Samantha Bogach


オール・ザ・ウェイ JFKを継いだ男
Luci Johnson
リンドン・ジョンソンがJFK暗殺の直後に大統領に昇格してから、翌年の大統領選で当選するまでの347日を描いた実話ドラマ。 当時副大統領だったリンドン・ジョンソンが、JFK暗殺によりエアフォース・ワンで大統領就任宣誓を行ってから、翌年大統領選で当選するまでを描いた実話ドラマ。ブロードウェイで上演されトニー賞を受賞した舞台をスティーヴン・スピルバーグの製作総指揮で映画化。舞台でも主演し、トニー賞主演男優賞を受賞したブライアン・クランストンが、『トランボ ハリウッドで最も嫌われた男』のジェイ・ローチ監督と再タッグを組んだ。
Crazy Murder
A homeless man (Kevin Kenny) begins a killing spree on the streets of New York City. Completely deranged and barely aware of his own identity, he makes little attempt at concealing his actions. But in a city with 50,000 homeless citizens, our killer finds himself effortlessly camouflaged. Steel yourself for a non-stop onslaught of violence and disgusting imagery. Blending horror, drama, and dark comedy, Crazy Murder is a disaster film at its core - featuring a tornado of death, a tsunami of blood, and a volcano of feces.
Dead End
The Internet is haunted at Morningwood Road, they must appease the ghost before she makes a meme of them all.
Dead End
A captivating one hour about murder on the road. From hitchhiking horrors to hookers on the road, tragic truckers to mysterious serial killers, this flick utilizes forensic evidence and witness testimony to tell the tales of road wrong gone wrong.
Welcome to Harlem
Welcome to Harlem is an award winning musical comedy film written, directed, produced, drawn, choreographed and designed entirely by artists living in Harlem, NYC. Reminiscent of great musicals such as Rent & Avenue Q, WTH embodies the spirit and community of artists living on 151st Street. Using its unique sense of humor, the film keeps audiences on the edge of their seats and laughing for hours!