Associate Producer
A young woman attempts to deal with the death of her boyfriend while continuously confronted by his mentally unstable mother.
Costume Design
Nine filmmakers each profile a young girl from a different part of the world to weave a global tapestry of youth in the 21st century.
Costume Design
Who Do You Love is the life story of legendary record producer Leonard Chess, founder of Chess Records in Chicago, IL, the label that helped popularize blues music during the 1950s and ’60s.
Costume Design
Seeking the excitement that was once part of their married lives, Bruce and Michael slip out one night to a gentleman's club. When their wives, Dana and Brit, discover this boys-night-out activity, the husbands are booted from their homes. In the men's ensuing efforts to get back into their wives' good graces, their previously unspoken views about marriage and women begin to surface to disturbing effect for their wives.
Costume Design
As the closest-guarded secrets of a troubled family gradually begin to emerge from the shadows, a desperate mother struggles to bring the ones she loves together in this family drama starring Kate Nelligan and Ron Silver.
Costume Design
Sybil, a housewife with breast cancer has to be subjected to a mastectomy after which will silicone implants. Another woman, Kathleen also uses a breast implant for cosmetic reasons. Sybil start having problems with implants and the surgeon advised other intervention. By knowing that the same thing happens Kathlen, begins investigating similar cases.
Costume Design
A young half-Navajo convict dying of cancer forces a yuppie doctor to drive him to a magic healing lake.
Costume Supervisor
サンフランシスコのとある街、失業した俳優、ダニエル・ヒラードは、3人の子どもが自分の全てというほどの、子煩悩な父親。しかし収入のない夫に代わって一家の家計を担っているやり手デザイナーの妻ミランダは、自分が連日疲れきって帰宅しても家事に全く協力せず子供達との遊びにかまけている夫や、自分だけが仕事に家事にと追われている事に強いストレスを感じていた。 長男クリスの誕生日、ミランダの留守中に自宅でパーティを開き、大騒ぎを起こしたダニエルは、堪忍袋の緒が切れたミランダからとうとう離婚の意思を告げられる。生活能力のないダニエルは養育権を奪われ、週一度限られた時間にしか子どもたちに会えなくなった。やがてミランダが仕事の忙しさで家政婦を募集していることを知ったダニエルは一計を案じ、メイクアップアーティストの兄の手を借りて、イギリスの老婦人ミセス・ダウトファイアにすっかり変身する。持ち前の演技力と女装で見事にミランダを騙し、家政婦として最愛の子供たちのそばにいられることになるが、それは同時にこれまで家事全般を省みた事のないダニエルの、抱腹絶倒の奮闘記の幕開けであった。