Lawrence Makoare

Lawrence Makoare

出生 : 1968-03-20, Baston Point, Auckland, New Zealand


Lawrence Makoare


Garry the Alien
Two years into an intergalactic invasion of Earth, survivors in Sydney, Australia, fight back in a desperate ground war. As casualties mount by the day, the resistance and their unexpected allies, uncover a plot that could see the war come to a decisive end. With the Alien invaders hell-bent on making earth their new home, the race is on to save mankind.
The Dead Lands
The Warrior
Hongi, a Maori chieftain’s teenage son, must avenge his father’s murder in order to bring peace and honour to the souls of his loved ones after his tribe is slaughtered through an act of treachery. Vastly outnumbered by a band of villains led by Wirepa, Hongi’s only hope is to pass through the feared and forbidden “Dead Lands” and forge an uneasy alliance with a mysterious warrior, a ruthless fighter who has ruled the area for years.
ホビット 竜に奪われた王国
The Ferryman
Out on a dead calm ocean, in a thick fog, a group of tourists on a pleasure craft are about to cross paths with an ancient and terrible evil. Sharing the same ocean, a sick, dying old Greek man drifts alone on a stricken yacht. The Greek (John Rhys-Davies) has been cheating death for countless years. Trading broken bodies for new ones over centuries. With him he carries a deadly weapon that allows him to do this. This weapon, the Shifting Blade, gives its possessor an awesome power. But now is the time of reckoning. The Ferryman, the ancient conveyor of death and the path to the afterlife is close and he wants the Greek. There is a payment to be made.
The Making of The Fellowship of the Ring
A behind the scenes documentary from the making of the "Fellowship of the Ring"
Witchking / Gothmog
昼なお暗いモルドールの山。フロドが眠る隣でゴラムは、彼の“愛しいしと”たる指輪を初めて手に入れたときのことを思い出していた。彼はホビットの支族ストゥア族で スメアゴルと呼ばれていた。ある日、いっしょに川で魚を釣っていたデアゴルが川に落ちてたまたま指輪を拾う。スメアゴルはその指輪を見た瞬間に指輪に魅せられ、それを奪おうとしてデアゴルを殺してしまった。そのために村を追放された彼は、指輪だけを友に長い年月を過ごすうちに指輪の魔力に蝕まれ、徐々に心身ともに変貌し現在の姿になったのだ。眠りから目覚めたサムはゴラムの邪心を疑うが、フロドはそんなサムをいさめる。
Mr. Kil
ボンドは北朝鮮側の非武装地帯にある基地で、アフリカから不正輸出されたダイヤモンドと引き換えに武器の密輸を行なっていたムーン大佐抹殺の任務を遂行した直後、彼の父であるムーン将軍に捕らわれ、長きに渡る監禁・拷問を受ける。 14ヶ月後、中華人民共和国の諜報員3名を殺害したのち、逮捕されたムーン大佐の側近のザオとの捕虜交換が行われ、ようやくMのもとに戻れたボンドは思いがけない言葉を耳にする。それは00(ダブルオー)ナンバーの剥奪だった。1週間前に北朝鮮内部に潜り込んでいたアメリカの工作員が処刑され、ボンドが居た収容所から情報が発信された事から、北朝鮮での拷問でボンドが機密事項を洩らしたのが原因だと疑うアメリカはこれ以上の情報漏れを恐れザオとの交換でボンドを連れ戻したのだという。ボンドを疑うMは、ボンドの00ナンバー剥奪という決断に至ったのだ。 この結果に納得のいかないボンドは、自らのプライドと00ナンバーを取り戻すべく単身でMたちのもとから脱出。香港を拠点に活動する中国の諜報員ミスター・チャンの協力のもと、ザオがキューバに潜伏中との情報をつかみ、キューバに飛ぶ。そこでアメリカ国家安全保障局(NSA)の諜報員ジンクスと遭遇する。
Crooked Earth
Kahu Bastion
Will Bastion returns home from the army after an absence of 20 years to bury his father, the former chief of thee Maori tribe, Ngati Kaipuku. The eldest son, he is reluctant to inherit his fathers role, so it is taken more willingly by his younger brother, Kahu. Kahu is the leader of a band of drug dealers and trouble-makers who ride horses through the middle of town, wrecking peoples gardens. Under the guise of refusal of a land settlement, Kahu makes a large marijuana deal with some murdering city folk. Will must choose between loyalty for his brother and his father, Maori tradition, and contemporary financial issues.
The Price of Milk
New Zealand milk farmer Rob gives his lover Lucinda a ring. Trying to spark up her relationship with Rob, she takes her friend Drosophila's advice and starts to try and make Rob angry. But she tends to go too far. Admiring her ring while driving a lonely road, she has a run-in with an older woman that sets off a chain of events that begins with her quilt being stolen
What Becomes of the Broken Hearted?
Five years have passed and Jake has turned his back on his family. He's still up to his usual tricks in McClutchy's Bar, unaware, as he downs his latest opponent, that his eldest son, Nig, has died in a gang fight. The uncomfortable family reunion at Nig's funeral sparks a confrontation with second son, Sonny, and sets Jake and Sonny on a downward spiral.
Rapa Nui
Inter-tribal rivalry leads to a competition to erect a huge statue (moai) in record time before Make can take part in the race to retrieve the egg of a Sooty Tern. The reward for winning this race is to rule the island for one year.
Return of the king (Extended Edition)
Witchking / Gothmog
Lord of the rings (Extended Edition)
A small group of scientists are called in for a weekend of potentially historic research that spirals into a nightmare of fanaticism as we witness the lengths to which some people will go to defend their beliefs.