Mara Escalante

出生 : 1968-01-04, Mexico City, Mexico


Rodrigo and Gabriela have been dating for years, sometimes their relationship seems like best friends, but deep down, they love each other. Their daily lives are disrupted when their best friends, Luz and Jorge, ask them who would be allowed.
A Woman With No Filter
Paz, a kind woman, has allowed everyone around her to treat her as if she were worth nothing, keeping silent so as not to hurt feelings. Until one day, in her head, a phenomenon forces her to express what she feels.
Operation Golden Shell
How to Murder a Dead Husband
Carolina, married to Germán, decides to put an end to her husband's deceptions and after surprising him with her new lover, she decides to leave him but now Germán has taken her daughters away and everything she loves. Germán dies but he has kept a last surprise up his sleeve and even after death, will continue tormenting Carolina.
Don't Blame the Kid
After a one-night stand results in pregnancy, a young woman decides to become partners with the emotionally immature father-to-be.
El tamaño si importa
A typical next door mexican girl –away from the beauty standards-, will try to conquer her old boss, a very handsome and charismatic socialite, who is now broken and alone.
Sex, Shame & Tears
A comedic drama featuring two couples and two old friends in Mexico City. Tomas visits Carlos and Ana, while Miguel and Andrea are joined by Maria. The presence of guests triggers lust, rejection, infidelities, reconciliation and other consequences.
Katuwira, donde nacen y mueren los sueños
Sofia meets a stranger man who hacks the computer system where she works before she has an accident. After the accident, she is the only one that remember seeing this man, so she decides to search for him.
La Tripa Gorda
A poor man dons the mask of "El Gallo Negro", a once famous wrestler and gains powerful strength from the mask & tacos de tripas made with a special elixir.