Kevin O'Shea


The New Media Bible: The Gospel According to St. Luke
Gesmas Bad Thief on Cross
A dramatic presentation of the Bible from (New Media Bible), and producer John Heyman. spoken word-for-word from the King James Version by the narrator, as the actors speak in original Aramaic / Hebrew, this feature brings the characters of the New Testament and their world to life. The content follows Scripture entirely with no added commentary or embellishment. As you see the people, places, and events of The Bible come to life, you will gain new understanding and appreciation for Scripture.
The Keys of the Kingdom
Father Craig
A young priest, Father Chisholm is sent to China to establish a Catholic parish among the non-Christian Chinese. While his boyhood friend, also a priest, flourishes in his calling as a priest in a more Christian area of the world, Father Chisholm struggles. He encounters hostility, isolation, disease, poverty and a variety of set backs which humble him, but make him more determined than ever to succeed.
The Purple Heart
Sgt. Jan Skvoznik
This is the story of the crew of a downed bomber, captured after a run over Tokyo, early in the war. Relates the hardships the men endure while in captivity, and their final humiliation: being tried and convicted as war criminals.
Wing and a Prayer
Charles "Cookie" Cunningham
An aircraft carrier is sent on a decoy mission around the Pacific, with orders to avoid combat, thus lulling Japanese alertness before the battle of Midway.