Harry Moody


Haunted Range
Alex Forester
The hero must solve the murder of his benefactor within six months in order to inherit a valuable ranch.
Under Fire
The Golden Trail
Carver Cooley
Prospector Jack Remsen has hit a mother lode of hard luck: He can't pay the mortgage on his mine, and the skinflint repossessing it demands Jack's beloved horse as an additional penalty. When Jack angrily rides off on his own horse, he's branded a thief and hunted by the law. Although a wanted man, Jack remains in the territory because of his promise to look after the daughter of his late mining partner. The young beauty Jack thinks is his partner's daughter is actually the daughter of Jack's bitter enemy, the skinflint!
A Woman's Vengeance
A young girl has to prove her skillness with the gun against a gang outlaws, revealing herself as the real heroine of a Western town.
The Tiger's Trail
Tiger Face
A cult of Hindu tiger worshippers and a gang of Western outlaws try to cheat a young woman out of rich mines that belong to her.
Universal Ike in Mary Green's Husband
The Traveling Salesman
Mary Green works in a railroad restaurant. Here she becomes acquainted with a traveling salesman, who misses his train because a group of capitalists get in his way at the ticket window. Going to the telegraph office to send a message, he picks up a telegram left by the capitalists which states that a valuable mine belongs to Mary Green, who does not realize its worth.
Universal Ike in the Neglected Wife
Louise's Father
Louise and Ray are newly married. At heart Ray is in love with Louise, though he is a bit of a flirt. Resentful, because of his neglect, Louise writes her parents that she is coming home. She learns that Ray is infatuated with his stenographer, and hires a detective to trail him.
Universal Ike in Three of a Kind
Mistaken identity is the theme. The husband, who neglects his wife, is watched by two detectives, who make up to appear like him. When mother-in-law arrives the action begins
Universal Ike Junior in the Scarecrow and the Chaperone
Hiram - the Hotel Keeper
Miss Charity Prim, principal of a select school for young ladies, decides to take five of her pupils on a vacation. She writes a letter notifying the local hotel keeper that she will arrive by auto. She arrives with her charges and is met at the hotel by a deluge of cowboys, whom she chases away.
Universal Ike Junior Nearly Gets Married
Susie's Father - the Ranchman
Young Ike has fallen for the rancher's daughter. His chances improve when it's found that he stands to inherit $50,000, but things get complicated it turns out that he's actually $50,000 in debt.
Universal Ike Junior on His Honeymoon
Universal Ike Junior on His Honeymoon
Universal Ike Junior in the Dangers of a Great City
Ike, having produced the roll of money from the leg of Louise's father's trousers, rents a speedy automobile, and with Louise starts for the beach. Meanwhile, father, ma and the sheriff, having extricated themselves from the roof of the hotel, start out in mad pursuit.
Universal Ike Junior's Legacy
Following their elopement, Ike and Louise are captured by the sheriff, and with the girl's mother and father, all go to a hotel for the night. The sheriff takes charge of his two prisoners and locks them in adjoining rooms. They discover a fire escape. While they are planning their getaway, the old folks are preparing for bed.
Universal Ike Junior in His City Elopement
Drummer Jones makes his annual trip west. He stays at the Thatch Hotel, run by Louise's mother. Ike is janitor of the hotel. He and Louise are sweethearts. After the trunks are placed in the drummer's room he unpacks his samples. Louise has been watching from her room. When she sees her way clear, she hides herself in the trunk.
Universal Ike Junior in Cupid's Victory
Louise's father at last decides she is old enough to marry. So she in turn informs Ike of the fact and bids him come at once before father changes his mind. While Louise is getting her wedding dress ready, Ike purchases himself a dress suit. He steals a horse and buggy and starts for the train. The horse refuses to hurry.
Universal Ike Junior in a Case on the Doctor
The Station Agent
A young lady doctor causes all the trouble in Alkali Flats. Up to this time the town had never awakened. Then Louise arrived. There was just two hotels in town, one owned by a widow and the other by the mother of Universal Ike, Jr. Louise set out for the widow's hotel. But before she arrived her coming was heralded and every cowboy in the town
Universal Ike Junior Bearly Won Her
Dad goes to get some money, but the beehives are empty. There is a great confusion until Ma finds some hair in the hive. The sheriff, meanwhile, is searching for criminals. He meets Ma and Pa, sees the hair, decides the thieves and his prey are the same and seeks aid.
Universal Ike Junior in the New Cook
Boys on Circle Ranch dissatisfied with the cooking, decide to have the cook discharged. The ranch owner sends Ike to town to bring a new cook back. In the meantime, the cook's daughter has arrived to pay her mother a visit.
Universal Ike Junior Is Kept from Being an Actor
When a small traveling theatrical troupe stages a production in town, Ike is suddenly "bitten" by the acting bug and determines to become a famous actor.
Universal Ike Junior in a Battle Royal
Universal Ike Junior in a Battle Royal
Universal Ike Junior and His Mother-in-Law
The glad tidings that his mother-in-law had arrived in town reached Ike just as he was about to swallow a glass of beer. His agitation was extreme. His home life was bad enough before but after the mother arrived it was an inferno.
Universal Ike in Pursuit of Eats
Ike's uncle dies and leaves him a lot of money. He decides that he and his wife will buy a hotel. His first customers are a traveling circus, and when they can't pay the bill they leave Ike an elephant as payment.
Universal Ike Gets a Line on His Wife
The Sheriff
Universal Ike and the sheriff, the best of friends, each entertain a commonplace sentiment in regard to his wife; namely, neither is interested in her so long as she doesn't burn the biscuits.
Universal Ike Almost a Hero
Ike loves Louise. She accepts him without consulting her mother. Therefore when the mother chooses the sheriff for her son-in-law, Ike is forced to win the girl by other means than gentle words.
When Universal Ike Set
Ika marries a widow, figuring he's set for life. Unfortunately for him, the first thing she does is put him to work. Ike hatches a scheme with his doctor to fake illness to get out of work, but his new wife has planned for that, too.
Universal Ike Makes a Monkey of Himself
Ike is made the ranch's cook. When a traveling theatrical troupe get stranded nearby, Ike asks them back to the ranch, mainly so he can get next to their pretty leading lady, but he finds that he has to compete for the girl's affections with her pet monkey.
Universal Ike Has His Ups and Downs
John de Rockingchair, oil magnate, is a suitor for the hand of Louise. The young lady, however, has long since decided that she will not marry any man who has money. Aside from this she loves Universal Ike.
Universal Ike in the Battle of Little Tin Horn
Universal Ike in the Battle of Little Tin Horn
Universal Ike's Wooing
Mary's Admirer
"They died for love. Locked in each other's arms, they capsized the boat and sank beneath the surface of the dismal waters without a murmur." Thus the romantic Mary reads and her youthful imagination is first with the noble sentiment.