Kuniaki Haishima
出生 : 1955-01-30, Saitama, Saitama, Japan
Original Music Composer
人間によるアマゾン殱滅作戦は佳境を迎えていた。この世に生存が確認されているアマゾンは残り2体、「水澤悠/仮面ライダーアマゾンオメガ」と「鷹山仁/仮面ライダーアマゾンアルファ」。この2体を狩れば、すべてが終わる、はずだった。 「アマゾン畜産計画」と謎の養護施設、水澤悠を追うアマゾン駆除組織4C、共生と競生、肉食と草食――。 激しい運命に翻弄された悠と仁に決着の時が迫る…。
Original Music Composer
Han and Hao are about to get married soon when Hao picks up a strange red envelope on the street and then all hell breaks loose with a vengeful supernatural bride wreaking havoc on his life.
Three female idols appear on a television show to investigate an exorcism. An exorcist with psychic powers named Unsui claims that the show’s subjects, the Kaneda family, are cursed by a demon that’s too powerful for him to banish on his own, so he calls in a fellow exorcist to help. Soon, a reckless ghost hunter enters the fray as the three idols witness a series of terrifying events.
Original Music Composer
The horror-thriller follows a group of teenagers dealing with the disappearance of one of them, Yuki, at an amusement park s ghost house. On a rainy day 10 years later, Yuki inexplicably returns. However, no sooner is she united with her former friends than she collapses, and the group rushes Yuki to a nearby hospital. But after checking in, they discover that things are not quite as they seem at the medical center. As the night wears on, the group sinks deeper and deeper into the events from a decade ago that led to Yuki's disappearance.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
A detective investigates a series of murders. A possible serial killer might be on a rampage, since they all are in the same vicinity and by the same method, but as the evidence points toward the detective as the prime suspect, a ghost in red follows him, and he begins to question his identity. His realization of what seems to have really happened results in something much more sinister and larger in scope, and it leaves his psyche scarred.
1999年、地球に衝突した巨大隕石は海の大半を蒸発させ、同時に地球外生命体・ワームが隕石から出現、瞬く間に広範囲を支配した。人類は対ワーム組織・ZECTを設立。マスクドライダーシステムを開発し、戦場に投入した。 それから7年後の2006年。深刻な水不足に陥った地上でワームとライダーの戦いが続く中、ZECTに反旗を翻す一部メンバーが新組織・NEO ZECTを結成。ZECTはNEO ZECTの粛清に乗り出す。ZECTのライダー大和鉄騎=ケタロス、矢車想=ザビー率いる部隊に追いつめられるNEO ZECTの織田秀成=ヘラクス、風間大介=ドレイク、北斗修羅。そこへ天道総司=カブトが乱入し、戦況は新たなる段階を迎える。 折しもZECTでは、巨大彗星が地球に接近する情報を掴んでいた。この彗星を引き寄せれば、地球に莫大な水を獲得でき、ZECTは益々権力を強めることができるのだ。ZECTは「天空の梯子」と呼ばれる軌道エレベータを用いて、「天空の梯子計画」を発令。天道よりこの情報を得たNEO ZECTも、ZECTの支配力増加を抑えるべく、計画の乗っ取りを画策する。
Twenty-minute aerial overview of various Tokyo highlights, with continuous zooms from sweeping panoramas down to individual people on the street.
Original Music Composer
海堂祐司は、新種の病原菌に侵されていると宣言された。しかも、現代の医療技術では駆逐は不可能。唯一の対処法である未来の医療技術の発展に、祐司は一抹の望みを賭け、彼は時間を旅する者『スリーパー』となり、全てを託して眠りについた。そして、時は過ぎ、西暦2031年…。戦士マリーンによって長き眠りから目覚めた祐司が見た物は、生きるよりも辛い地獄のような未来だった! 地球は、謎の生命体『BLUE』の繁殖により壊滅の危機に瀕していたのである。人類が生き残るには、謎の生命体『BLUE』を倒すしかない! 何も分からないまま、地球人類の存亡を賭けた壮絶な戦いの真っ直中に放り込まれた祐司の新たな『生きる』ための戦いが今、始まる!
Original Music Composer
Three apparently unrelated suicides occur on the same day in Tokyo. One involves a young athlete, one a groom at his wedding reception, and the third an elderly man celebrating his wife's birthday. A middle aged detective investigating one of the cases begins to suspect a connection between the three when he discovers that each person mentioned a "green monkey" before they died. With the help of a young psychiatrist he formulates the theory that hypnosis is somehow involved. In the mean time other bizarre "suicides" are reported and the mystery intensifies. Who will be next? What is the truth? Can more deaths be prevented?
Original Music Composer
The FLY BanD is a group of funky, fashionable musicians from NY who have an outstanding sense of rhythm and groove. They start another music session using daily products somewhere in the world...
While walking through the streets of Tokyo, Linn Suzuki comes across a strange device sticking up from the sidewalk. Suddenly, she is set upon by thugs and is helped by a beautiful stranger who takes them all down. It seems young Linn has fled Deep Kyoto from her cruel mistress and has traveled to Edo where she hopes to find her long lost brother, who was last seen working for the Kuon Detective Agency. By chance, this stranger happens to be Miho Kuon and lets Linn stay with her (nicknaming her Kotetsu, or Little Tetsu after her brother, Tetsujin). However, a mysterious agency called the Syndicate are after Miho and Linn is now in the thick of things.
Original Music Composer
Subaru is investigating the death of of a enemy, Kaneyama but before he died, he undertook a project, which was how to teach seven teenage girls how to use black magic to get revenge on people they don't like, but when one of the girls feels remorse, she is told by the other girls to continue with the black magic. Subaru tries to stop them but the girls think that he is their enemy and put a curse on him.
金おじいさんとテンテンたちが住む街は、親方キョンシーが大暴れした一件で人々が離れて廃墟と化していた。孤児4人組のうち、チビトラとデッパは法術の修行のために旅に出され、金おじいさんも残ったテンテン、チビクロ、トンボと共にキョンシーとなったスイカ頭を含めたキョンシー隊を引き連れて旅に出た。しかし、キョンシーとして復活させたとは言えスイカ頭の死を誰よりも悔やんでいる金おじいさんは、以前にも増して酒を飲むことが多くなっており、テンテンたちにとっても心苦しい悩みとなっていた。 とある日の夜、森で馬車が襲われている現場に遭遇した金おじいさんたちは強盗を退け、助けられた兄のチンと妹のレイレイはその礼として金おじいさんたちを自宅に招いて歓待し、一晩の宿まで提供してくれた。 一方、逃げた強盗達は復讐のためによからぬ企てをたくらみ、モミジ道士に相談を持ち掛けるのだった。