Sabi Dorr

出生 : 1943-08-24, Haifa, Israel


When Edward, Peter, Lucy and Susan each follow their own path, they end up finding themselves at Willy's Chocolate factory. Walking through a wardrobe, they discover the world of Gnarnia, which is ruled by the White Bitch. Meeting up with characters such as Harry Potter and Captain Jack Swallows, the newly reunited family must team up with Aslo, a wise-but-horny lion to stop the white bitch's army.
Yossef Gutfreund
Mr.&Mrs. スミス
Bodyguard #3
Noriega: God's Favorite
The story of Panamanian dictator, Manuel Noriega.
シカゴ警察でトップの手腕を誇る人質交渉人ダニー・ローマン彼はある日、何物かの罠にはめられて、殺人罪と横領罪の濡れ衣を着せられてしまう。八方ふさがりの状況の中、彼に残された最後の手段それは警察ビルに人質をとって立てこもって時間を稼ぎ真犯人を突き止めることだった。 ダニーは、自分の交渉相手に、ほかの管轄区を担当する交渉人クリス・セイビアンを指名するが…。
Weihnachten mit Willy Wuff II - Eine Mama für Lieschen
Harry and Harriet
A bodyswitch comedy directed by Cyril Frankel.
The Little Drummer Girl
An American Actress with a penchant for lying is forceably recruited by Mosad, the Israeli intelligence agency to trap a Palestinian bomber, by pretending to be the girlfriend of his dead brother.
Inside the Third Reich
A dramatization of the life of Albert Speer, Hitler's young architect and onetime confidant, and his meteoric rise into the Nazi hierarchy. Based upon Speer's own monograph of the same title.
Das chinesische Wunder
Dr. Singh
The Fruit Is Ripe
In this sex comedy, a good-looking German girl goes on vacation in Greece, and a large number of people try to get her to go to bed with them. With a light, teasing manner, she turns all of them down, until at last she meets a boy she really likes.
The Spy Who Never Was
A diabolical tale of romance, murder, and mistaken identity as a treacherous terrorist organization hunts an enemy agent with the intention of killing him, but instead they set their sights on the wrong man. Left in the wake of their mistaken pursuit is a trail of broken lives and brutal murders.
In the Southwest of 1915 Carlos backs an intended uprising of the common countymen against his father Phillip, a despotic landowner who exploits the rural poors in his silver mines. But Carlos' indecision and his love for his young and beautiful stepmother leads into a failure.
Secret Life of a Schoolgirl Wife
The young, italian stud Franco comes to Munich to earn some money for his family in Italy. But soon he explores the womankind. And besides his affairs he finds a new friend, George, a sex film producer.