Ken Choi Kwok-Ping


No Problem 2
One Of Ben's Thugs
Walk In
Bill's man
The "walk in" of the title refers to one person allowing another's soul to take possession of his body at the time of death.
All's Well, Ends Well '97
Smartie's Thug
Old Mr. Lo has three sons and the youngest one Lo Kung is his favorite. However, Kung does nothing but fool around all day long. Old Mr. Lo is very annoyed about this. The relationship between father and son is thus affected. So on Kung's birthday, his two brothers decide to play a joke on him. They trick him into believing he has won the lottery. Kung is so happy that he spends a tremendous amount of money. When he realizes he is in huge debt, he pretends to go insane and the whole family believes him.
The Blade
Bandit and Student
A young man adopted by a renowned swordsmith, discovers that his real father was killed by a powerful bandit called Lung. Leaving to seek revenge, he runs foul of a group of vicious desert scum, losing his right arm in the process. After being nursed back to health, he eventually learns to compensate for his loss and returns to confront the man who murdered his father.
Candlelight's Woman
Lam Hung is a loudmouth street hooker with a useless crippled gambling-addicted husband Ching and son Man. Hung's friend Fei is an nightclub hostess, and Fei's lesbian sister Mei/Mooi seems bent on total self destruction after her girlfriend May dumps her for a boy. Mei becomes mixed up with tabloid journalist Wah, who convinces her to allow him to photograph her as she jumps off a building. Hung receives a marriage proposal from regular client Wai, a police officer. Causing trouble for all of them is Saur, the local loan shark and crime boss. Ching is in debt to Saur, he runs the club where Fei works, and he brings in Mainland girls who undercut the local streetgirl's prices. Wah and Mei become sort-of lovers, and Wah does a story on the streetwalkers, in order to influence public opinion against Saur and his mainlanders.
The Saint of Gamblers
Lui is the tyrant of gamblers in Macau. He puts forward a masked Saint Of Gamblers to cover for him in the casino. Meanwhile, Uncle Sam has lost his livelihood since the real Saint Of Gamblers retired. So he sets out in search of the new Saint. He discovers God Bless You, who possesses extraordinary powers and takes him under his wing. God meets Ho, the Goddess Of Gamblers from Thailand, and learns that she has planned to kill Yuen and her younger brother, Lung. Lui, knowing that God is in love with Yuen, abducts her so that God will be too depressed to perform well in the competition. But then something unexpected turns up...
Fearless Match
Rookie PTU officers Fan and Fat manages to find themselves in a shootout with fugitives but ends up in a favorable light afterwards, earning promotions to CID officers.
スウォーズマン 女神伝説の章
中国は明の戦乱の世、豊臣秀吉の迫害を逃れた信長勢の残党が日月教を信仰する苗族と結託。 しかし、苗族に内乱が生じ、それに乗じ魔人=東方不敗が彼らを支配する。 一方、乱世に嫌気がさした剣の達人リンは姉弟子の鳥鴉嘴をつれ日月教本部を訪れるが、 既に教祖は投獄され、娘のインインらが恐怖におののいていた。 日月教を信仰する苗族支配していた魔人・東方不敗は、武術の秘伝書“葵花宝典”を狙っていた。 リンはそれを阻止するべく立ち上がる…
Dreaming the Reality
An expert assassin - trained since childhood to be the perfect killer - loses her memory during a mission in Thailand, and ends up in the care of a wry ex-policewoman and her boxing cohort. The equally lethal sister of the assassin pursues her, uncertain of her intentions and whether to kill her.
To Catch A Thief
Armed Security Guard
Developer Ms. Cheung (Carol 'Do Do' Cheng) yearns for a quieter life in Hong Kong and moves to the countryside, getting herself caught in a showdown between a gang of jewel thieves and two police officers along the way. While Ms. Cheung survives the ordeal, the thieves' injured getaway driver (Siu-Chun To) sneaks into Cheung's moving van and escapes to the countryside, into Cheung's new home. As Cheung settles down into her new environment, she befriends Pak-Lam (Pak Lam Cheng), a skillful and inquisitive little boy who lives in the village. While Pak-Lam helps Cheung tend to her house, he encounters the injured thief. After a brief exchange, Pak-Lam realizes the thief has a harmless and non-aggressive attitude and decides to shelter him in his secret makeshift hideout, not knowing his new friend has in his possession a bag of stolen jewels, in which both the police and the gangsters are searching for.
The Plot
A triad boss runs a family business, who deals in arms. He has a good relationship with his sister Amy, until she finds out that he killed their father.