Shôfû Muramatsu


秩父水滸伝 影を斬る剣
During the 1880's a young swordsman, Saotome Gengo, on his way to Tokyo stops at an inn in a small town. But he does not know that his prowess has already attracted envious attention and that Senzo, the boss of the local gang, plans to have him killed. Seiji, the disowned son of the innkeeper, has run up a big gambling bill and, to settle it, the hoodlums decide to kill him. He is saved, however, by Hanako, star of the dancing troupe also staying at the inn. Gengo meets Hanako and learns that the troupe cannot open their show because the local police corruptly demand too much of the receipts. After another fight, Gengo sees the police-chief on behalf of the troupe, but is refused. So he suspects that the police and the hoodlums are implicated with each other. There seems no way to open the show until they hear that the governor is coming to the town for a local banquet. They appeal to him and he promises to investigate. It is decided that a duel will settle the matter...
秩父水滸伝 必殺剣
Original Story
1884. The samurai days have come to an end. Capitalism and democracy flourished across Japan. But in Chichibu, an area just north of Tokyo, samurai spirits still lived. Out of the many schools that taught Japanese swordsmanship, the school of Ono and Kogen were most dominant. Every year, they each selected a master swordsman to fight a dedicatory match held at the Chichibu Shrine. Gengo (Hideki Takahashi) represented the school of Ono. His opponent Danhichiro of the Kogen school was feared by many as the "Devil".
Original Story
増村保造、市川崑、吉村公三郎という、大映が誇る三大監督によるオムニバス映画。主演の三大女優による競演も話題に。第10回ベルリン国際映画祭コンペティション部門で上映。 「耳を噛みたがる女」銀座のキャバレーでホステスをしている紀美は、客から金を巻き上げては株に投資をしていた。紀美を落とせるか友人と賭けをしていた会社社長の跡取り息子の正巳は、彼女をドライブに誘い出すことに成功する。 「物を高く売りつける女」失踪した流行作家の三原は、湘南の海岸で白い肌の女と出会う。数日後、一軒の別荘の前で彼女と再会した三原は、売りに出しているというその家を、彼女ごと買い取ると申し出た。 「恋を忘れていた女」かつて売れっ子芸妓だったお三津は、京都で修学旅行専門の宿と、酒場とお茶屋を経営する働き者だ。亡くなった夫の妹が結婚資金を借りに訪れるが、財産を横取りされると思ったお三津は、彼女を帰してしまう。
In late 19th century Tokyo, Kikunosuke Onoue, the adopted son of a legendary actor, himself an actor specializing in female roles, discovers that he is only praised for his acting due to his status as his father's heir. Devastated by this, he turns to Otoku, a servant of his family, for comfort, and they fall in love. Kikunosuke becomes determined to leave home and develop as an actor on his own merits, and Otoku faithfully follows him.
A man attacks the shogun, but does not succeed in his assassination attempt. He flees to the mountains and hides in a shed. There he finds an old man and a girl. The latter is the daughter of Shogun's former wife and also has revenge on her mind. The former is also connected to the castle. Separately a girl lives at the shogun's castle and believes in god.