Jamille van Wijngaarden


A sheriff's shootout turns into an adventure through the wondrous world of film.
Ten-Minute Conversation
Mother Marit feels that her son’s primary school does not allow him enough room for his male energy. During the parent-teacher meeting, she seeks recourse. Miss Yvonne tries to keep up a professional attitude, but after the umpteenth reproach she can no longer restrain her pent-up frustration. The exasperation of a teacher who has had to endure countless changes through the years is embodied with explosive rage by Yvonne, in this brutal comedy with finger paint.
When a sweet and innocent parakeet is found inexplicably dead in her cage, all fingers seem to point towards cat Rodney. To prove his innocence, he desperately tries to put the blame on others, with disastrous consequences.
When a sweet and innocent parakeet is found inexplicably dead in her cage, all fingers seem to point towards cat Rodney. To prove his innocence, he desperately tries to put the blame on others, with disastrous consequences.
Levenslang en gelukkig
In a village where people and fairy tale figures live next to each other, a few goats have been murdered. A young inspector leads the investigation. But nothing is what it seems to be.
Snow White
Snow White