Boriana Mintcheva


Production Design
The story follows a young boy's life which started in the Rose Valley. Nowadays - a grown up man, struggling to make his dream come true.
Victor Young Perez
Art Direction
Victor Perez was a Jewish boxer who became world flyweight champion in 1931 and 1932, but was transported to Auschwitz concentration camp when Paris fell to the Nazi s in 1943. While there he was forced into slave labour and made to participate in violent boxing matches for the amusement of the Nazi guards. Surviving Auschwitz tells Victors astonishing, harrowing, brutal and incredibly moving true story.
The Killing Grounds
Production Design
Set against the backdrop of a violent gang war, the police commissioner must find who is killing young children before the next innocent victim dies.
Art Direction
A man must survive a prison where hardened criminals battle to the death for the warden's entertainment.
Costume Design
Set in a dilapidated indoor swimming pool (the Central Baths in Sofia), the film details the efforts of Anton, a clueless dreamer who yearns to sail the world, and Martha, the button obsessed cashier, to maintain the illusion for Anton's blind father that business is thriving. Working to sabotage their efforts is Gregor - Anton's brother - an amoral developer who is determined to raze the entire town and construct a sprawling condominium complex. Gregor engineers an accident that seems certain to doom the business and in the process steals away Eva, the beautiful woman of Anton's dreams. Will Gregor's dastardly plan succeed?
Protect the Small Animals
Costume Design
Two friends from their student years are dating. One of them is the director of a peasant school, and the other is an impresario in show business. Memories bring them back to their youth. What have they lost and what have they kept over the years? These questions are answered by the heroes at dawn, after a stormy night.