Alina Duta


Set Costumer
Set Costumer
伝説の勇者マサイアスは、王暗殺の汚名を着せられ、たくらんだ悪の王位継承者に追われる身 に。そんな時ミステリアスな女性と出会い、彼女と一緒に世界征服ができるほどの力を持つ秘 宝を探すことに。そして、敵も秘宝とそのパワーを手に入れようとしていた。立ちはだかる強 大な敵に、マサイアスはひとり立ち向かうのであった。
A Good Man
Set Costumer
After an illustrious special ops career ends in disaster, Alexander goes off the grid and attempts to lead a quiet life as a handyman at an apartment complex. But when one of his tenants and her family fall under the thumb of a Russian gangster, Alexander is dragged into an all-out war between rival Chinese and Russian gangs; forcing him to not only defend the family, but bringing him face to face with an old foe, and giving him one more chance to reconcile his past.