Alan O'Silva

Alan O'Silva


Alan O'Silva


The Jester from Transylvania
What happens when you pick up a hitchhiker? Michael, an American scriptwriter, soon finds out when he picks up an Englishman in the middle of a Transylvanian forest. Touchstone - in fact the ghost of a former court jester - places him in some unimaginable situations of life and death. Despite being a firm believer in non-violence, Michael is forced to become a cold-blooded serial killer.
David / Torture Man
失踪した恋人を捜す男を待ち受ける真相を描いたサスペンススリラー。グラフィックデザイナーのデビッドは恋人でアマチュアカメラマンのクレアと一緒に暮らしていたが、ある日突然、クレアは姿を消してしまう。デビッドは友人や警察にも相談し必死で彼女の行方を捜すが、何の情報もないまま1年が過ぎる。ある日、デビッドはクレアが撮影した未現像のフィルムを見つける。現像してみると、そこには手がかりになりそうな場所や人物が写されていた。しかしそれ以来、デビッドの周囲にCIAやマフィアの影がちらつきはじめ……。 日本未公開。
SS Lieutenant Schneider
An unassuming young lawyer leads a fight against the Nazis near the end of the Second World War.
Vladislav Pavel
A madman captures a young boy and rigs him with explosives. Ray Fitzpatrick, still haunted by the loss of his own son, will defy orders to stop the clock and save a life
Love by Design
After losing her dream job at a fashion magazine -- and her boyfriend, Danielle heads home to Romania. With the help of her colorful family, she rediscovers herself and her love of fashion.
Dracula: The Dark Prince
Crusader 1
In his search for the Lightbringer, Dracula crosses paths with a beautiful crusader named Alina who bears a remarkable resemblance to his murdered bride. One look at her and Dracula is immediately smitten. Could Alina be the reincarnation of his long-dead love? Dracula has Alina kidnapped and brought to his castle where the Beast must now try to win his Beauty's heart.
巨大企業であるウェクセル・ホール社の秘密の研究施設で、女性生物学者のアマンダは生物の老化を抑制する謎の成分が含まれた『不死の蘭』を研究するため、2匹の巨大なアナコンダを飼育し実験を続けていた。 実験は予想以上の成果を生み、アナコンダ達は突然変異によって18mもの巨体へと成長していたが、査察に訪れたウェクセル・ホール社会長のマードックの些細なミスが原因で、『クイーン』と呼ばれる雌のアナコンダと、もう1匹の雄のアナコンダが実験用のケージから逃走、数人のスタッフを殺害した後、森に逃げ出してしまう。 アマンダと施設責任者のピンカスは2匹のアナコンダを捕獲するために、腕利きのハンターであるハーマットらと共に追跡を開始するが…
A Princess for Christmas
After her sister and brother-in-law's tragic deaths, an American woman who is the guardian for her young niece and nephew is invited to a royal European castle for Christmas by her late brother-in-law's father, the Duke of Castlebury. Feeling out of place as a commoner, she is determined to give her family a merry Christmas and surprises herself when she falls for a handsome prince.
Biker #2
A hard core Interpol Agent is assigned to an Eastern European task force to target gun trafficking and dope running throughout the Balkans. While investigating a Russian gun dealer, his team is caught in a bloody street war between a Gypsy gang and the Russians, leaving one task force member dead. Fueled with vengeance, he leads us on an action packed thrill ride while avenging his friend's death.
Enrico il Leone
Year 1100. Italy.The Northern lands are ruled by a German emperor: Fredrick aka "Barbarossa. His dream is to conquer also the lands in the Center and in the South so as to revive the Empire that was once of the one Charles Magno.But in the North a young man from Milan has formed an army of 900 young men coming from different cities: the "company of death". This young man's name is Alberto Da Giussano. His dream is to defeat the Emperor and to give back freedom to the Northern lands.
A young Russian foreign exchange student arrives at the home of the vicar of a very proper english village whose residents are more than scandalised when her secret colorful past is suddenly revealed.
Sweeney Todd
Aid barber
A BBC adaptation of the Victorian "penny dreadful" tale of 18th century "demon barber" Sweeney Todd, of Fleet Street, who cuts the throats of unsuspecting clients in his London shop.
Nature Unleashed: Tornado
Father Alexei (as Alin Olteanu)
Haunted by the death of his father, who was killed by a tornado years earlier, Josh Barnaby finds himself tracking the deadly storms... this time as a photographer. When he partners up with Nickie Flynt, a reporter searching for the story of her career, he soon finds himself mixed up with forces of a different nature. A fanatic cult who is somehow able to influence the elements is after them, and as Josh works to fit the pieces of the puzzle together, the ultimate tornado forms: a category F5. Now it's a race against time as the mega-storm threatens to obliterate everything - and everyone - in it's path.