Tsuyoshi Shimizu


Production Design
The date: 2015 AD. The Angels’ assaults on Tokyo-3 have increased in its ferocity. In this city, three young girls upload their latest song onto Nico Nico Douga.
Art Direction
Production Design
両親の都合で一人、親戚が経営する旅館で過ごすことになった小学5年生の少年恭平は、玻璃ヶ浦へ向かう電車の中で湯川に出会う。湯川は海底鉱物資源開発の説明会にアドバイザーとして出席するために玻璃ヶ浦へ来ており、恭平の親戚の旅館に宿泊する。そんな中、同じ旅館に泊まっていた客の塚原正次がその夜中に姿を消し、翌朝海辺で変死体となって発見される。県警は現場検証を行い、堤防から誤って転落した事故死の線が濃厚であるとしていた。 同じころ、草薙は上司である多々良管理官から直々に特命の捜査を依頼される。被害者の塚原は元警視庁捜査一課所属の刑事で、恩になったことがある先輩の死に疑問を抱く多々良は、同じ旅館に湯川が泊まっていることを知り、草薙を連絡係にして独自の捜査を命じたのだった。草薙は内海とともに、湯川とコンタクトを取りながら捜査を行う。捜査を進めるうち、塚原は殺害された後に、海に遺棄された可能性が高くなっていった。 はたして塚原は、何のために玻璃ヶ浦に来たのか。事件に遭遇した湯川は「ある人物の人生が捻じ曲げられる」ことを防ぐために、真相に挑んでいく。鍵を握るのは、16年前に塚原が担当した元ホステス殺人事件。そして、その裏には旅館の家族が隠さなければならなかったある重大な秘密があった。
Art Direction
Art Direction
252 生存者あり
Production Design
Art Direction
Sweet Rain: 死神の精度
Art Direction
Art Direction
One day Kyoko watches television and sees a man turning himself in to the police after murdering a family. Something within Kyoko connects with the man, as she recognizes a similar soul. Despite the worries of the killer's lawyer, she approaches the killer and the two start corresponding.
サッド ヴァケイション
Art Direction
Kenji Shiraishi is involved in the trafficking of illegal immigrants from China to Japan. One such case leaves an immigrant child to be an orphan. Instead of selling him along with others that arrived, Kenji flees with the boy to look after him and make an attempt at everyday life. The people after the boy, unexpected encounters with long-lost family members, and his vengeful nature are standing in the way of his future.
サッド ヴァケイション
Production Design
Kenji Shiraishi is involved in the trafficking of illegal immigrants from China to Japan. One such case leaves an immigrant child to be an orphan. Instead of selling him along with others that arrived, Kenji flees with the boy to look after him and make an attempt at everyday life. The people after the boy, unexpected encounters with long-lost family members, and his vengeful nature are standing in the way of his future.
Production Design
Production Design
In the early morning of January 17, 1995, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake struck, and Tadao Furuichi (Hidekazu Akai), who was running a camera store in Kobe City, lost his friends, his house, and his property. Tadao is busy volunteering for the reconstruction of the town, and one day he comes across his own golf bag that survived the earthquake. Feeling a miracle, Tadao decides to challenge the professional golf test before he turns 60.
Art Direction
Kaoru, a wealthy woman whose youth is fading, abandons the hustle and bustle of the city to live a peaceful life in a house on the coast. There she takes care of an old deaf, dumb and blind man as if he were an insect, a child or a pet. He can’t do anything for himself, so she feeds him and accompanies him on his walks. This strong mutual dependency offers Kaoru an escape from society and allows her to free herself from restrictions imposed by common sense.
Production Design
昭和15年、演劇は規制され台本は検閲にかけられていた。ある日警視庁の取り調べ室で検閲官・向坂睦男(役所広司)は 劇団・笑の大学・座付作家・椿一(稲垣吾郎)を取り調べようとしていた……。
Production Design
Kanzo Hattori, an apprentice Ninja, leaves his home town of Iga for his final training. He must go to the city of Edo (Tokyo), and the first person he meets shall be his master, whom he must protect with his life, whilst upholding the ninja code. Also while in Edo, Hattori must find out why their rivals, the Koga Ninjas, are flourishing while the Iga Ninjas are dying out. Hattori's master is Kenichi, a 9 year old boy. Kenichi is an introvert and not very popular boy, so he never plays with the other children from school. Kenichi also has a secret crush on a young lady called Midori, yet he's too shy to speak to her. Though as he watches Hattori trying his best, he too begins to try. Meanwhile, people are being found unconscious, their bodies completely unmarked. All the victims have a tattoo (the Koga Ninja crest) and are found with a throwing knife lying close by.
レイクサイド マーダーケース
Art Direction
Art Direction
Police detective Sosuke is shot down while chasing down a suspect. While he is unconscious, his gun is stolen. He recovers, but loses his wife and resigns from the police force. All of a sudden, his lost gun used in a series of crimes.
Assistant Art Director
ゴジラシリーズ第20作。「平成シリーズ」第5作。 未曾有のゴジラ被害に対応すべく、新たに設立された「国連G対策センター」は、メカギドラの研究によって対ゴジラ用の最終兵器メカゴジラの開発を始める。その頃、復活したラドンを調査するためベーリング海のアドノア島を訪れた国立生命科学研究所の五条梓たちは、そこで謎の巨大な卵を発見、日本に持ち帰った卵からベビーゴジラが誕生する。ベビーゴジラの存在を感知し京都に上陸するゴジラ。そのころ国連G対策センターは、日本に上陸したゴジラに対し、完成したメカゴジラで精鋭部隊Gフォースによる迎撃を敢行するが・・・。