David B. Long


ブロブ 宇宙からの不明物体
Construction Foreman
とある田舎町の森に火の玉が墜落する。目撃したホームレスの老人が好奇心から現場に向かうが、そこで粘液状の物体に腕を取りつかれてしまう。 そこへデート中のメグとポールが通りあわせ、老人を病院へ運ぶが、老人は物体に喰い尽くされ、ポールも犠牲となる。目撃したメグは一部始終を訴えるが信じて貰えず、保安官は町の不良少年ブライアンの仕業だと疑う。
Construction Foreman
An intelligent pulse of electricity moves from house to house, terrorizing occupants through their own appliances. Having already destroyed one household in a quiet neighborhood, the pulse finds itself in the home of a boy and his divorced father.
My Demon Lover
Construction Foreman
Denny has yet again been left by her thug boyfriend Chip. It seems as if she is doomed to be stuck with awful guys, this time she has to choose between nerdy Charles and the strange Kaz, who turns into a monster when sexually aroused.