Haruna Yabuki

Haruna Yabuki

出生 : 1984-12-18, Tokyo, Japan


Haruna Yabuki is a Japanese actress, gravure idol, and TV personality from Tokyo. Since 2009, she has used the stage name Mari Abe. In the level Graniny Gorki Lab of the PlayStation 2 video game Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, there is a poster of Haruna Yabuki.


Haruna Yabuki


西村京太郎トラベルミステリー66 釧路・帯広殺人ルート
Kaori Osada
The strangled dead body of Hiroshi Hatano, accounting section chief at the longstanding apparel company Edaka International, is discovered in his apartment in Tokyo. At the scene, Inspector Totsugawa and Detective Kamei find out that a mysterious email stating "I'll be riding the Super Ozora 5 tomorrow" was sent to the victim's cell phone the night before. The sender, Manami Furuya, an employee of Edaka International's Planning Section, has strangely terminated her cell phone service and hasn't shown up to work that very morning. Immediately afterwards, Totsugawa is astonished to receive a report from the Hokkaido police stating that the body of a man, stabbed to death, has been found on the Super Ozora 5 limited express. The man is Yuuki Nakamura, a bar employee from Tokyo, who seems to have flown from Haneda Airport to Sapporo and then boarded the Super Ozora 5, which connects Sapporo and Kushiro. Totsugawa has the feeling that this can't be a coincidence...
Yuki Tasato
Eto Rinko
Secret auctions have been held for decades in Shinjuku, Tokyo, where people buy and sell babies. These exclusive gatherings accurately portray the selfishness and greediness of the various people who come to buy, or to sell. The film also focuses on minorities and the disabled who are championed by the Minister, Machiko, and the people in her orbit. Machiko's son, Akira, and Toru, one of her political supporters, are lovers. These two brave young men have decided to undertake the first same-sex marriage in Japan, despite a rigidly enforced legal ban on gay marriage. They are guided through this political and emotional minefield by Masaru, a hard-of-hearing lawyer who stands firmly behind them. Masaru is actually Minister Machiko's son who had been given to his mother at one of the very early Midnight Baby Parties. The film ends on a high note, celebrating Japan's first gay marriage.
「宇宙刑事ギャバンTHE MOVIE」から2年―。待望の“平成宇宙刑事シリーズ”最新作。2代目シャリバンが主人公のVシネマが誕生! 赤射せよ!シャリバン 初代シャリバン・伊賀電からその名を受け継いだ男・日向快は、経験と完璧な計算によって多くの犯人を検挙してきた宇宙刑事である。ある時、宇宙犯罪組織ネオマドー・ガイラー将軍が行う禁止薬物“ハイパーM”の取引現場を押えるため、快は相棒シシーと地球に向かう。しかし、快はそれとは別に銀河連邦警察長官ゴードンから極秘任務を課せられていたのだった!
A female university graduate is searching for a job in Tokyo, but her lack of interviewing skills is failing her. A friend introduces her to a cabaret club in Roppongi, Tokyo called Club Honey. She undergoes a work trial there. There are many women working there and many have personal problems and challenges. The girl begins working there and finds out the job is not exactly as she had first imagined. She then receives a letter from a company at which she had interviewed.
トウキョウ トライブ
近い未来の “トーキョー”には様々なトライブ(族)が存在し、そこに住む若者たちは、街を暴力で支配しながらお互いの縄張りを守っていた。トライブ間の暴動・乱闘は日々繰り広げられるも、互いの力関係は拮抗し絶妙なバランスで保たれていた。 しかし、ある事件をきっかけに、その均衡はもろくも崩れ去る。「ブクロWU-RONZ」のヘッドに君臨する<メラ>と「ムサシノSARU」に所属する<海(カイ)>。 二人を取り巻く”トーキョー”中のトライブを巻き込んだ、激しく壮絶な一大バトルが今始まろうとしている──。
最強極道伝説 極鬼2
Yakudo Gokuki Returns
Ouran Academy is a prestigious school with most students coming from wealthy families. One of the few students who comes from a modest background is Haruhi Fujioka (Haruna Kawaguchi). Through unexpected circumstances, Haruhi Fujioka ends up joining the male "host club," while hiding her gender. Friendship and love grows between Haruhi Fujioka and the male "host club" members.
くノ一忍法帖 影ノ月
Sunago Tsurugi
COOL GIRLS クールガールズ
"Cursed/ Cool Girls"- A man from North Korea brings in secret data into Tokyo. His purpose is to free his nation. The data is extremely dangerous for the Japanese government. A delicate matter needs a solution.
"Shadow of Sand" - Set in Tokyo in the 1980's. Yukie, a young woman lives with the vision of the lover she has murdered. After his death he continues to appear in her room. Yukie maintains her usual life, trying to avoid discovery of her crime until a new lover turns up.
Himitsu sennyû sôsakan Honey & Bunny
Honey and Bunny, two undercover agents, fight a criminal organization, which has one goal: Destroy the fashion industry!