Ugo De Cesare

Ugo De Cesare


Ugo De Cesare


The Armadillo's Prophecy
A 27-year-old guy from a peripheral Roman suburb leads a normal but repetitive life: his conscience manifests in the form of an armadillo with whom he has conversations bordering on paradoxical during which he updates him on what's happening in the world. Based on the best-selling graphic novel.
Mi rifaccio vivo
After spending most of his life being defeated by his rival Ottone, meek Biagio tries to commit suicide – but in the hereafter he's offered a chance to come back to life for a week as Dennis, Ottone's trusted business partner.
The Last Man on Earth
Joseph Palla
The story of the latest week on the earth before the announce of the landing of an extraterrestrial society on earth seen by the eyes of a misogynist man with only the desire solitude and routine.
La Passione
To avoid being sued, a film director reluctantly agrees to set up and direct the Good Friday celebrations in a small Tuscan town.
アマルフィ 女神の報酬
クリスマス目前のローマ。亡き夫との思い出が詰まった街で、矢上紗江子(天海祐希)は最愛の娘の失踪(しっそう)するという最悪の事態に見舞われてしまう。身代金目的の誘拐か、それともテロか……? 犯人グループが警察の包囲網をかく乱し、捜査が一向に進展しない中、事件の真相に迫る外交官・黒田(織田裕二)は、ある事実に行き当たる。