Sabrina Beretta


À la Recherche
A farmhouse in the countryside around Rome in the 70s. Livia and Pietro write a script for Luchino Visconti based on 'In Search of Lost Time' by Marcel Proust.
La prima regola
A suburban high school, structures, students and teaching staff are the exemplary mirror of a social and economic depression that seems irreversible. To worsen the situation, a few meters from the school, between the houses of the neighborhood, the "Zoo", a center of assistance to migrants became over the years a permanent refugee camp. A professor is called to hold a remedial course for six students suspended for disciplinary reasons. But when the clashes between the population and migrants break out, the situation quickly gets out of hand.
The Italian Recipe
Yang is a spoiled pop star from China. When he comes to Rome for a reality show he meets young Manman, a simple girl with a big dream: becoming a great chef. The two of them will spend together a night that will change their lives.
Pino Gambassi is a child suffering from haemophilia and is animated by an unbridled desire for freedom and boundless courage: he decides to start his adventure in the world and to show everyone that he can live his life like a normal kid.
La macchina delle immagini di Alfredo C.
Costume Designer
April 1939. Fascist Italy occupies Albania. Thousands of Italian workers, settlers and technicians are transferred to the country. November 1944, Albania is liberated. The new Communist government closes the borders and places dozens of conditions on Italy for the repatriation of its citizens. In 1945 27,000 Italian veterans and civilians were still held in Albania. Among them there is a cameraman, Alfredo C. An operator of the Fascist propaganda effort, he has been traveling around Albania with his movie camera for five years. Before that, for almost two decades, he had immortalised the great machine of the regime. Now, by a twist of fate, being the only cameraman around, Alfredo has been asked to work on behalf of Communist propaganda. Shut up in his storeroom, surrounded by thousands of reels of film, Alfredo watches what he has shot again on an old Moviola. It is his film that we are watching. And perhaps, not his alone.
Costume Design
Five people travelling by camper crash into a tree. When they recover, the road they were driving on has been replaced by an impenetrable forest and a wooden house.
Regina, a 15-year-old girl who lost her mother years earlier, dreams of becoming a singer. Her father, Luigi, her only family at that point, firmly believes in his daughter's talent and supports her unceasingly. After all, Luigi had given up his own musical career to be near his daughter. Their relationship seems rock-solid, indissoluble, until one day an unexpected event changes their lives..
Abbi fede
Costume Design
An ancient dying land is brought back to life by the primal force of a young mute girl, who witnesses the fatal clash between two fathers.
Costume Design
Francis, a forty year old engineer, after a mysterious disgrace he retired to live in a village on Lake Iseo. With still little daughter occupies the former family villa, a magnificent Art Nouveau building on the lake shore. In the big house there is, however, another mysterious person, of which only perceives the echo of the respirator that keeps her alive. But other presences no less disturbing, and certainly more dangerous, they move around the villa. What happened to the man and his family? What secrets hide? Marta will know, childhood friend always in love with him, awaken Francis from the torpor in which he has fallen, and free him from the pain? And most importantly, how many succeed they gravitate around the house to escape the danger that threatens their lives? Breaths tells how the pain can profoundly transform a man crushed by memories, guilt, fears. He also wants to show the extent to which an individual is able to accept the existence paths without being a victim.
Francis, a forty year old engineer, after a mysterious disgrace he retired to live in a village on Lake Iseo. With still little daughter occupies the former family villa, a magnificent Art Nouveau building on the lake shore. In the big house there is, however, another mysterious person, of which only perceives the echo of the respirator that keeps her alive. But other presences no less disturbing, and certainly more dangerous, they move around the villa. What happened to the man and his family? What secrets hide? Marta will know, childhood friend always in love with him, awaken Francis from the torpor in which he has fallen, and free him from the pain? And most importantly, how many succeed they gravitate around the house to escape the danger that threatens their lives? Breaths tells how the pain can profoundly transform a man crushed by memories, guilt, fears. He also wants to show the extent to which an individual is able to accept the existence paths without being a victim.
Beached Tuna
Francesco, a young man who wants to be a comedian, insults his girlfriend to make his public laugh; she will break up with and so he will think of a crazy plan to win her back.
I Was a Dreamer
At 39 years of age Mirko has just left prison. In the outskirts of Rome, a new future waits for him. When he is elected president of the homeowners’ committee, he realises that he can dream of a different kind of existence. Not only for himself and his family, but for the whole suburb where he lives. This film deals with a “bandit” who, with the help of his best friend Boccione, wants to turn the indifference of the suburb into solidarity and the roads into luxuriant fields of tomatoes, becoming the bearer of a happiness he does not know how to reach. It is the story of a fragile and irrational dream: offering a future to those who do not even believe they deserve a present.
The Champions League
Two men must struggle to travel to Prague for Champions League Football Final match.
Stalking Eva
The story is about Eva, a Ukrainian girl who has come to Milan to work as a model. As soon as she arrives in Italy she attracts the attention of the male world. All of the men that she encounters seem to be solely interested in exploiting her beauty: and so we have Luke, the stalker, who never stops tormenting her with text messages and phone calls; Airoldi, the shady television producer, who offers her various jobs in exchange for her sexual favours, and lastly, Tom, a vile photographer, who has no scruples whatsoever. After being raped at a party by Tom and two of his colleagues, Eva is invited by Cindy, her flatmate, to a sort of Sabbath, attended solely by women, in a place outside Milan. From that moment on, the gateway to success in the fashion world opens before Eva and, at the same time, a tremendous vendetta begins against the violent male world.
The Journey
Bari, a city caught in the relentless economic crisis. Ivo is an agronomist, but the lack of opportunities pushes him to accept a job in the fertile region of Banat in Romania. Clara has just ended a relationship and is about to lose her job at the Bari harbor. Ivo and Clara meet by chance and seem to immediately understand each other. They spend only one night together before Ivo's departure, but that is enough to create a bond and wanting to meet again. When Clara visits him in Romania, they fall in love. But is exile their only way to happiness?
The Medicine Seller
Costume Design
A farmaceutical salesman is involved in the spiral of corruption in the medical assistance of the welfare state system.
The First Assignment
Nena, a girl from the south of Italy, has to travel far from home to get her first job as a teacher. She is sad, not because she has to leave her mother and sister, with whom everything is clear and sometimes difficult, but because she is having a serious love affair with someone from her village to whom she is very committed: a young upper-middle class man who seems to sincerely feel the same. They promise that nothing will change between them. It is only until June and then she can ask for a transfer. And so she leaves, a little sad and a little curious about what is in store for her. But what she finds is completely different from what she imagined.
The Purple Sea
Nothing - not her father, not the church - can stop unruly Angela from being with her childhood best friend turned great love, Sara. Based on a true story, Viola di Mare, presents a uniquely engaging portrait of family, community and gender roles in a 19th century Italian village.
アマルフィ 女神の報酬
Costume Design
クリスマス目前のローマ。亡き夫との思い出が詰まった街で、矢上紗江子(天海祐希)は最愛の娘の失踪(しっそう)するという最悪の事態に見舞われてしまう。身代金目的の誘拐か、それともテロか……? 犯人グループが警察の包囲網をかく乱し、捜査が一向に進展しない中、事件の真相に迫る外交官・黒田(織田裕二)は、ある事実に行き当たる。
Il prossimo tuo
Costume Design
Rome, Paris and Helsinki right after the Madrid bombings. Three stories about people who, for different reasons, are afraid of others – the eponymous "thy neighbor." A humanity full of differences, but at the same time, with very similar feelings. So similar that their stories appear almost parallel and complementary.
L'amore non basta
The Shadow Within
Little Maurice Dumont lives with his mother in a village in the mountains. His twin brother Jacques died at birth. But Maurice told that he could speak with Jacques. The doctor, Dr. Prevost and her husband, who teaches at the local school, are of the opinion that his mother's strict upbringing is not good for Maurice. One day, they discover strange injuries on him. At the same time some women of the village plan to use Maurice's ability to communicate with the dead to contact their dead relatives. But this is not a good idea ...
Fame chimica
The Island
Costume Design
A coming of age story of boy Turi and his younger sister Teresa on an island off the coast of Sicily.