The film follows a single father, Tom Hawkins (Kevin O’Donnell) whose life is destroyed when his son is kidnapped and murdered. When informed by the FBI, led by agent Mike Sheehy (Naughton), that the homicide appears to be part of a string of crimes carried out by an enigmatic, religious sect, Tom decides to take matters into his own hands. Ultimately he is faced with a challenging moral decision: should he follow his religious beliefs and let the law take its course or continue to seek revenge and hope God will show him forgiveness?
As the 15th anniversary of a fatal high school shooting approaches, former pupil Diana McFee is haunted by memories of the tragedy. After losing her best friend Maureen in the attack, Diana has been profoundly affected by the incident - her seemingly perfect life shaped by the events of that day.
Our Town is a three-act play by American playwright Thornton Wilder. It is a character story about an average town's citizens in the early twentieth century as depicted through their everyday lives. Using metatheatrical devices, Wilder sets the play in a 1930s theater. He uses the actions of the Stage Manager to create the town of Grover's Corners for the audience. Scenes from its history between the years of 1901 and 1913 play out. Originally broadcast on the Showtime Network, then as part of the PBS series "Masterpiece Theatre" (season 33, episode 1).