Yatsuko Tan'ami

Yatsuko Tan'ami

出生 : 1924-06-25, Tokyo, Japan


Yatsuko Tan'ami


岩手県釜石市で、一之助の市民大学の講演会にかこつけ釣りを楽しんだ“釣りバカ”コンビ。運転免許のない伝助の替わりに、車の運転をした一之助が、市の役員に運転手と間違えられ、伝助を社長に仕立てる。伝助は鈴木建設社長として講演会でワルノリ・スピーチをしてしまう。 一方、釜石の旅館の仲居・澄子(久野綾希子)の優しさにふれた一之助。そのまま運転手と偽って、遠野に渓流釣りデートと洒落込むが・・・
Hisae Suzuki
念願かなって、めでたく懐妊したみち子さん。定期検診につきそい出産に立ち合う伝助は、例によって仕事は二の次。また、伝助と一之助の良き仲間である太田丸の船長・太田八郎(中本賢)は、しっかり者の妹・町子(佐野量子)と幸せな日々を過ごしている。 ところが、鈴木建設営業三課に勤める一之助の甥・和彦(尾美としのり)は、仕事よりも趣味に生きる自由人の伝助に憧れ、浜崎家に出入りするうちに、町子と交際を始める。しかし、それが面白くない八郎は和彦と大ゲンカ。理解のない兄貴に反発した町子と和彦は、ついに駆け落ちしてしまうが・・・
重役たちの無能さに、嫌気が差した一之助。ある日、前原運転手(笹野高史)に東京駅まで送らせて、ついに消息不明となる。心配した一之助の妻・久江(丹阿弥谷津子)が、伝助に捜索を依頼。魚心あれば釣り心。そこは釣りバカ。独自のアンテナを発揮して、太田八郎(中本賢)の運転する車で伝助が向かったのは、釣りのメッカ愛知県伊良湖岬。 そこで一之助は、ワケありの美人・間宮弥生(原田美枝子)と一緒に過ごしていることが伝助にバレてしまい、一悶着となるが・・・
釣りをこの上なく愛する浜崎伝助(西田敏行)は、鈴木建設四国支社高松営業所・営業課に勤務の釣りバカ社員。終(つい)の住処と女木島に一軒家を購入、釣り三昧の日々を過ごしていた。 ところが、本社人事部のコンピューターの入力ミスで、東京本社・営業部・営業三課に配属させられてしまう。やがて伝助と、鈴木建設創業者で社長の鈴木一之助(三國連太郎)が、ひょんな事から知り合い、釣りを通じての秘密の関係が始まる・・・
Comedy based on a book by Joji Abe, about a man in prison for the 12th time.
Hatsu Uemura
The life and travels of adventurer Naomi Uemura, who disappeared in Alaska in 1984. A member of the first Japanese expedition to reach the summit of Mt Everest in 1970, Uemura also accomplished several "firsts". He was the first man to reach the North Pole solo, climb Denali solo, and float down the Amazon river solo. In the film, Uemura returns to Tokyo after a stint in Siorapaluk in Northern Greenland. In Tokyo, he reconnects with an old friend and, over coffee, shares his life story - from his days as a college dropout to his successful expedition to the top of Everest.
Matsue Kano
Natsuko is witnessed carrying on an affair with her boss, Misawa, by the unmarried Chieko. However, Chieko dies by falling and is found about ten days later in the shrubbery in front of the company. It is revealed that Chieko led a flashy private life and frequented a host club. Moreover, it seems that she was having an affair with Division Chief Yamazaki.
A death occurs during a mountain-climbing expedition.
Outside of a small village in Japan, a mysterious pond is inhabited by mythic creatures. Their story is of revenge, tragedy, and the power of real love. A classical tale which translates wonderfully to film.
Mochizuki Chiyome
Fifth film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
Lone Wolf Isazo
Isazo is a traveling gambler and living legend in the world of yakuza, known for his swordsmanship and bravery, his impeccable manners, and his brilliant talent in gambling. One late fall at an inn in Kiso Fukushima, Isazo befriends a young boy whose mother turns out to be his old love Yoshino, with whom he was not unable to consummate a marriage due to the class differences between them.
Mitsuyo Shinjo
The love story of an aspiring architect and a charcoal-making daughter, who discover that they are actually brother and sister.
Amadera maruhi monogatari
Pinku from 1968.
The disturbing story of a physician who conducted the first operation with general anaesthetic, and the women in his life who are both so determined to win his love that they volunteer as subjects for his experiments
なにはなくとも 全員集合!!
Masako Shirasaka
A new stationmaster is appointed to a dilapidated local line. On top of the failing local line feuding for hot spring customers with a bus company looking to start a new route, they even get involved in a disappearance and a murder...
Japanese "kayo" film centered around the song "Namida ni naritai" by Teruhiko Saigo.
Adaptation of novel.
With her family suffering from extreme poverty, Yuko, as the eldest daughter, is sold to a successful brothel in Kyoto. There she is assigned to serve Takamatsu, one of the brothel’s top customers. But while Takamatsu falls madly in love with Yuko, she finds herself attracted to a young priest named Kunugida. Torn by jealousy, Takamatsu hatches an evil plan to tear them apart.
Mitsuko, Koichi's wife
Akiko lives with her brother Toshio in suburban Tokyo working in different companies. One day, Toshio loses 500,000 yen which he was holding for his section chief, and as he is unable to return the money, tries to kill himself. Akiko determines to obtain the money by selling her chastity and soon becomes the mistress of Hasegawa, for 500,000 yen. Hasegawa gives her the money but does not make advances. Before she became Hasegawa's mistress Akiko was in love with Wake, who works in the same Company. Gradually Akiko begins to develop a liking for Hasegawa and in turn, her love for Wake gradually weakens...
Utsugi, a seventy-seven-year-old man of refined tastes who is recovering from a stroke, discovers that, while his body is decaying, his libido still rages on -- unwittingly sparked by the gentle, kindly attentions of his daughter-in-law Satsuko, a chic, flashy dancer with a shady past. Pitiful and ridiculous as he is, Utsugi is without a trace of self-pity, and his diary shines with self-effacing good humor.
Based on the original novel by Tokuda Shusei, adapted by frequent Masumura scribe (and renowned director in his own right) Kaneto Shindo, this downbeat melodrama features a battle of women for the affections and commitment of the same man, a handsome car salesman. Masuko (Ayako Wakao) is the number one hostess at a cabaret, living with her lover, ... but finds out that he has a wife. When Masuko’s niece arrives the competition further ratchets up. (Also occasionally known in English as “Inflamation”)
Drama about the lives of the five daughters and daughter-in-law of a store owner.
In "The Other Woman" the children of a distinguished professor find that the woman they have come to regard as their racy and slightly disreputable Ginza aunt is really their mother.
Tatsuya Nakadai plays a scheming low-level executive who plays labor against management and uses anyone he can to further his career in this moral drama. When things get too hot, he bails and goes to work for a prominent politician (Koreya Senda). Soon he has impregnated the daughter (Yoko Tsukasa) of his boss, but he figures marriage will solve his current problems. His happiness is short-lived when he is stalked by a union radical he once double-crossed who now seeks vengeance.
「通夜の客」より わが愛
Heinosuke Gosho movie
Tamiko Okudaira
When a wealthy, selfish family decides to take care of an elderly hobo who collapsed near their home, they are beset by visits from his numerous friends.
Story of a romance between a middle-aged journalist and a young woman.
Momoko Mihara
Flower Master
A woman marries, gives birth to a stillborn child, and divorces, falls in love with a hotel-keeper, only to find herself subordinated to his drive for success, takes up with a tailor who cannot console himself with her strong personality.
Directed by Yoshiro Kawazu
This period film is inspired by one of the most notorious scandals to have taken place in Edo-period Japan. The heroine, Ejima, was a lady of the Ooku, the harem of Edo Castle in which the Shogun’s mother, wife and concubines resided, forbidden from contact with any other man except in the presence of the Shogun. The institution played a key role in the Byzantine world of Japanese court politics during the Edo era. In 1714, Lady Ejima was sent to pay her respects at a Buddhist temple in the city, and chose to pay an unauthorised visit to the kabuki theatre – a violation of protocol that was to have tragic consequences.
成瀬巳喜男監督が川端康成の同名小説を映画化した原節子の代表作の一つ。鎌倉を舞台に、老境に入った男が、同居する若く美しい息子の嫁に抱く複雑な心模様を丁寧に描く。 鎌倉で息子夫婦と暮らす尾形信吾は、老いを感じ、寂しさを感じる日々を送っていた。息子・修一の浮気に耐える嫁の菊子を不びんに思う信吾は、いつしか菊子にひかれるようになるが、やがて菊子の妊娠がわかり…。
Three short tales from stories by Ichiyo Higuchi. In one, a young woman is degraded by her family after an arranged marriage. Another deals with the troubles heaped upon a young servant by her family and the wealthy people who employ her. The final story tells of a prostitute and her hopes of finding a new, respectable life.
Miss Matsushita
Film directed by Saeki Kozo with Wakao Ayako.
Fusako Sagara
Ten years into a marriage, the wife is disappointed by the husband's lack of financial success, meaning she has to work and can't treat herself and the husband finds the wife slovenly and mean-spirited: she neither cooks not cleans particularly well and is generally disagreeable. In turn, he alternately ignores her and treats her as a servant. Neither is particularly happy, not helped by their unsatisfactory lodgers. The husband is easily seduced by an ex-colleague, a widow with a small child who needs some security, and considers leaving his wife.
Bar Hostess
Buntaro, the president of a food trading company got tired of the day-to-day routine of life. The new secretary, Nobuko, suggested her "shacho-san" (the president) run away from the job. Nobuko took Buntaro to her home and introduced him to her own family as friend, "Sachio-san"...
Directorial debut by Umetsugu Inoue, the famous director of Musicals
Ebihara is a budding novelist entangled in a complicated web of relationships with three women from three different generations: Kazue, a coquettish teenage war orphan who tries to offer herself for money but is instead taken in by Ebihara, Koyabu, a middle-aged woman who has spent much of her life as the kept woman of a wealthy man, and Teruko, the modest daughter of Ebihara's former teacher who comes to rely on him after the death of her father.