Donna Smith


Assistant Production Manager
年に一度のクリスマスを楽しんだプーさんと仲間たち。その楽しかった思い出にひたっていると…あっという間に新年へのカウントダウンが始まりました!みんなが集まって新年を祝うパーティーを計画しているときに、プーさんたちはラビットを怒らせてしまいます。100エーカーの森から出ていくと言い出したラビットと仲直りするために、みんなは "今までとはちがう自分になる" と誓います。ピグレットは怖がりをなおすために飛び跳ね、プーさんはもうハチミツは食べないと心に決め、なんとティガーは二度と飛び跳ねない!?―はたして、みんなは無事に新年を迎えられるのでしょうか? 大切な人たちといっしょに過ごすクリスマスと新年のできごとを描いたこの作品は、たくさんのホリデー・ソングに彩られて、見る人をやさしい気持ちにさせてくれます。
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Kulas' Wife
Berto is secretly in love with his neighbor Melanie, who hates him because of her constant unpleasant encounters with him. One day, Berto’s son’s petition to send him in the US has been approved, while Melanie also gets a visa to the US and plans to work as a teacher abroad. Meanwhile, Berto’s friend Robin also wins a ticket to fly abroad, so Berto and Robin fly together. Melanie always hates the times she bumps with Berto, who is intentionally snooping her. But on a particular day, Berto and Robin saves Melanie from the hands of sexual abusers who try to make a move on her. Melanie begins to appreciate Berto in a different light. The two became closer to each other when they were pressed in a situation that would send Melanie home, and would risk the life of Berto’s grandson. Melanie and Berto pretend as couple and the US immigration’s constant checking makes them stay closer than ever.