ係として勤務した花子だが、職人気質な人達がチーフに就いている各部門で問題が続発し、特に精肉部・鮮魚部とは事あるごとに対立する。やがて実績を買われて副店長に昇進した花子は顧客の意見を聞き反映する試みを行い、製品のリパック(店頭に置いてあった製品を回収し再度ラップし、また店頭に置く事)の禁止を店舗会議で直訴し五郎も承諾させ、正直屋の商売方針を改善。徐々に来る客も増えていくが・・
Head Nurse
精神病院を抜け出した3人の若者が、病院と社会との境界である塀を伝って世界の終焉を見に行こうとするファンタジー・ドラマ。監督は「Love Letter」の岩井俊二。双子の妹を殺してしまい精神病院に送られたココ。彼女はそこでツムジとサトルという2人の青年と出会う。2人にならって病院の塀の上を歩く“探検”に加わるココ。やがて彼女は塀の上なら問題ないといって、隣の塀に飛び移る。ツムジとサトルの2人も恐る恐る後に続く…。
The thug is now back in Shaba as a legendary hitman!
A businessman, Tsuda, runs into a childhood friend, Tajuki, on the subway. Tajuki is working as a semiprofessional boxer. Tsuda soon begins to suspect that Tajuki might be having an affair with his fiancée Hizuru. After an altercation, Tsuda begins training rigorously himself, leading to an extremely bloody, violent confrontation.
Detective Hashizume
Based on the comic by Makoto Kobayashi.
Manager Yohei
Detective Ozaki
Akira Hojo and Chiaki Asami live different lives in Tokyo, Japan: Hojo is the leader of a small but rising Yakuza clan, while Asami is a politician aiming to become the youngest member of the Japanese parliament. But while they both live in different ways, Hojo and Asami share the same past; both of them were survivors of the Killing Fields of Cambodia. With the aggression and survival instincts they learned in the Cambodian jungles, Hojo and Asami strive in both the Yakuza and political world to reform Japan into their own sanctuary.
Ginji (Kiyoshi Nakajo) was glaring at the next major organization of the political and business world with Izawa, an influential person of the Democratic Liberal Party. The person who emerged there, Jin Kuramae. He was feeding on a huge gambling loan book and manipulating talented politicians for his company. Izawa also had to win the gambling game before Kuramae and get the loan book in order to take advantage of the launch of the new party. The total purchase price is 40 billion! Ginji and Tetsuo (Kosuke Toyohara) headed to the villa in Kuramae to challenge the first generation of gambling!
A yakuza movie that depicts a heroine who inherited her husband's will and took the name of the group leader, standing up to put an end to the conflict
Weaving two storylines together: the first is the story of 18th-century shogunate intrigue and loyalty, and the second is a ghost story about a beautiful woman who falls victim to passion and evil.
Kabuki, a detective in Kabukicho, Shinjuku, and his partner, Kabuki, a T-back detective with a lot of sensuality, are chasing a pachinko chain sales of 120 million yen. Hoshi is a vicious group led by female boss Lena. I got both money and Lena, and it was a lewd guts bare ball, but Lena was a very bad woman who devours sex and blood ....
Mikihiko Endo
In 1923, in a cheap Tokyo rooming house, a languid young man named Goda was feeling bored with his life. One day while playing dress up with a woman’s wig and lipstick, he accidentally loosens a ceiling board in his closet. Climbing up, he discovers a dimly lit passageway under the roof leading to the resident’s other rooms. Soon he is scampering about like a ninja, making knotholes and moving ceiling boards for a better view. What he sees are the intimate acts - sadistic, criminal or vaguely mad - that reveal infinitely more about his fellow roomers than the various fronts they present to the world.
Sukesaburo Tamaki, a superhuman detective who has no eyes on women, is the face of Kabukicho in Shinjuku. Not knowing that the 700 million yen robbery case occurred, he went to bed with Miss Soap. Kaoru Wakakusa, a new detective who loves T-backs who came to inform him of the incident, said, "Is it for 10,000 luxury soaps?" As if to ridicule such a gold ball, Hoshi raises the money changer to the blood festival and kills the bewitching soap lady who is also the source of information one after another. An angry explosion of gold balls and Kaoru's bumpy duo run around the city of Shinjuku to resolve the case!
Director Aikawa
A man's life is altered when he comes into possession of a gun.
Based on "Kaidan Botan Dango" by Sanyutei Encho, a rakugo storyteller who was active from the late Edo period to the Meiji era, Kara Juro was in charge of the script. A feature-length historical drama depicting a fierce and painful love story between ghosts and humans. Impressive artistic and fantastic painting with depth as if you were watching the stage. In all, this work is a beautiful, love horror fantasy.
Sumo OB