Michelle Weber


The Work of Director Spike Jonze
When you experience The Work of Director Spike Jonze, you enter a world where anything can happen and frequently does. From the innovative director of Being John Malkovich and Adaptation., this superior compilation of music videos, documentaries, interviews, and early rarities offers abundant proof that Jonze is the real deal--a filmmaker ablaze with fresh ideas and fresh ways of filming them. Featuring The Beastie Boys, Bjork, Weezer, The Pharcyde, Fatboy Slim and many others.
退屈な日々を送る理髪師に転機が訪れる。彼が思いついたちょっとした恐喝は、悪夢のような日々の始まりだった。 共作で数々の名作を世に送り出したアメリカのコーエン兄弟監督・脚本によるクライムサスペンス。2001年カンヌ国際映画祭最優秀監督賞、ナショナル・ボード・オブ・レビュー最優秀主演男優賞を受賞したほか、多数の賞を獲得した。原題は『The Man Who Wasn’t There』。
In the town of Normal Valley, an eccentric magician named Maestro entertains the local children every day in his spooky mansion. One stormy night, the town's mayor leads a group of angry citizens to the mansion in an attempt to run Maestro out of town.