Kiyoko Tsuji

出生 : 1903-03-18,


Yūsaku Matsuda plays the part of a private detective in this modern day "who dunnit" mystery, full of suspense, thrills and chills
A metaphysical mystery involving a university student's camera getting stolen, and the thief then committing suicide. Looking back upon the event, the situation comes to be questioned if it happened at all.
「男はつらいよ」シリーズ第1作。 20年振りに故郷、東京は葛飾柴又に帰ってきた車寅次郎(渥美清)。ちょうど庚申の祭りの最中で、早速祭りに参加する寅次郎。そんな中、懐かしいおいちゃん(森川信)、おばちゃん(三崎千恵子)や妹さくら(倍賞千恵子)に涙の再会を果たす。翌日、さくらの見合いに出席した寅次郎だが、酔ったあげくの大失態。見合いをぶち壊した寅次郎はおいちゃんらと大ゲンカし、柴又を去っていく。その後、寅次郎は旅先の奈良で旅行中の御前様(笠智衆)とその娘・坪内冬子(光本幸子)と再会。幼なじみゆえ、気さくな冬子に恋をした寅さんは、帰郷してからも冬子のもとへ日参する。一方、裏の印刷工場につとめる諏訪博(前田吟)は、さくらへ想いを寄せていた・・・
A man is involved in a fatal car accident, and though he is blameless, his company transfers him to a remote branch in a small town. Before he leaves, he gives the man's widow a large sum of money that she uses to move back to her hometown.
忠臣蔵 花の巻・雪の巻
The story tells of a group of samurai who were left leaderless (becoming ronin) after their daimyo (feudal lord) was forced to commit seppuku (ritual suicide) for assaulting a court official named Kira Yoshinaka, whose title was Kōzuke no suke. The ronin avenged their master's honor after patiently waiting and planning for over a year to kill Kira. In turn, the ronin were themselves forced to commit seppuku for committing the crime of murder.
A work with the motif of a legend that remains in the mountain villages of Shinshu and Hida. A white snake helped by a young man transfers to a girl's body, longing for him and burning in an endless passion.
Kyôichi's Mother
仏教系の大学に通う清水四郎は、恩師の矢島教授の下で彼の一人娘の幸子と婚約していたが、謎めいた笑みを浮かべる同窓の田村がしつこくつきまとってくるため、彼の誘惑から逃れようとして逆に次々と罪を重ねていく。まもなく、幸子を自動車事故で亡くしてしまった四郎は実家へ戻るが、そこに住む画家の谷口円斎の娘で幸子にそっくりなサチ子と恋に落ちる。しかし、田村に加えて四郎に轢き逃げされたヤクザの志賀恭一の情婦が復讐しようと後を追ってきたため、四郎は吊り橋でもみ合っているうちに2人を殺害してしまう。 その晩、四郎の父の剛造が経営する老人ホーム「天上園」の創立十周年記念パーティーでは集団食中毒が発生し、入所老人たちが全員死亡。更に復讐にやってきた志賀の母が酒に毒を盛ったことで、四郎も剛造もすべての人間が悶死する。死の間際、地獄へ落ちる幻想を見た四郎は、そこで会った幸子の霊から彼女が四郎の子を身ごもっていたことや、その子も水子になって地獄へ落ちていることを告げられる。四郎は我が子を見つけるべく、八大地獄の修羅場をさまようのだった。
Kayo, the maid
Arrested for the murder of her wealthy businessman father, convicted on false evidence and sentenced to death, Kyoko is determined to prove her innocence.
Yuri is looking forward to marrying her fiancé Minoru. However, a few days before the wedding she falls victim to his brother Takehiko, and against her will, she becomes Takehiko's wife. The day after the wedding, Yuri begins her silent revenge by not talking to her husband. She retains her love for Minoru and never gives herself to Takehiko's embrace again. She also contributes large sums of money from Takehiko's fortune to charity.
A sensual love-story between two lesbian nuns.
The film marked Yōko Mihara's debut as the star of Shintoho's series of ama films, a role she took over from Michiko Maeda.
The year is 1937, and it has been six months since the Sendai Infantry left for Manchuria. The rotted corpse of a young woman is found at the bottom of a well, but her face and limbs are gone. The military police begin an investigation and search fervently for the person responsible, but they can't even determine the victim's identity, much less find any clues. However, the incident is made public when newspapers give wide coverage to the story, so Staff Sergeant Kosaka is dispatched from Tokyo to solve the case. Eventually, General Tsunekichi is taken into custody by local infantrymen because of the testimony of another unit, but the spirit of the dead woman appears before Staff Sergeant Kosaka, who continues to investigate on his own...
Japanese comedy film.
Office worker comedy by Nobuo Nakagawa
A high-born woman named Okuni travels around the country with Gohei, a samurai retainer who is in service to her. They are in search of Tomonojo, who has killed the man who was Okuni’s husband and Gohei’s master, and they cannot return to their lord’s home until they have fulfilled their duty of hunting down and killing Tomonojo.
Obscure Japanese movie by director Kyotaro Namiki
After mastering swordsmanship at the dojo of Chiba Shusaku, and unable to serve a clan due to his illness, Hirate Miki becomes a ronin who winds up as bodyguard to Shigezo of Sasagawa leading up to an epic battle.
Sachiko - madame
A luckless geisha struggles to make a living for herself and her young son.