Stephen Myles Berger


Art Direction
12世紀。十字軍の遠征による国王の不在をいいことに、弟のジョン王子 と悪代官ロッティングハム は結託して悪政を敷いていた。神経症の王子は魔女ラトリーン に頼りきり。その魔女はロッティングハムにゾッコンだが、代官は王族の娘マリアン に恋している。マリアンは、いつか本当の恋人が現れると信じ、貞操帯を付けてその人を待ち続けていた。十字軍に参加した若き英国貴族、ロビン はイスラエルで捕虜となるが、ムーア人のアスニーズ の協力で脱走に成功。イングランドまで泳いで帰った彼は、盲目の従者ブリンキン、アスニーズの息子アチュー、大男のリトルジョン、ナイフの名手スカーレット らを連れて反乱ののろしを上げた。城中に乗り込んだロビンはマリアンとひと目で恋に落ちる。彼は圧政にあえぐ庶民を集めてゲリラ隊「メン・イン・タイツ」を組織し、特訓を開始した。一方、ロッティングハムはひそかに殺し屋の親分ドン・ジョヴァンニ を呼び、ロビンを暗殺する計画を練る。城内のアーチェリー大会に変装して忍び込んだロビンは、敵と大立ち回りを演じる。その時リチャード国王 が帰還し、王子と代官をいさめる。国内には平和が戻り、ロビンとマリアンも結ばれた。
Set Designer
Art Direction
Gino Felino is an NYPD detective from Brooklyn who knows everyone and everything in his neighborhood. Killing his partner was someone's big mistake... because he's now out for justice.
Art Direction
After her father's ship is carried off by a sudden storm, the spunky Pippi Longstocking is stranded with her horse, Alfonso,and her pet monkey, Mr. Neilson, and takes up residence in the old family home, which is thought by neighborhood children to be haunted. Soon, two children, Tommy and his sister Anika, venture into the house only to meet up with Pippi. The three soon become friends and get into various adventures together, including cleaning the floor with scrubbing shoes, dodging the "splunks", going down a waterfall in barrels, and helping Pippi with the problem of having to go to an orphanage. Older children will probably get the most out of this movie.
The Last Fling
Art Direction
A young woman decides to have one more romantic escapade before marrying her dull fiancé.
Sin of Innocence
Production Design
When two single parents remarry, their teenaged son and daughter begin developing an unexpected attraction to each other.
Art Direction
Molly is a high school track coach who knows just as much about football as anyone else on the planet. When a football coach's position becomes vacant, she applies for the job, despite snickers from fellow staff members and her former husband.
The Jericho Mile
Art Direction
A runner, serving a life sentence at Folsom Prison, works at becoming the world's fastest miler and wins a chance to compete for a spot on the Olympic team.
Pleasure Palace
Art Direction
Story of a professional gambler, connoisseur, gourmet and sportsman who sets out to help a Las Vegas hotel-casino owner from losing his controlling interest to a business syndicate but finds his reputation is on the line when he runs into a mystery lady who seems to operate on both sides of the law.
Swan Song
Art Direction
Sun Valley provides the backdrop to this story of a downhill ski racer who seeks to make a comeback after being branded a loser and the ski bunny who helps him regain his self-respect.
Art Direction
Norman... Is That You?
Art Direction
Ben and Beatrice Chambers discover that their son Norman is gay and so Ben is intent on setting him right.
The Missouri Breaks
Art Direction
When vigilante land baron David Braxton hangs one of the best friends of cattle rustler Tom Logan, Logan's gang decides to get even by purchasing a small farm next to Braxton's ranch. From there the rustlers begin stealing horses, using the farm as a front for their operation. Determined to stop the thefts at any cost, Braxton retains the services of eccentric sharpshooter Robert E. Lee Clayton, who begins ruthlessly taking down Logan's gang.
The Sunshine Boys
Assistant Art Director
Lewis and Clark, aka The Sunshine Boys, were famous comedians during the vaudeville era, but off-stage they couldn't stand each other and haven't spoken in over 20 years of retirement. Willy Clark's nephew is the producer of a TV variety show that wants to feature a reunion of this classic duo. It is up to him to try to get the Sunshine Boys back together again.
The War Between Men and Women
Set Designer
A sarcastic near-sighted cartoonist, averse to commitment, falls for a single mother of three — the only woman who can stand his strong anti-feminist opinions.