Nene Otsuka

Nene Otsuka

出生 : 1968-06-14, Tokyo, Japan


Nene Otsuka


Mariko Nishiyama
「そして、ここに生きている。」16年経った今も変わらず志木那島の人々と寄り添いながら生きる“コトー先生”こと 五島健助 の新たな物語。
Sayuri Sakamoto
Kaisei Sakamoto is a 16 year old boy who is inclined to settle everything with his fists. He grew up in a town where you can see both Nagazaki and Gunkanjima, living with his father. His father, Genkai Sakamoto, runs a small ramen shop. The father-son duo has just recently had a large fight. The story showcases fragments of one's youth and the questions that crop up while growing up.
"Kiyo Matsumoto" who was the founder of "Drugstore Matsumotokiyoshi" and the mayor of Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture With his way of life that has overcome adversity with unconventional ideas. The story of people who inherited that intention and continued to stick to the number one.
Shibuya Haruko is a high school student living in Tokyo. One night, she is instantly smitten by Kanagawa Kenichi, who is lying prone on a bridge. But Kenichi becomes far more interested in a girl he impulsively hits on, Mayumi, over the high-spirited Haruko.
Kaoru Nagai
Flight Over The Water
Ikuko Todo
Haruka is a promising athlete, but she gets into an accident and is left paralyzed from the waist down. Haruka becomes frustrated with her situation and closes her mind to others. By meeting people who view disabilities as individuality traits, she attains a new dream in the sport of paracanoe.
恐竜超伝説 劇場版ダーウィンが来た!
人類誕生のはるか昔、恐竜は愛情や知性まで身に付けていた! 舞台は、今から6600万年前の地球。そこは巨大生物たちが覇権を争う世界。集団で巧みな狩りをする最強恐竜ティラノサウルス、極寒の北極で「知識」を武器に生き抜く肉食恐竜トロオドン、自らを犠牲にして天敵に立ち向かう羽毛恐竜デイノケイルス、人間のようにお腹を痛めて新たな命を育む海竜モササウルス。恐竜たちは過酷な環境で命をつなぐため、我が子に愛を注ぎながら必死に生きていた。だが…。そのころ、巨大隕石が猛スピードで地球に向っていた-。さらに、近年明らかになった、かつて日本にあった恐竜王国の全貌にも徹底的に迫る!
Eiko Muto
The owner of an established photo studio, collapses from illness. His son Shinta, who was raised by his divorced wife, comes home. One day, an elderly woman named shows up at the studio and beckons Shinta to come with her. They arrive at a grassy field where Shinta finds about the secret of the "singing voice" that keeps echoing in his memory and about his father's feelings.
劇場版 おっさんずラブ 〜LOVE or DEAD〜
黑泽 蝶子
最上の命医 2017
Ichiro Hagio
Maverick pediatric surgeon Mikoto Saijo agrees to work under his mentor, but only if he's allowed to care for a teenager with a risky pregnancy.
Izumi Naruse
Aoi studies photography at a school in Tokyo. She undergoes a heart transplant operation and goes to the island of Okinawa to recover. Her uncle lives on the island. There, she holds a camera and walks along the island. Aoi hears the sound of a trumpet. She looks up and sees a young man playing the trumpet. His name is Zio.
Kumiko Misaki
Restaurant owner Kenji Nagata has been stabbed to death. When the police begin an investigation, a bag of human bones is discovered in Nagata's car and Detective Kajikawa asks anthropologist Kumiko Misaki to perform an examination. She discovers that the deceased was a man in his mid-twenties and that he died more than 15 years ago. Meanwhile, suspicion for Nagata's murder falls on his apprentice chef Ryohei Miyamura due to the murder weapon being a kitchen knife. Afterwards, Miyamura breaks into Kumiko's lab, but manages to escape...
Six love stories following the love lives of ten different people.
Hinagu Watarai
Nozomi Osako
名探偵コナン 工藤新一への挑戦状 ~怪鳥伝説の謎
Eri Kisaki
This story takes place 100 days before Kudo Shinichi became Edogawa Conan. Kudo Shinichi, a high school detective, arrives in Jugoya Town with Mori Ran and others. In this town a legend exists, claiming that a gigantic bull-headed shrike attacks the townspeople and kills them. The town was about to hold a festival in 3 days to put the giant bird's spirit to rest. While being led on a tour of the bull-headed shrike Shrine by Sonoko's parent's friend, Mr. Wakura, a crime related to the legend occurs. Starting with Kosaka, member of the Wakura family are slowly murdered in the same way...
瞬 またたき
Makiko Kirino
A young woman named Izumi (Keiko Kitagawa) suffers the loss of her boyfriend Junichi (Masaki Okada), who died from a fatal motorcycle accident. The shock from her boyfriend's sudden death causes Izumi to lose her memory from the time of the accident. A lawyer named Makiko (Nene Otsuka) then helps Izumi to remember the final moments of her boyfriend's life.
Fuyuko Todoroki
"Saigo no Yakusoku" is described as a human suspense story involving the hijack of a major building. The members of Arashi play five young men who happen to be inside, and the story depicts their attempt to escape and their interactions with the other people caught up in the incident.
アマルフィ 女神の報酬
Yoshimi Haba
クリスマス目前のローマ。亡き夫との思い出が詰まった街で、矢上紗江子(天海祐希)は最愛の娘の失踪(しっそう)するという最悪の事態に見舞われてしまう。身代金目的の誘拐か、それともテロか……? 犯人グループが警察の包囲網をかく乱し、捜査が一向に進展しない中、事件の真相に迫る外交官・黒田(織田裕二)は、ある事実に行き当たる。
The second Anmitsu Hime TV-movie.
Akiko Hanzawa
辰村祐介には、勝哉、明子という幼馴染みがいた。中学生時代、大阪で三人は貧しいながらも助け合って生きていた。ある時、明子の義父・貞和と明子の関係、そし、貞和の死の真相に関する誰にも言えない秘密を抱えることとなり、その後は連絡をとりあうこともなくなっていた。 それから25年後、辰村祐介は大手広告代理店・東邦広告の営業部副部長となっていた。辰村の部署が、それまで取引のなかった大手メーカー、大東電機から、突然予算18億という巨額プロジェクトの競合の指名を受ける。 才色兼備の部長・立花英子、政治家の息子としてのコネ入社ながら仕事に関しては一生懸命な若手・戸塚英明、破天荒なところはあるがコンピューターの天才である派遣社員・平野由佳らと、コンペの勝利に向け邁進する辰村。そしてある日、そのプロジェクトが自分の封印してきた過去と繋がっていることを知る…。
The prison guards working in penitentiaries where death row inmates are locked up are forced to spend their daily lives constantly facing death.
Misuzu Nakamura
椎名という大学生の現在の物語と琴美という女性の2年前の物語が同時に描かれる、カットバック形式の小説。 椎名は引っ越し先のアパートの隣人・河崎に「本屋で広辞苑を盗まないか」と誘われる。断りきれなかった椎名は本屋から広辞苑を奪う手伝いをさせられてしまう。その計画の後、河崎やペットショップの店長をしている麗子から2年前の話を聞かされることになる。 2年前の物語は琴美、その恋人であるキンレィ・ドルジ(ブータン人)、河崎、麗子を中心に展開する。世間で多発しているペット惨殺事件の犯人たちに出会ったことにより、琴美が目を付けられてしまう。琴美は何度も襲われるが、ドルジや河崎に助けられ、逆に犯人たちを捕まえようとする。 2年前の事件と現在の本屋襲撃が次第につながっていく。
There are no heroines, there are no heroes. The six girls in this film are victims of their own excess and lack of worth. The film is set in a Drug Rehabilitation Centre. The girls are rehearsing the play 'Death of Domomata' for the annual Christmas Eve recital. On the morning before the recital, Tobe, who plays the leading role, dies suddenly. How do the girls left behind manage to go on with the show and how do they cope with Tobe's death?
HERO 特別編
Misuzu Nakamura
Megumi Honma
Akira's Mother
When a new, smart and sweet Tokyo girl, Rumiko, starts at a rural elementary school, Akira finds himself smitten, like every other male pupil. Newcomer's popularity is contrasted with the less-tolerant treatment of scruffy Hideko, who, thanks to the arrival of a carnival freak-show in town, is nicknamed the Wolf Girl. Teachers and parents snootily consider the carny off-limits, but Akira is determined to find out whether Hideko really is a wolf girl.
Kyouko Morishima
Yuko is a Japanese girl who was taken hostage in Iraq while volunteering there as an aid worker. Finally released and back in her hometown, Yuko finds herself ostracized as a national disgrace by society that sees her helping a country other than Japan, and the embarrassment of getting captured but not killed, as things of which to be brutally ashamed.
Nobuko Ishii
Kazuo Murata is a detective who has lost his wife and eventually the meaning of his existence.
Seigo Yoshioka (Kenji Sakaguchi) is a teacher that became mute after a kendo accident. He feels lost after the accident and eventually decides to teach again on a small island where his mother was born. The children there on the island quickly name him "Kikansha Sensei" (Teacher Locomotive) after learning he is mute. The parents on the island are mostly hostile to Seigo Yoshioka, believing he is incapable of teaching their children. But with Seigo Yoshioka's determination and kindness, a strong bond develops between the students and the mute teacher, which then changes the parents' opinions of Seigo Yoshioka. Suddenly, tragedy then strikes ...
Momoka Matsushita
Life Is Journey
LIFE IS JOURNEY is an anthology of four stories about people who live in solitude, but who yearn for togetherness. Each day brings chance meetings and reluctant partings, joy and pain. The first vignette, "Life", portrays half of a woman's life in one-scene, one-cut, nine-minute sequence. "N" is a comical take on a man abandoned by his lover. "Ya" explores the bond of female friendship as one woman consoles a brokenhearted girlfriend. In "Nowhere", a man and a woman roam the streets of a foreign land in search of lost time.
Yo nimo Kimyou na Monogatari: 2003 Spring Special
Hosted by veteran comedian Tamori, "Bizarre Tales 2003 Spring Special" presents five tales. 1. Kao wo Nusumareta (My Face was Stolen) - starring Inagaki Goro 2. Rental Love - starring Iijima Naoko 3. Oikaketai (I want to Chase [Him/Her]) - starring Kyono Kotomi 4. Chozeikin Taisaku Satsujin Jiken (Countering Excessive Taxation Murder Case) - starring Nishimura Masahiko 5. Kage no Kuni (The Country of Shadows) - starring Sakurai Sachiko
私立探偵 濱マイク 名前のない森
No. 29
Private detective Mike takes on an assignment to return a girl, who is set to marry into a prestigious family, from a mysterious commune in the forest.
Kimiko Ikejima
Ryoko Kurasawa
A woman has a fine life with rewarding work, a nice house, and a serious boyfriend in the lowlands of Japan. In walks her long lost husband who years ago disappeared and abandoned her. The wife allows her lost husband to secretly live in her house. More specifically, he lives in the wife's closet. The closet has a peep hole, so he does nothing day and night but watch his wife live her life.
Nobuko Shimizu
Mashike, a city on the Japanese island of Hokkaido. Nobuo Honma is a 63-year-old sake producer. He has lived with Yasuo since his wife died two years ago. Yasuo is his youngest son to whom he has entrusted his trade. Every day Nobuo goes for a walk which leads him to a fish-breeding center, located in the mountains. He fills his loneliness by attentively observing the development of thousands of little fish poured into the pool. The second anniversary of his wife's death approaches. Nobuo insists on the presence of Ryoichi, his elder son whom he hasn't seen for a long time. Nobuo and his two sons, along with their partners, gather for the commemoration. Unspoken feelings resurface and clash with each other.
Kazuko - Yuji's wife
The movie is absurd, and a thoroughly original take on the morale in Japanese society. The images are beautiful, and the people are as cold as the snow that surrounds them. The take on Melville's "Samoraï" from -67 is obvious, but Kobayashi turns the image around and portrays the killer as the weakest person in the movie - haunted by his demanding wife and the moaning contractor, who is one of the most mysterious characters ever portrayed in a movie.
Namie Mishima
踊る大捜査線 秋の犯罪撲滅スペシャル
Junko Sagara
1998年10月、会社内連続婦女暴行事件の内偵捜査を終え、青島は約1ヶ月ぶりに湾岸警察署に戻る。その矢先、管内で放火殺人未遂事件が発生し、青島も捜査に駆り出されることに。湾岸警察署に特別捜査本部が設置され第1回捜査会議が始まるが、その最中に被疑者が逮捕されて青島は意気消沈。さらに青島は本部を指揮する新城管理官から目の敵にされた上、苦手な裏付捜査をさせられる羽目に。その後、被疑者の供述から、被害者の恋人である相良純子という女性が犯行を依頼していたことが判明。程なく純子は成田空港で逮捕され、身柄を引き取りに行く捜査一課の南刑事に、青島、すみれ、真下の3人が同行することになる。ところが護送中立ち寄った店で強盗事件が発生し、そのどさくさに紛れて純子が逃走してしまう。 さらに、すみれに逃走幇助の疑いがかかり、警察庁首席監察官となっていた室井がその調査を命じられる。湾岸署を訪れすみれを聴取するが、なぜかすみれは釈然としない。純子がすみれに接触を図ることが考慮され、室井は青島と和久にすみれを監視させるが、なかなか純子は姿を見せず依然として行方がつかめない。すみれに監視を気づかれたことで和久が降りてしまい、青島は一人で監視を続けるものの捜査妨害を疑われ、今度は真下と雪乃が青島を監視する事態に。そんな中、純子がすみれに連絡してくる…。
大いなる完 ぼんの
Based on the comic by Hiroshi Motomiya
Making-of documentary for Swallowtail Butterfly
Yuriko Suzuki
In Harari-cho, a small and quiet bayside town by the sea, the firemen have not seen a fire for nearly twenty years. Each day passes eventlessly... until one day. The monotony of their daily lives is interrupted by the appearance of a beautiful female college student, Momoko, who comes to visit her aunt. After catching a glimpse of Momoko, both Tatsuya and Nobuyuki can't stop thinking about her. Since then, the small town is not so quiet anymore…