Bradley Porter


Auld Lang Syne
It's 2014 and time travel exists. It's New Years Eve and the only thing that gets Laura and Simon through the day are their brief flirtations. When Simon leaves for a lad's weekend to the past Laura gets caught in decade spanning black market war to save the man she might love.
Auld Lang Syne
It's 2014 and time travel exists. It's New Years Eve and the only thing that gets Laura and Simon through the day are their brief flirtations. When Simon leaves for a lad's weekend to the past Laura gets caught in decade spanning black market war to save the man she might love.
Production Office Assistant
1970年代、毎年2人が事故で死亡するF1の世界で伝説となった2人のレーサーが存在した。 ジェームズ・ハントは野性的思考であり、毎日を人生最期の日の様に謳歌する豪放なプレイボーイで、勘を活かした走りを得意としていたイギリス人。ニキ・ラウダは「コンピュータ」と評される論理的思考であり、レーサーのイメージとはかけ離れた勤勉な男で、工学の知識を活かして自らマシンを整備する走りを得意としていたオーストリア人。全く正反対の性格の2人はやがてライバル関係となり、度々レースで競い合う仲になる。 そして1976年― シーズン成績1位を独走するラウダとそれを追うハント。ドイツグランプリのその日は朝から豪雨でニュルブルクリンクの状態が悪かったため、レースを決行するべきかどうか審議が行われた。ラウダは中止を主張したが、ハントは決行を支持し、最終的に予定通り開催されることとなった。しかし、そのレースでラウダはクラッシュし、生死をさまよう重症を負ってしまう。ハントは彼のクラッシュの原因が自分にあると考えショックを受けるが、その後のラウダが参加できないレースでラウダとの差を埋めていく。一命は取り留めたラウダは、病院でその様子を見て奮起し、事故後わずか42日後にレースに復帰する。
Coconut Shy
A romantic (silent) musical with a sci-fi twist, Coconut Shy is a sweet & heartbreaking homage to the Hollywood Dance Movies of the 1930's and 1940's.
Coconut Shy
A romantic (silent) musical with a sci-fi twist, Coconut Shy is a sweet & heartbreaking homage to the Hollywood Dance Movies of the 1930's and 1940's.
Production Office Assistant
マーガレット・サッチャー 鉄の女の涙
Production Office Assistant
The Meeting Place
Anna waits on the hilltop for Johnny to return to her. When he does, Anna is faced with an unprecedented decision, one that has unimaginable consequences for both of them.
The Meeting Place
Anna waits on the hilltop for Johnny to return to her. When he does, Anna is faced with an unprecedented decision, one that has unimaginable consequences for both of them.
The Meeting Place
Anna waits on the hilltop for Johnny to return to her. When he does, Anna is faced with an unprecedented decision, one that has unimaginable consequences for both of them.
The Square Orbit
Imagine a world in which all speech is limited, a world in which the powerful few can speak for the many. Words cost you sight, and when all your words are gone the results are unthinkable. A Man arrives at his daughter's house, with only a mysterious briefcase and one word left to speak. He is being pursued for his secrets, and time is running out.
The Square Orbit
Imagine a world in which all speech is limited, a world in which the powerful few can speak for the many. Words cost you sight, and when all your words are gone the results are unthinkable. A Man arrives at his daughter's house, with only a mysterious briefcase and one word left to speak. He is being pursued for his secrets, and time is running out.