Pamela Alch


Script Supervisor
七つの海を駆けめぐった海賊の時代が終ろうとしていた。世界制覇をもくろむ東インド会社のベケット卿は、“深海の悪霊”ディヴィ・ジョーンズを操り、海賊たちを次々と葬っていく。彼らの生き残る道はただ一つ。9 人の“伝説の海賊”を招集し、世界中の海賊たちを蜂起させ決戦を挑むのみ。だが、その鍵を握る9人目の人物こそ、溺死した船乗りが沈む永遠の地獄“デイヴィ・ジョーンズ・ロッカー(海の墓場)”に囚われているキャプテン・ジャック・スパロウだった…。総督の令嬢エリザベスと海賊の血を引くウィルは、甦った不死身の海賊キャプテン・バルボッサと共に、ジャック奪還の手掛りを握る中国海賊の長サオ・フェンのもとへと旅立つ。彼らの運命が再び交差するとき、海賊の史上最初にして最後の決戦の火蓋が切られる―。
Script Supervisor
Script Supervisor
Set in a world where superheroes are commonly known and accepted, young Will Stronghold, the son of the Commander and Jetstream, tries to find a balance between being a normal teenager and an extraordinary being.
Mr.&Mrs. スミス
Script Supervisor
きいてほしいの、あたしのこと ウィン・ディキシーのいた夏
Script Supervisor
A girl, abandoned by her mother when she was three, moves to a small town in Florida with her father. There, she adopts an orphaned dog she names Winn-Dixie. The bond between the girl and her special companion brings together the people in a small Florida town and heals her own troubled relationship with her father.
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Script Supervisor
Mother and daughter bicker over everything -- what Anna wears, whom she likes and what she wants to do when she's older. In turn, Anna detests Tess's fiancé. When a magical fortune cookie switches their personalities, they each get a peek at how the other person feels, thinks and lives.
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Script Supervisor
Script Supervisor
A boy named George Jung grows up in a struggling family in the 1950's. His mother nags at her husband as he is trying to make a living for the family. It is finally revealed that George's father cannot make a living and the family goes bankrupt. George does not want the same thing to happen to him, and his friend Tuna, in the 1960's, suggests that he deal marijuana. He is a big hit in California in the 1960's, yet he goes to jail, where he finds out about the wonders of cocaine. As a result, when released, he gets rich by bringing cocaine to America. However, he soon pays the price.
ウーマン ラブ ウーマン
Script Supervisor
The stories of three lesbian couples -- who live in the same house at different periods of time -- who are at a crossroads in their lives. In 1961, Edith loses her lover, Abby, to a stroke. Linda and Amy struggle with feminist issues in 1972. And, in 2000, Kal and Fran try to have a baby with the help of sperm donor.
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Script Supervisor
Script Supervisor
In the last days of 1999, ex-cop turned street hustler Lenny Nero receives a disc which contains the memories of the murder of a prostitute. With the help of bodyguard Mace, he starts to investigate and is pulled deeper and deeper in a whirl of murder, blackmail and intrigue. Can the pair live to see the new millennium?
Script Supervisor
ホーカス ポーカス
Script Supervisor
After 300 years of slumber, three sister witches are accidentally resurrected in Salem on Halloween night, and it is up to three kids and their newfound feline friend to put an end to the witches' reign of terror once and for all.
Made in America
Script Supervisor
A young black woman discovers that her father was a sperm donor, and if that wasn't bad enough, he's white.
Script Supervisor
バーニーはせこいこそ泥。ある夜、彼の目の前で飛行機が墜落する。嫌々ながらも、煙の立ちこめる機内から負傷者を救出した彼は、乗客の財布を失敬して姿を消す。事故機に敏腕レポーターのゲイルがのりあわせていたことから、マスコミ挙げての "謎のヒーロー"探しが始まる。しかし、名乗り出たのはバーニーではなくハンサムなホームレス、ババーだった・・・。
L.A. Story
Script Supervisor
With the help of a talking freeway billboard, a "wacky weatherman" tries to win the heart of an English newspaper reporter, who is struggling to make sense of the strange world of early-90s Los Angeles.
Script Supervisor
シカゴの医大生ネルソンは、死後の世界を見るための実験計画を打ち明け、クラスメートのレイチェル、デビッド、ジョー、ステックルの4人が協力することになった。彼らはネルソンの心臓を停止させ、一分後に蘇生を試みる。 実験は成功し、ジョー、デビッド、レイチェル、が次々と実験台になる。だが、死後の世界から戻った彼らを待ち受けていたものは・・・。
Parent Trap III
Script Supervisor
When Jeff plans to marry again, his triplet daughters Megan, Lisa and Jessie try to bring him together with Susan.
Walk Like a Man
Script Supervisor
As a baby, Bobo gets separated from his family during a camping trip. After being raised by wild dogs for twenty years, Bobo is discovered by animal researcher Penny, who brings him back to his family and attempts to teach Bobo how to readjust to life with humans. While his mother is overjoyed to see him again, Bobo's older brother Henry is more worried about losing his share of the inheritance. As Bobo progresses with Penny's lessons, Henry plots to have him eliminated.
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A young tomboy, Watts, finds her feelings for her best friend, Keith, run deeper than just friendship when he gets a date with the most popular girl in school.
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Pretty in Pink
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Andie is an outcast, hanging out either with her older boss, who owns the record store where she works, or her quirky high school classmate Duckie, who has a crush on her. When one of the rich and popular kids at school, Blane, asks Andie out, it seems too good to be true. As Andie starts falling for Blane, she begins to realize that dating someone from a different social sphere is not easy.
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Script Supervisor
Five college buddies from the University of Texas circa 1971 embark on a final road trip odyssey across the Mexican border before facing up to uncertain futures, in Vietnam and otherwise.
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Script Supervisor
激しい暑さにむせぶフロリダを舞台に、謎めいた女と出会った若い弁護士が遺産相続を背景にした恐ろしい罠にまきこまれてゆく姿を描く。製作はフレッド・T・ガロ、監督・脚本は「レイダース 失われた聖櫃<アーク>」の脚本を手がけたローレンス・カスダン、撮影はリチャード・H・クライン、音楽はジョン・バリー、編集はカロル・リトルトン、製作デザインはビル・ケニーが各々担当。出演はウィリアム・ハート、キャスリーン・ターナー、リチャード・クレンナ、テッド・ダンソン、J・A・プレストン、ミッキー・ロークなど。
The Gathering, Part II
Script Supervisor
Two Christmases have passed and widow Kate Thornton has taken over Thornton Industries and is wooed by a courtly financier.
Corvette Summer
Script Supervisor
Ken loves to design and build exotic cars. When the High School shop class project car, a fully tricked out dream Corvette, is stolen, he begins searching for it. His search leads him to Las Vegas, where Vanessa, a teenaged prostitute wannabe, helps him try to track it down.