Ako Mitchell

Ako Mitchell


Ako Mitchell


Lion vs The Little People
Alan Snowden
Lion vs The Little People is a documentary comedy about the greatest internet hoax of all time. In 2005, a hoax news post masquerading as a bonafide BBC news website article, announced a fight had taken place between a lion and an army of 42 fighting dwarfs. The hoax spread like wild fire across the internet before eventually being accepted to be fake. While the article’s veracity has been diminished, the myth lives on in this outrageous deadpan comedy.
何もかもが変わりつつある世界を元に戻すため、ストレンジはかつてアベンジャーズを脅かすほど強大な力を見せたスカーレット・ウィッチことワンダに助けを求める。 しかし、もはや彼らの力だけではどうすることもできない恐るべき脅威が人類、そして全宇宙に迫っていた。 さらに驚くべきことに、その宇宙最大の脅威はドクター・ストレンジと全く同じ姿をしていて…。
The Color Purple in Concert
Marsha Norman’s poetic and powerful script along with the magnificent songs by Brenda Russell, Allee Willis and Stephen Bray celebrate life, love and the strength to stand up for who you are and what you believe in. This unforgettable story set in racially divided Southern America is staged by the team behind Curve Leicester's 2019 production.
ジョニー・イングリッシュ アナログの逆襲
I'm in the Corner with the Bluebells
Amid the cheery chaos of a family gathering, Julie, happily married and a loving mother, meets her half-brother for the first time. Julie’s unexpected feelings towards him are surprisingly not altogether unwelcome — a predicament not lost on anyone present.
I'm in the Corner with the Bluebells
Amid the cheery chaos of a family gathering, Julie, happily married and a loving mother, meets her half-brother for the first time. Julie’s unexpected feelings towards him are surprisingly not altogether unwelcome — a predicament not lost on anyone present.
I'm in the Corner with the Bluebells
Amid the cheery chaos of a family gathering, Julie, happily married and a loving mother, meets her half-brother for the first time. Julie’s unexpected feelings towards him are surprisingly not altogether unwelcome — a predicament not lost on anyone present.
Ace Discovery
Washed up space adventurer and sidekick crash land on a planet of dicks.
Lake Placid: The Final Chapter
Black Lake is now a crocodile sanctuary, surrounded by an electric fence. When the fence is left open, a high-school bus unknowingly enters the park. It's up to Reba and the Sheriff to save the kids from becoming crocodile food.