

Hantu Bukit Cina
"Hantu Bukit Cina" starts off with three teenagers; Jo, Luna and Sandra who have missed their bus that was supposed to take them to their cultural dance course. In order to make it to their destination, the trio hitch a ride with Kent and Zack who are on their way to go fishing. As the group takes off on their journey, their ride suddenly breaks down in what the locals call a creepy desolate area. It's not long after when mysterious happenings start to unravel amongst the group of friends.
The story begins with Cinta Manis estate was shocked by the news of the football match to be held jointly Estates Red Cobra has 20 years of not being contested. Farid and Shashi are two estate workers who were acquainted since birth. They both often hope that other estate workers to save the oppression on a daily basis by the clerk, Mr Pooniah estate. Not surprisingly, a pretty girl, Geetha so captivated by the heroism and truth Farid and Shashi's heart. Each resident estate to represent the estate to win the competition. Training sessions and team selection was conducted by the Subramaniam Geetha's father appointed as coach. Various styles of red and surplus Subramaniam had resolved to educate the young men.